LP NEWSFLASH V7 Issue 6, August 11, 2018
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 NEWSFLASH, V7 Issue 6 August 11, 2018
Dear Lutz Preparatory Parents/Guardians,

On behalf of the entire staff at Lutz Preparatory School, we are happy to welcome you to the 2018-19 school year!  We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our students can achieve their highest potential.  We recognize that in order to be successful in school, our children need support from both the home and school.  We know a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education.  As partners, we share the responsibility for our students' success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities.  Your partnership with our instructional teaching enabled us to attain outstanding results on the end of the year 2017-18 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) testing.  Congratulation to our students, parents, and teachers for the exceptional learning outcomes measured by the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE)! 

Building momentum with our Leader in Me program  we will add the focus of parent involvement to the program.  We wrapped up last year by sending a group of  parents to a training that will enable them to co-host Successful Families Workshops throughout the school year with staff.  Strengthening our school culture and deepening shared leadership among administration, teachers, and students is a key to our continued success.

As we look forward to welcoming students into our building beginning Monday, August 13, 2018, we wanted to remind everyone of our drop off and pick up safety restrictions.  Focusing on student safety, students and staff are the only ones allowed in the building between 7:30-8:30 AM and then again at the end of the day 2:30-3:30 PM.  We restrict access to parents during those two time frames to maximize student safety, even for the first day of school.  Your children’s safety is extremely important to us.  Please make sure you review the Arrival and Dismissal Procedures below for maps and full details. 

Thank you for your support and partnership to keep all of our student safe and sound.  
Have a terrific weekend.  Go Bolts!


Bonnie Guertin, Director of Schools
Kim Smallwood, Assistant Principal Elementary School
Brian Bethune, Assistant Principal Middle School
Click This Button to View the 2018-19 Academic Calendar
Important Dates
8/12:  August Lunch Menu Ordering Deadline at Midnight

8/14:  K-8 Emergency Cards Due Back to Teacher with Parent Signature

8/20:  Instructional Materials Payment Deadline

8/23:  K-8 Open House (details coming soon)

8/29:  Early Release, Dismissal Begins at Noon

8/29:  Bolts of Blue Kickoff

8/30:  Pre-Prep Open House

8/30:  PTA General Assembly Meeting

8/30:  Board of Director Meeting

9/3:  Labor Day - No School

9/26:  Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon

9/27:  Board of Director Meeting

9/27:  Conference Night
Upcoming Week at a Glance
  • Monday, August 13:
    • First Day of School
      • 8:00 AM-3:00 PM
      • Doors to both buildings will open promptly at 7:30 AM for student arrival.
    • PTA Boo Hoo Breakfast 7:45-8:45 AM
      • Event will be held in the Pre-Prep cafeteria, please enter through the Pre-Prep front doors, staff will be available to guide you to the event.  Your driver's license is REQUIRED to check-in and receive a visitor's badge.
    • HOMEWORK FOR ALL K-8 Students
      • Emergency cards will be sent home with each student:
        • Parents must review all information on the emergency card for accuracy and sign the card.  Make any corrections/updates in blue ink.  It is EXTREMELY important that the information on this card is always accurate.  If your information changes during the school year please contact us at 
    • 2017-18 Florida State Assessment (FSA) Parent Reports will be sent home with students if you did not already pick them up.
  • Tuesday, August 14:
    • HOMEWORK DUE FOR ALL K-8 Students:  Emergency Cards reviewed for accuracy with parent signature are due back to homeroom teacher.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Arrival and dismissal the first week of school requires additional time as we familiarize students and parents with our routine, procedures, and car loops.  Please be patient with our staff and other drivers while driving on our campus.  We all agree that a safe opening of school is everyone’s top priority!

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Please review SECTION 300 – ARRIVAL, DISMISSAL, and TRANSPORTATION POLICIES of the Parent/Student Handbook (page 9-12) for full procedures on our arrival and dismissal routine.  Click HERE to visit the Campus Life\Handbook section of our website.

Arrival and Dismissal Maps
The maps outlining the routes for driving on our campus during arrival and dismissal are located on our website.  There will be staff located at key spots on our campus directing drivers of the routes to follow.  Click HERE to visit the Campus Life\Transportation section of our website.

