We’ve had a busy summer in Durham. This September Duke Urology Newsletter highlights achievements by our residents, fellows and faculty. We also said goodbye to our departing Chief Residents and welcome our new Intern class. Please welcome Jeff Gingrich, a returning DYSURIC, back to Durham as chief of Urology at the Durham VA Medical Center. Best wishing for a wonder Fall and stop by to see us if you will be in Durham for a football game.
All the best, Glenn
Jeff R. Gingrich, M.D. joins faculty as Chief of Urology at Durham VAMC
In April, Duke Urology welcomed Jeff Gingrich back to Duke as a Vice-Chief of Urology and Chief of Urology at the Durham Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center. He replaces Philip Walther MD PhD in that position which he held for 35 years followed by interim coverage by Cary Robertson MD.
Dr. Gingrich grew up in Bad Axe Michigan, attended Spring Arbor University and medical school at the University of Michigan. After a general surgery internship in Ann Arbor, he transferred to Duke in 1989 where he then spent 2 years in the lab with Phil Walther where he investigated chemotherapy combinations for treatment of human xenografts of urologic malignancies in nude mice. During that time, he met and married his wife Emily in 1990, who grew up in Forest City NC. After completing his Duke Urology residency in 1994, Dr. Gingrich spent a 3 year fellowship in urologic oncology as an American College of Surgeons and American Foundation of Urologic Diseases Scholar at Baylor College of Medicine under Peter Scardino where he helped develop the TRAMP animal model of prostate cancer.
His first faculty position was at UT Memphis followed by a move to University of Pittsburgh in 2003 where he was Chief of Urology at the Pittsburgh VA Hospital and an attending at Shadyside Hospital. His practice has been focused in bladder cancer and general urology, and he has been active in clinical trials and continues to collaborate with basic scientists in the areas of prostate and bladder cancer. He started a local chapter of BCAN for bladder cancer survivors in Pittsburgh and is active in Global Health and Education, primarily in Sierra Leone over the past several years.
“One of my main reasons for accepting this position at Duke is to step away from much of my current administrative responsibilities and redirect that effort to basic, translational and clinical research opportunities within the medical center,” says Gingrich. “My goals are to enroll patients in clinical trials both in the cancer center at Duke and to open clinical trials for veterans’ participation at the VA.”
Emily and Jeff Gingrich have 3 children, Andrea at UNC Wilmington, Chris at University of Louisville, and Andrew who starting high school
Third Annual Duke Multidisciplinary Benign Urology Research Day
The Duke Multidisciplinary K12 Urologic Research Career Development program is supported by the NIH to offer financial support to young researchers. Maryellen Kelly DNP of Duke Pediatric Urology is one of three currently supported investigators and conducting the first studies to determine an association between diabetes mellitus and bladder dysfunction in children and adolescents.
As part of this program, an all-day annual research day was held on May 11, 2018, and over 80 urologic scientists were in attendance. The day consisted of formal lectures, panel discussion, poster session, and a networking lunch. Invited speakers this year included Greg Tasian, a pediatric urologist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, speaking on kidney stone research and Sheela Sathyanarayana, a pediatrician at University of Washington, speaking on effects of environmental toxins on genital development.
L-R: Tanecia Mitchell PhD (panelist - Univ. of Alabama Birmingham), Jonathan Routh (Duke Faculty and the first K12 award recipient), Chuck Scales (Duke faculty), Greg Tasian (invited speaker and panelist), David Goldfarb (invited panelist, nephrologist at NYU), Evan Carlos (Duke Urology resident), Ashley Wietsma (Duke Urology resident), Cindy Amundsen (Duke urogynecologist and program director)
The following Duke Urology researchers were recognized for the quality of their work.
First Prize – Basic Science Oral Presentation – Duke medical student Nathan Hirshman working in Monty Hughes and Todd Purves’ lab. “Symptoms of diabetic bladder dysfunction may be explained by specific NLRP3-induced changes in bladder afferent nerves.”
First Prize – Clinical Oral Presentation – Duke medical student Leonid Aksenov mentored by Drs. Lipkin, Preminger, Routh, and Scales – “Analgesic Prescribing Patterns in Emergency Departments for Acute Symptomatic Urinary Stone Disease, 2006-2014”
First Prize – Clinical Poster Presentation – Duke medical student Zachary Dionise mentored by Jonathan Routh. –“Crowd-sourcing Parental Preference Assessments for Vesicoureteral Reflux: Multiprofile Case Best-Worst Scaling”
L-R: Friederike Jayes, DVM, PhD (KURe program coordinator), Zachary Dionise, Lionid Aksenov, Cindy Amundsen (Duke urogynecologist and program director)
Poster session: in foreground, Matt Fraser PhD and Monty Hughes (both of Duke Urology) and medical student Nathan Hirschman on right.
