Superpowers, magnets, and Apples
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It's starting to warm up again in New Zealand. I've enjoyed not having frozen toes in the morning. Bring on spring.


  • Congratulations to Michael Drogalis and Lucas Bradstreet, on Distributed Masonry (Onyx) being acquired by Confluent. Pyrostore's infinite Kafka retention was a smart take on a hard problem.
  • Clojurists Together is funding cljdoc and Shadow CLJS for the next three months. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with.
  • Apple has a job open for a developer to build a new machine learning DSL in Clojure, with a focus on low-level JVM optimisation. It looks like a pretty unique job.
  • Magnet has published the Docker images they are using for MXNet machine learning with Clojure.
  • Eric Normand on the primary superpower of functional programmers

People are worried about Types. ?



  • Not Clojure specific (yet), but Elsa is a new Emacs static analyzer
  • CIDER has a new website
  • Moving to Figwheel Main. Clojurists Together sponsored some of this work, and I'm pleased to see people taking advantage of it.

Recent Developments.

  • Clojure has bumped it's ASM version
  • CLJS-1997 adds outward function type hint propagation. This patch should let function type hints flow further and require less manual hinting.
  • Stuart Halloway is going to be talking about how the Clojure community etiquette guidelines contribute to Clojure's stability and suitability.


  • ClojuTRE 2018 will be September 13-14th in Helsinki, Finland. Free for students, 50€ for others.
  • Heart of Clojure is a new conference coming next year on August 2-3rd 2019 by Arne Brasseur and Martin Klepsch.


  • "By now, you’re touring with Aerosmith and throwing Matisse paintings from hotel room windows, because when you order two Matisse paintings from room service and you get three, that equation is going to be balanced." - James Mickens, The Slow Winter

I'm Daniel Compton. I maintain public Maven repositories at Clojars, private ones at Deps, and help fund OSS Clojure projects (along with tons of generous members like JUXT, Metosin, and Status) at Clojurists Together. If you've enjoyed reading this, tell your friends to sign up at, or post a link in your company chatroom. If you've seen (or published) a blog post, library, or anything else Clojure/JVM related please reply to this to let me know about it.
Copyright © 2018 Daniel Compton, All rights reserved.

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