QUESTIONS?:  If you still have questions after reviewing the maps and handbook, please contact the school at
Car Tag Distribution
If you were not able to attend the Meet and Greet to pick up your tag, a Car Tag Distribution Station will be set up on Monday, August 13th beginning at 7:35 AM in the courtyard by the flagpole outside the main building.  Click HERE to review the handout distributed with the tag.  
PTA Boo Hoo Breakfast
Please click HERE to RSVP so we know how many parents to expect.

Event will be held in the Pre-Prep cafeteria, please enter through the Pre-Prep front doors, staff will be available to guide you to the event.  Your driver's license is REQUIRED to check-in and receive a visitor's badge.
Before and After Care Registration
Lutz Prep-Prep and Lutz Preparatory School K-8 offer before and after care. Families must register their children prior to attending.  Each program has it's own enrollment form as well as it's own fee schedule.  

Extended Care is available on all school days:

  • 7:00 - 7:30 AM
  • 3:00 - 6:00 PM (12:00 - 6:00 PM on half days)

Please click HERE to visit our website for full details and complete the registration form.  Registration forms can be dropped off in the K-8 or preschool office or can be send electronically to  

Lunch Vendor:  Tastes of Tampa Bay, Catering Company
The deadline to order lunches for the entire month of August (8/13 through 8/31) will be Sunday, August 12, 2018, at midnight. 

Click HERE to visit the Campus Life\Lunch Information section of our website.
Instructional Materials Fee

Lutz Preparatory School uses a variety of resources as quality instructional materials to help drive student achievement. The Lutz Prep curriculum requires students to use hard textbooks as well as consumable materials. Some of these consumable materials include the school-wide planner, literacy resources, and workbooks.

Please review the instructional materials required for each grade level and the ordering process below. Thank you for partnering with us to cover some of these costs!  If you need financial assistance with this request please contact

Step 1: Order & Payment
The instructional materials fee for students in K – 5th grade is $40 and Middle School is $60. Payments accepted by:

  • Online Payment visit – School Store Tab using credit card or PayPal account- Avoid waiting in line!
  • Meet & Greet – August 10th 1:30-5:30: Payments accepted in the Gym
  • Front Office – August 13th – August 17th cash, check, or money orders will be accepted

Step 2: Receiving Materials 
Students/parents shall turn in a copy of their paid receipt (PayPal or LP issued) to the classroom teacher by the end of the school day August 20th. Students will receive their items upon receipt of payment.
For ordering or online payment questions, please contact the Business Manager:  
Lutz Preparatory policy In compliance with Hillsborough County School Board Policy 6152

Reporting Student Absences
Please review our Parent/Student Handbook Section 400.02 Report an Absence and Required Documentation.  Click HERE to visit the Campus Life\Handbook section of our website.

Every effort should be made to contact the school by 9:00 AM.  The preferred method notification is via email to:
  • Student’s Name
  • Student’s Grade
  • Homeroom Teacher
  • Reason for Absence
Middle School (6th-8th) Schedules 
Please be aware, in order to comply with FLDOE’s class size amendment, we will need to make adjustments to student schedules this week.  We will attempt to make the change as minimal as possible.  We do ask for your patience and understanding during this time.
Important Athletics Information
Detailed information on tryouts for Girls Volleyball and Boys Soccer along with participation in Co-Ed Cross Country will be sent out this week. These competitive teams are for 5th-8th grade students only.  Save the dates:
  • Girls Volleyball Tryouts
    • Monday, August 20
  • Boys Soccer Tryouts
    • Wednesday, August 22 and Thursday, August 23
  • Cross Country - No Tryouts
    • Practice begins Monday, August 27

Sports Physical Required!
Any student participating in our competitive (TCAL - Tampa Charter Athletic League) OR intramural sports programs will be required to have a completed copy of the FHSAA Sports Physical on file at school.  The form is valid 365 days from the date of the examination.  A link to the form is available under the Campus Life\Athletics section of our website.    

We encourage you to keep the original and submit a copy to our office.  Each school year an up-to-date copy needs to be submitted as we can not store previous year documents. 
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