News and inspiration from Interbeing Sangha of Kingston
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Interbeing Sangha of Kingston - Weekly Electronic Bulletin          Vol. 2, Issue #6 - August 9th, 2018

Interbeing Sangha
of Kingston

Weekly Meeting

Please join us for our next weekly gathering, taking place this Sunday, August 12th, for meditation and dharma sharing, 6:30pm at Unitarian Place (Kingston Unitarian Fellowship), 206 Concession Street. Marguerite Giles will be bell minding.

"Cultivate solidity. You are somebody; you are something. You are a positive factor for your family, for society, for the world. You have to recover yourself, to be yourself. You have to become solid again. You can practice solidity in everyday life. Every step, every breath you take should help you become more solid. When you have solidity, freedom is there too."

-- Thich Nhat Hanh, You Are Here: Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment

August 25th

Summer Day of Mindfulness

Interbeing Sangha and Kingston Sangha invite you to an outdoor mindfulness retreat on Saturday, August 25th at Bonniespring farm in rural Kingston. The day will include sitting and walking meditation, mindful movement, deep relaxation, dharma sharing, as well as mindful eating together. The day's program will be led by Sarah Martin & Hang Nhan of Kingston Sangha.
Participants are asked to bring a vegan dish to share for pot luck lunch. Car pool being organized at 9:15 am from Unitarian Place at 206 Concession Street for those who need transportation from the city. Please arrive at the farm by 9:45 am, as the program will begin at 10:00 am and conclude at 3:00 pm. 

We joyfully confirm that an optional Forest Therapy Walk through the woods of Bonniespring will also be led by sangha member (and CRCA Senior Conservation Educator) Stana Luxford-Oddie from 3:15 to 5:00.

Registration for the day is required in advance, so please visit our web page to register and indicate your preference to participate in the car pool, and in the Forest Therapy Walk. You will also find an itinerary for the day and a poster to download and share. We hope you will join us for a peaceful day with you on August 25th.
Taking Care of Emotions

"If something negative comes to the surface, such as your despair and anger, or the despair and anger of your spouse, you need the energy of mindfulness to embrace it. 'Breathing in, I know that anger is there in me. Breathing out, I care for my anger.'

This is like a mother hearing her baby cry out. She is in the kitchen, and she hears her baby wailing. She puts down whatever she has in her hands, goes into the baby's room, and picks it up in her arms. You can do exactly the same thing--embrace the pain that is coming to the surface. 'Breathing in, I know that you are there, my dear anger, my dear despair. I am there for you; I will take care of you.'"

-- Thich Nhat Hanh, You Are Here: Discovering the Magic of the Present Moment
Our sangha has two teams helping to share leadership and facilitation of our meetings. Our Bell Minders Team are mindful facilitators for our weekly gatherings, as well as retreats, taking beautiful care of our friends in the practice including the bell. Our Sangha Care Team facilitates sangha care meetings, plans retreats, minds our library and resources, and coordinates outreach. If you are interested in helping with either or both, contact for more information.
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