Welcome to the AOFYE Transitions August issue! AOFYE is committed to providing members avenues to get involved in the field, opportunities to connect with literature and research, and information on professional development events.
If you want to be further involved in AOFYE or have resources to share, please email us at acpaaofye@gmail.com.
Free Webinar: A New Approach to Assessing the Educational Benefits of Diversity: Illuminating Diverse Interactions through Geospatial Mapping Technology
Wednesday, September 19th @ 1:00 EDT
*Sponsored by ACPA Commission on Admissions, Orientation, & the First-Year Experience
Fostering diverse interactions, defined as opportunities to learn about diverse groups that have an appreciable impact on students’ educational experiences, continues to be a key outcome of campus initiatives. This webinar features on-going research that seeks to understand how students realize ‘the educational benefits of diversity’ through the use of an innovative multi-method research design. Specifically, the study tracks and analyzes the location, frequency, and meaning-making of the cross-difference interactions of students in transition, during their first semester on campus. Outcomes of the session include a discussion of the utility of being able to ‘visualize’ the campus climate for diverse interaction and practical interventions to address areas of concern. Presenter Information: The Mapping Diverse Interactions and Campus Climate project team is led by Dr. Demetri Morgan, Loyola University Chicago. Current or former graduate students, Rachel Fischer, Bree Hyde, Hilary Houlette, and Jessie Payne, manage different aspects of the project. More information about the project team can be found here.
Professional Development Opportunities
Each Transitions issue incorporates upcoming AOFYE- sponsored or related professional development opportunities relevant to the functional areas of Admissions, Orientation, and the First-Year Experience.
AOFYE Opportunities
Interested in getting involved in AOFYE?
Email acpaaofye@gmail.com for more information!
Each Transitions issue incorporates relevant articles related to issues in the functional areas of Admissions, Orientation, and the First-Year Experience.
Stay tuned for an upcoming survey inviting you to share your needs with your Commission for AOFYE. We heard from some of you at the convention but, we want to hear from all of you!