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Shvi'i with Rashi

Moshe Rabbeinu is telling the Yidden about more mitzvos they will do in Eretz Yisroel, and reviews the Shalosh Regalim, the three Yomim Tovim where we come to the Beis Hamikdash!

If you have an animal, and it has a firstborn baby, you need to give the baby to the kohen! If the baby has no mum, the kohen will bring it as a korban and eat the meat. If there IS a mum, it can’t be a korban, but he can still have it for himself.

On Pesach, we bring a Korban Pesach! We only eat Matzah the whole Yom Tov long.

We count 7 weeks from the day we cut the Omer, and then it’s Shavuos! On Shavuos we come again to the Beis Hamikdash.

Sukkos we also come to the Beis Hamikdash, and are so happy to be close to Hashem!

When we come three times a year to the Beis Hamikdash, we should bring korbanos to Hashem according to the bracha Hashem gave to us. If Hashem bentched us with a lot, we should bring MANY korbanos!



145 - 150

Today we are finishing the entire Sefer Tehillim, kapitelach Kuf-Mem-Hey to Kuf-Nun!

The first kapitel of today’s Tehillim is very special! It starts with the words “Tehillah LeDovid,” which is the third posuk of Ashrei. We say Ashrei three times every day in davening! (Twice in Shacharis and once in Mincha.) Ashrei goes in the order of the Alef-Beis — one posuk for each letter (except for Nun).

The posuk that starts with Zayin is “Zecher Rav Tuvcha Yabiu.”

There is a long maamar of the Alter Rebbe in his “Siddur Im Dach” (Siddur with maamorim of Chassidus) that explains this posuk. (The Rebbe mentions this maamar in today’s Hayom Yom!)



Igeres Hakodesh Siman Tes

The Alter Rebbe tells us today how important the mitzvah of tzedakah is for us, especially now, before the Geulah!

In Eilu Devarim (at the end of morning Brachos) we talk about some of the mitzvos and the reward we get for them. The last thing it says is “VeSalmud Torah Keneged Kulam” — learning Torah is worth as much as ALL of them!

The Alter Rebbe says that this was only in the time of the Gemara. But nowadays, in order to bring Moshiach, TZEDAKAH is the most important!



Lamed Menachem Av

We start saying Ledovid Hashem Ori today in davening! It is the minhag of the Rebbeim to practice blowing the Shofar — just one time — during the day. (This year we don’t because it is Shabbos.) Tomorrow we will start blowing the shofar after davening.

We learned earlier in the Hayom Yom about how the Alter Rebbe’s maamorim started off as short pieces, called “verter,” and later became longer and longer until the Alter Rebbe was saying long maamorim.

The Mitteler Rebbe was the next generation of Chassidus after the Alter Rebbe — and the Chassidus was on a whole new level! The Mitteler Rebbe’s Chassidus is called “Rechovas Hanahar” — the wideness of the river. His maamorim took the inyonim that the Alter Rebbe first taught, and explained them very well, with lots of long mashalim.

Many of the Mitteler Rebbe’s maamorim are explaining the Alter Rebbe’s — but they are much longer! You can find maamorim in the Alter Rebbe’s “Torah Ohr” that are just a few pages long. When the Mitteler Rebbe wrote these maamorim, they were TENS of pages long!

Today the Rebbe tells us that even the Mitteler Rebbe’s maamorim didn’t start off so long in the beginning. It took time! In the beginning, the Mitteler Rebbe said short maamorim. For example, he chazered a maamar of the Alter Rebbe that is printed in the “Siddur Im Dach,” on the posukZecher Rav Tuvcha” (which is in today’s Tehillim). When he chazered it, it was in six parts, with some explanation, but only a little bit more than is printed in the siddur.

(If you look in the maamarim of the Mitteler Rebbe, you can see that in the first year he was Rebbe, there was a maamarZecher Rav Tuvcha,” which maybe is the maamar today’s Hayom Yom is speaking about!)

One of the things we can learn from this helps us in our avodah in Chodesh Elul. We can remember that we have a month to prepare, and we don’t have to do it all at once! It will take us time! At the beginning, our teshuvah might start out small, but it can get bigger and bigger and more and more until we are SURE we fixed up the past year and we’re ready for a Shana Tova Umesuka!

We also see this in the minhag of blowing the Shofar. We don’t start off right away tomorrow blowing the shofar perfectly, on the first day of Rosh Chodesh we practice. On the second day we will already be able to blow the shofar properly!



Mitzvas Lo Saasei #280, Asei #177, Lo Saasei #276, #274

In Sefer Hamitzvos, we are learning more mitzvos for a Beis Din to follow, to make sure they are judging fairly. Today we have four mitzvos:

1) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #280) A judge can’t judge unfairly against a widow or orphan. (Of course, it is asur to judge ANYONE unfairly, but it is an extra aveira if it is against a widow or orphan.)

2) (Mitzvas Asei #177) A judge needs to treat both people in a case fairly. He needs to be ready to listen to whatever they have to say, even if they want to talk for a long time.

This mitzvah, which we learn from the posukBetzedek Tishpot Amisecha” includes other things also. One of them is that if two people who are arguing agree to come to a Talmid Chochom and not a Beis Din, he has a mitzvah to judge them fairly. Another one is that if someone does something, we should try to understand it as something good — Dan Lekaf Zechus.

3) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #276) A judge isn’t allowed to be afraid of anyone! He isn’t allowed to be scared and think, “If I pasken against him, he will take revenge and ruin my field!”

4) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #274) A judge isn’t allowed to take a bribe or even a present from anyone who comes to Beis Din, EVEN if he thinks he will pasken the same way anyhow.



Hilchos Sanhedrin

In Perek Yud-Tes, we learn a long list of aveiros that a Beis Din gives Malkos (lashes) for. There are 207 aveiros where a Beis Din would need to give Malkos!

In Perek Chof, we learn about judging fairly. If no witnesses SAW the person doing the aveira, even if it’s obvious that he did it, we can’t punish him. And if someone was forced to do an aveira, he can’t get punished by the Beis Din either. But we shouldn’t have rachmonus on someone and not punish him if he deserves it!

Perek Chof-Alef has more halachos about being fair when we judge. One halacha is about what to do if two people come to Beis Din because they are arguing about something, and one of them is dressed in fancy clothes, and one is dressed in not nice ones. The Beis Din tells the people they need to either both wear not nice clothes, or both wear fancy clothes, because it’s hard to treat both people equally otherwise!

If someone comes to Beis Din who only speaks Portuguese, the judge isn’t allowed to get someone to come and translate what the person is saying. He needs to understand Portuguese himself! (But if he understands it, and doesn’t speak so well, he is allowed to get a person to translate the psak.)



Hilchos Shevuos - Perek Zayin

In this perek we learn about a Shevuas Hapikadon, a promise made in Beis Din that we don’t have something.



Elul — Chodesh Hacheshbon

Elul is the most important month of the whole year. Because during Elul, we think about what we did the whole year: We fix what needs to be fixed, we decide to do even more the things that were good. We have a whole month to do this, so when Rosh Hashana comes, Hashem will see that we are the way we should be and give us a good year!

The truth is, though, that this isn’t the only Cheshbon.

Every month, the day before Rosh Chodesh is called “Yom Kippur Katan,” when we make a cheshbon of what happened that whole month, so we’ll be ready for the new chayus of Hashem that comes with the new month!

Every week, before Shabbos (Thursday night), we make a Cheshbon to finish off the week and get ready for a new parsha in the Torah!

And every day, by Kriyas Shema She’Al Hamitah, we make a cheshbon of what happened that day, so we can finish off the Avodah of the day and get ready for the new Avodah of the next day!

Of course we don’t take SO much time during the year with the Cheshbon — we need to work on the Avodah! But in Elul we spend more time so we’ll be ready for a WHOLE NEW special chayus that will come in the new year!


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Hashem Melech

As we get ready to start the main part of Pesukei Dezimra, we say some pesukim and another kapitel of Tehillim.

We say the pesukim of Hashem Melech, how Hashem is the King of the world in the past, present, and future. When Moshiach comes, we will all be able to see the Malchus of Hashem in the world!

The Arizal teaches that this is a very special part of Tefillah, connected to the Ruchniyus’dike world of Atzilus. That’s why even if you are in the middle of a different part of davening, it’s the minhag to stand with the minyan when they are saying these lines.

We finish off by asking Hashem, in Hosheinu, to take us out of Golus.



Sofeik Brachos Lekokel

There is an important rule about brachos: “Sofeik Brachos Lehokel.” That means that if there is a sofeik, a doubt about a bracha, we are not strict to say another bracha.

What does that mean?

The halachos about brachos can sometimes be complicated. In halacha, sometimes it is not clear if a person needs to say a certain bracha or not. This is called a sofeik, a doubt. In these cases, the Chachomim say, “Sofeik Brachos Lehokel!” Since by saying a bracha that maybe we don’t need to say, we are possibly saying Hashem’s name for no reason, we DON’T say the bracha that we are not sure about.

But this is only where there is a sofeik in the halacha. It doesn’t mean when WE are not sure about a bracha! If we aren’t sure what bracha to make, we need to go learn the halachos or ask someone who did! Only where the Chachomim weren’t sure about a bracha do we follow this rule.

See Birchos Hanehenin, perek Alef, se’if Gimmel and Daled

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



A Geulah That Lasts FOREVER!

At the end of his sefer, the Navi Amos tells us some beautiful nevuos about the Geulah!

In the last posuk of the sefer Amos, the Navi tells us that when Moshiach comes, it will be a Geulah that lasts FOREVER. There will never be another Golus!

Hashem promises:

וּנְטַעְתִּים עַל אַדְמָתָם וְלֹא יִנָּתְשׁוּ עוֹד מֵעַל אַדְמָתָם אֲשֶׁר נָתַתִּי לָהֶם אָמַר ה׳ אֱלֹקֶיךָ

Unetatim Al Admasam — I will “plant” the Yidden like a tree which doesn’t move, on their land.

Velo Yinaseshu Od — And they won’t be uprooted anymore

Me’al Admasam Asher Nasati Lahem — From their land which I gave them (meaning that they won’t ever be sent into Golus again)!

Amar Hashem Elokecha — So says Hashem Your Aibershter!

See Amos perek Tes posuk Tes-Vov

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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