Hello and welcome to the TCC Weekly – the Friday bulletin for people who know their Chewbacca Defence from their Dead Cat Strategy.
While it’s quiet over the summer we’re doing our Weekly on an ‘every other weekly’ basis – like the old days. So, your full TCC Weekly will be back next week, complete with every socio-politico’s favourite loft conversion, Charlie’s Attic.
In the off weeks like this one, however – for those who just can’t do without their Friday dose of psychographics – we’ll still send you a whistle-stop tour of the Values Lab. This week we look at the Values of those who might turn in a family member to the police.
David Evans
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The Values Lab is based on the Values Modes segmentation tool – created by Cultural Dynamics and used by TCC – which divides the population into ethics-driven Pioneers, aspirational Prospectors, and threat-wary Settlers. Take the test here to see which you are.
Recent YouGov research took a fascinating look at whether people would hand in their nearest and dearest. The findings are eye-opening. An assiduous 33% would hand in friends and family for shoplifting, but at the other end of the spectrum, an ultra-partisan 3% would protect them from being arrested for murder.
We don’t have a values heatmap for the exact question, but the statement we’ve tested below is based on a similar principle: the idea of universal justice, “even for people you don’t know.”

The findings show this is an overwhelmingly Pioneer sentiment. Socially conservative Prospectors, conversely, are most likely to prioritise those they know over those they don’t. This is interesting, as the YouGov findings showed that younger people (who are more likely to be Prospectors) are the least likely to hand in a close companion to the police. Settlers, meanwhile, are interestingly divided as a segment – torn, perhaps, between their respect for rules, on the one hand, and their mistrust institutions on the other.

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