Dear <<First Name>>,

All of our hard work is paying off. The momentum, energy, and passion that has built up and around #TeamSykes is giving the entire state of Missouri pause. Our momentum is undeniable on the ground. The establishment is in for a rude awakening.
But none of this would have been made possible without the tireless efforts of those who have helped us from both near and far. Here in Missouri and all over the United States. We are building so quickly and with so much strength that we will be unstoppable when we transition into the general election tomorrow. 

Last night, we received a poll that had us leading the field. This is the first time that's happened. I suspect our numbers will be much larger in the end than that poll suggests when the votes are counted. 
The amount of heart and soul being poured into this campaign by all our supporters is testament to the spirit of the grassroots. The people still have the power. We still have final say. No matter what the establishment elites in Washington want for themselves. 

We are still the hardest working team in the country.

We are the most passionate and organic campaign this state has ever seen.

And as the support pours in, we find that the positions I have taken from day one are holding fast and building up a loyal following unlike any other.
This journey is only just beginning for us. The prayers, the fellowship, the friendships, and the experiences of this campaign have been utter blessings. And it looks like we're about to take on a bigger challenge after tonight as we face the Democrat machine determined to keep the liberal Claire McCaskill glued to her seat in the Swamp.

Thank you for helping us and standing with us on this grand experiment. It's only getting better.

We'll need your continued and vigilant support.


Courtland and Chanel

Sykes is America's boldest, most outspoken candidate on issues you care most about:
  • God and Family First
  • Pro-Strong Military
  • Pro-Wall
  • Pro-Gun
  • Pro-Law Enforcement
  • Pro-Lower Taxes
  • Pro-Energy
  • Pro-School Choice
  • Oppose-Radical Feminist Agenda 
  • Oppose-Globalism
  • Oppose-Green Lunacy
  • #1 Constitutional Conservative
  • America Number One
Courtland Sykes for Senate, All rights reserved.

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