A newsletter dedicated to helping women build thriving businesses.
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The more one does, the more one can do.

- Amelia Earhart
Good morning, all!

The Big Whisper started out as an idea that I wrote on a napkin six years. I scribbled “there is no media voice out there that talks to a woman like me.” I didn’t fully know what that meant to me at the time.

Four years after that moment I came up with the name The Big Whisper. I still did not know what The Big Whisper was when I arrived at that name, but the words moved me.

Then a series of conversations and on-going reflections led me to see what The Big Whisper was all along: the collective feeling, intuition, and voice that is both consciously and unconsciously guiding us to build a healthier world.

The Big Whisper started out small, an idea on a napkin. Then it became a newsletter that I started on July 1st this summer. And now this coming week we’ll be launching a crowdfunding campaign to raise money to grow it (more details on that this week!). In honor of the Big Whisper, in honor of growth, we’ve made today’s issue about starting small in order to build big.


PS. If you know a friend who you think may enjoy this e-mail, forward it along! <3

"I believe in myself way more than I ever thought I could. Building a business from the ground up is the loneliest experience, but also the most empowering."
We interviewed Brittany Carbone is the founder and CEO of TONIC, a wellness company that develops CBD based topicals and orals from organically grown, hemp-derived CBD.

Carbone shared why CBD is having a moment right now, the hardest part of building TONIC so far, her plans for growth, and her vision for empowering women-led cannabis businesses.
Read The Interview

This Week's Theme: Starting small to build big
+ Building big starts by rolling-up-your sleeves and trying a bunch of growth tactics to see what works. Check out this Instagram slideshow we created that features five comprehensive tactics that Jess Perez founder, of TycoonApp, focused on to reach her first 1,000 app downloads, as she talked about in her original full interview here.

+ Big growth is the result of small, incremental wins over time. Check out this read by Shine text for a quick reminder and affirmation to appreciate the small wins. They talk about how there are different types of change--incremental and disruptive--and how it's important to honor those "incremental cocooning" phases on your journey.

+ We talk about how having a strong mission and purpose are what’s needed to build a good business. And they are. That said, finding this thing called purpose can sometimes feel elusive and big to figure out. In this piece by The School of Life called How to Be 
Good Teacher [and video here] they pose a definition of teaching that we actually think can help with the purpose question. They define teaching as the act of getting an important idea from one mind to another. With this lens, thinking of yourself as a teacher, it can be a freeing and an alternative approach to figuring out your purpose. What idea(s) do you hope to get into the minds of others?

What Growth *Actually* Looks Like

A visual reminder here of what creating or growth *actually* looks like. Trust the process.
Updates, offerings and announcements from our growing community of Big Whisper(ers)


Get more @thebigwhisper inspiration on Instagram
Check out prior Big Whisper editions here:
The Big Whisper is: Progress over perfection
The Big Whisper is: Reenvisioning old systems
The Big Whisper is: Zebras versus unicorns
The Big Whisper is: An artistic process
The Big Whisper newsletter is powered by:

Project AG is a business strategy consultancy that partners with female-led businesses to help catalyze growth. 
Learn more here
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