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Welcome to issue #2 of Monday Motivation!


I'm not 100% sure how it has already been 3-weeks since I sent out the last Monday Motivation email to you all - this year really is flying by and at the risk of sounding like a cliche, how is it August already?

When I clicked send on that first issue, I did wonder if I was doing the right thing by rebranding the newsletter. Setting off in a different direction felt a little daunting and alien, but it also felt right. As though I had finally found the path I should have been following all along!

I wholeheartedly believed that I could make this a weekly occurrence, but right now life just doesn't give me that much time to sit down and pen (read: type) these little notes to you all. So for now I hope you will let me speak to direct on a bi-weekly basis instead. 

So without further ado, I give you your Monday Motivation...

Facing Your Fears...

Dear Fear,

For years you have been my foe, you have held me back from following my dreams, stopped me from speaking up and defending myself, from challenging the actions of others and even from demanding what is rightfully mine. You have made me glum for far too long and I want to tell you, you are no longer welcome in my life.

But it turns out that I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT TO if I put my mind to it. This time last year I agreed to go on a press trip to Wales, no big deal I hear you say, but it was and saying yes filled me with a fear I have never felt before. I was scared because it meant taking a 6+ hour journey I was unfamiliar with, to stay with people I had never met before and to do something that I truly had no confidence in doing; swimming.

That trip turned out to be one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had.

I face my fear head on - I enjoyed my journey along the North Wales coastline, I dined out with the most incredible group of ladies and I not only swam in the actual sea (a massive achievement for me), but in a lake too.


You see fear, in years to come I do not want to look back with NO REGRETS - instead I want to have a head full of fond memories. I want to capitalise on opportunities, make the most of every hand that life plays me and say yes more often.

Because you never know where yes will take you.

I no longer plan to live my life being ruled by fear, instead I simply plan to have no regrets ... I would rather regret saying yes, than saying no and never knowing what could have been.

I saw a post on Instagram this week that said "Fear is just a feeling. Fear Less. Be Fearless." so that is going to be the only fear in my life from now on fear, being fearless.

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As I have been MIA on the ol' blog front these past few weeks you can still catch up with my 'get your glow back' post and find out what makes me glow!

As the warm wether seems to be set to continue for a while yet, what not take a look at a few of my favourite Summer wardrobe essentials...

That's all for this week folks, make sure to forward this to a friend or two if you enjoyed it and if you have any #mondaymotivation to share hit reply and I'll be sure to feature it next week!!!

Until next week,

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