The Spirit of Surprise
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August 6, 2018
Dear Friends,
I'm preparing to attend The Living School symposium in New Mexico this week, along with five hundred other students from around the world. It’s very exciting to be part of this spiritual formation program in the contemplative and mystical tradition.
As I prepare for the gathering, I’ve been reflecting upon the moments in our lives in which we say, “Yes.” Moments when we let ourselves be surprised, like I did when I entered the Living School.  Little did I know that being in the Living School, and deepening my commitment to living a path of intimacy with Divine Love, was essential for my growth and my creative work.
In one of his homilies several years ago, Pope Francis said, “God is the God of surprises.” So, even if we don’t yet have words for what’s happening—we need to say “Yes!” When we turn in the direction of our desire—we invite surprise.
How many times have you found yourself following an intuition, a longing, a curiosity, even though you’re not sure why. And yet, you follow it anyway. By saying “Yes,” we allow ourselves to be open and vulnerable to life, just as it is. We choose to stay in the flow of life, and expand our capacity to embrace all that life presents.
Contemplative teacher and writer, James Finley, who is one of the wisdom teachers at The Living School, often says that all we can do is create the path of least resistance so that grace can touch us. Surprise is a grace. We can’t control what happens, or will it, we can only co-create it.
Upcoming Day of Prayer: Registration Open!
I’d like to invite you to join me in recognizing the moments of surprise and joy in your life by attending my upcoming Day of Prayer at Mercy Center: Filling Yourself with DelightThis day of prayer will be a time to delight in our relationship with the Divine, with Creation, with one another, and with ourselves through the creative arts.
Also, I’ve just published an expanded edition of my book: Comfort & Joy: Simple Ways to Care for Ourselves and Others. The new Edition inIt’s a perfect book to put on your nightstand, and read before going to sleep or as part of your morning prayer.
Let us be open to the surprises that God has in store us. Together, we are creating a life full of Spirit and Delight.

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