
We are in an upward spiral of knowledge and abilities that is promoting the healthy growth and development of children; prosperity and safety for adults; as well as cooperative learning and problem-solving.

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Do you wish to empower an organic collaboration of individuals and organizations on projects that serve our community? 

Specifically, this means a broad development of trust in our deep connection and belonging to each other; awareness of our universal common need for security and stability; stimulation of imaginative vision of a better future; education about trauma; and social entrepreneurship that features cross-cultural collaborations. These are the building blocks for a culture of peace.

The collective tools for making the transition toward a culture of peace are mostly in place already via the internet, which fosters transparency and democracy of information and rapidly adapts to small changes, much like a murmuration of starlings, birds that unite into a swooping cloud.

The ECAN board is very hopeful that the proposal for "Stretching Our Actionable Reach" (SOAR) will become an organic murmuration of people helping people. We intend that it will be launched publicly in 2019, following beta testing and refinement of the application in collaboration with the volunteer team from CBT Nuggets.


It is always heart-warming to see a generous community response that exceeds the requested amount. It seems that extraordinary efforts attract even greater contributions (organically!). The Carry It Forward Emergency Fund has raised $840 of its $300 goal! If you wish to donate offline from Facebook, contact Arwen.

Occupy Medical (a 501c3 non-profit) is also accepting financial donations on Facebook. Checks can be sent to Occupy Medical PO Box 50354, Eugene, OR 97405. 


Worth Reading

"Diana Carson Chapman and Jim Dethmer define a leader in The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership as anyone who has influence. Guess what? We ALL have influence over the many spaces that we move through in our lives. This means that we are ALL leaders regardless of our reasons and considerations that may tell us otherwise. We are being called to become our own spiritual leader. We are being called to be someone who influences a new way of thinking and living! Let's keep getting back up as we do this together!" ~~ Lola Wright
"We have to transform the social, economic and political structures that inhibit our ability to act in kindness, and at the same time strengthen the links between these actions and our aspirations for greater social and economic justice." More: Does kindness matter?

“The Price on Everything Is Love”: How a Detroit Community Overcomes a Lack of City Services

Infographic: Cost of Ending Homelessness in U.S. Less than Yearly Christmas Decorations

Celebrating an Upstanding Citizen: Mona Bronson


Video Shorts

Sidewalk Confessions: We are meant to be in contact with each other.

Going beyond forgiveness to no blame.

The ECAN board
David Hazen, Chair
Kris McAlister, Director
Laurie Hauber, Director
ECAN's research and development of community empowerment requires patience, trust, courage and curiosity. Got some? We are encouraging new board members to join us once a month for 90 minutes, and to contribute some volunteer time for events and personal outreach. Contact David if you want to know more.
If you haven't already, please Subscribe to this Newsletter.

If you like what we're doing, please Donate to ECAN online or by mail.
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