Michael J. Ferrandino MD, Associate Residency Program Director, recently assumed the role of urology clerkship director for medical students at Duke and those visiting from elsewhere.
Maryellen S. Kelly, DNP in Pediatric Urology received a NIH Loan Repayment Program award in August. This program was “established by Congress and designed to recruit and retain highly qualified health professional into biomedical or biobehavioral research careers” and pays up $35,000 annually towards the recipient’s educational debt. As noted above, Dr. Kelly’s research is currently funded by Duke K12 award.
Jonathan C. Routh MD, MPH is the Program Chair for the Society for Pediatric Urology Fall Congress this month and was recently elected President-Elect of the Society for Pediatric Urology Pediatric Urologic Oncology Working Group.
Chuck D. Scales, Jr. MD MSHS,received a secondary appointment as Associate Professor of Population Health Sciences at Duke. He was recently awarded a 3 year $1.3 million U01 grant from the NIH National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases as part of the Urinary Stone Disease Research Network’s PUSH (Prevention of Urinary Stones with Hydration) initiative along with Hussein Al-Khalidi PhD of the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics.
John S. Wiener, MD received a grant from the Josiah Charles Trent Memorial Foundation at Duke to conduct a symposium next year on sexual function in adults with spina bifida.
Brent Winship, MD, an endourology fellow, received an AUA Research Scholar Award from the Urology Care Foundation to study the interaction between urinary stones and the tip of laser fibers during lithotripsy. This project involves longtime collaborator Pei Zhong, PhD in the School of Engineering.
Wei Phin Tan, MD,a urologic oncology fellow, was awarded a NIH T32 Surgical Oncology training grant to help fund his research efforts under Tom Polascik, MD.
Jason Chandrapal MD was selected as a 2018-19 Feagin Scholar in the Feagin Leadership Program at Duke for trainees
Eugene Cone, MD, was named Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association (AUA) Representative to the Resident and Fellow Committee of the AUA and subsequently voted in as Chair Elect of the Resident and Fellow Committee of the AUA.
Ashley Wiestma Johnston, MD, has been awarded the Excellence in Research Award in the Education category for her project “Just a Nudge: Applying Behavioral Incentives to Engage Residents in Quality Improvement Education” to be presented at the American College of Surgeons Congress in Boston in October 2018.
Rui Jiang, MD, was selected as the Resident Representative to the Board of Directors meeting for the Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association in Phoenix, Arizona in March 2019.
Nathan Hirschman, was awarded the Best in Category Prize “Neurourology” for International Continence Society annual meeting in Philadelphia this month for his paper “Symptoms of diabetic bladder dysfunction may be explained by specific NLRP3-induced changes in bladder afferent nerves” from his third year research work in Dr. Purves and Hughes’ laboratory.
Medical students Zach Dionise, Nathan Hirschman, and Chloe Peters who all spent their third years doing research in the Division of Urology were inducted to the Duke chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society in August.
Kirsten Simmons was accepted into the Clinical Research Training Program for her research year with Dr. Routh to study vesicoureteral reflux. This program leads to a Master of Health Sciences in Clinical Research degree.
At Grand Rounds on August 28, Andrew J Armstrong MD (2nd from right) of Medical Oncology updated the Division on his latest research analyzing circulating tumor cells to optimize medical treatment of metastatic prostate cancer. Both he and Duke Cancer Institute member Steve Patierno, PhD. (second from left) received honorary memberships in DYSURIA for their integral contributions to our clinical, educational, and research missions.
July 10, 2018
The Morris Center for Urologic Research Lecture was given by Eila C. Skinner, Chair, Department of Urology at Stanford University. She was joined by Duke Urology lecturers Glenn Preminger, Dan George, and Drew Peterson, and CME Director Michael Ferrandino.
Captain Brent Nose, MD, of the U.S. Army is completing his internship at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and will be joining us as a second year resident in urology in July 2018.
Newly minted Doctors Campbell, Hobbs, and Kim will be joining Duke Urology as interns in July 2018.

November 6, 2018 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm , Searle Center
2018 John E. Dees, MD Lectureship
presented by:
Hadley M. Wood, MD
Associate Professor of Surgery
Trauma & Reconstructive Surgery
Glickman Urological Institute, Cleveland Clinic
Duke Faculty Lectures:
Richard A. Leder, MD
Michael E. Lipkin, MD
J. Todd Purves, MD, PhD
Grand Floridian Resort at Walt Disney World, Orlando FL March 28-31, 2019.