
Utah Beer News | August 2018

Back to School.

Hello and welcome to the Utah Beer News email update. As our social feeds fill with first-day-of-school photos, let's raise a collective glass to the parents who survived summer and to the teachers who secretly hoped it would never end.

Speaking of education, next week I'm scheduled to meet with Nicole Dicou, the new executive director of the Utah Brewers Guild. I chatted with her briefly at last weekend's Utah Beer Festival, and I'm excited to learn more about the organization and how it serves Utah's craft beer community.

That said, if you have beer-related questions you'd like me to ask Nicole, send them my way by Aug. 26 and I'll do my best to work them into the interview.  

As I write this, I'm hanging on to summer by drinking a Lime Pilsner from Uinta Brewing. How about you?


THANK YOU, as always, for subscribing. It's greatly appreciated. And welcome to the new subscribers! We've added quite a few since our last beer-fueled dispatch, so thank you for joining us!



Ale Yes!: 9th Annual Utah Beer Festival

Billed as the "largest beer event in Utah," the 9th Annual Utah Beer Festival featured more than 200 beers (and ciders) from 50+ breweries. Here's my take on the two-day extravaganza.
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Coming Soon: 2 Row Brewing Article and Podcast Episode

Utah Beer News sat down with Brian Coleman2 Row Brewing president and brewmaster. We talked about the Midvale brewery's inspiring origin story, its plans for expansion, and even how its super-cool bottle labels came about. Visit on Aug. 27 to read the full article.
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Beer Book: Barrel-Aged Stout and Selling Out

Craft beer enthusiasts and beer history buffs will find a lot to like about Josh Noel's Barrel-Aged Stout and Selling Out. As my review illustrates, it's more than simply the story of Goose Island's 2011 sale to Anheuser-Busch; it's also a fascinating look at the craft beer landscape since the sale.
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10 Beers for Your BBQ

Labor Day BBQs? We're here to help. Here's a list of 10 Utah Craft Beers Perfect for Your Next BBQ

David Baker makes his Utah Beer News debut with the must-read beer article of the summer. 

BONUS: Listen to Dave talk about perfect summer beers on the Utah Beer News Podcast.


Thank you to everyone who participated in last month's giveaway. Congrats to Quinn N. and John T. The lucky winners each received a logo item from their favorite Salt Lake City-area breweries (Bohemian for Quinn and Uinta for John). Keep reading to learn more about our next giveaway. 👇🏼


Each week, Utah Beer News shares its thoughts on a particularly tasty beer. Even more, the Tastings posts deliver a snapshot of the brewery behind the beer. We're slowly making our way through each Utah brewery. Who knows where we'll end up or what beer we'll try next!

Podcast: Utah Beer News but for Your Ears

The Utah Beer News podcast, which launched in July, provides another avenue for us to tell stories about the Utah beer community. We'd love for you to subscribe, take a listen, and let us know what you think!
Listen Now

Thank You! / Your Chance to Win!

I’m thrilled about the response Utah Beer News has received so far! Thank you again for subscribing and please let your beer-loving friends know about us (we're also on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter).
Each month I like to reward loyal readers with an exclusive giveaway. This time around, 2 Row Brewing donated logo merchandise for Utah Beer News to give to a couple subscribers!

Here's how to win:
  1. Subscribe to this newsletter (already done, obviously)
  2. Follow @UtahBeerNews AND @2RowBrewing on Instagram
  3. Send me an email by Aug. 28, 2018 letting me know you've completed steps 1 and 2 (and just to say hi)
Two (2) names will be randomly selected from eligible entries and will receive a 2 Row Brewing baseball cap and beer glass. I'll announce the lucky recipients on Utah Beer News social media in early September.

Thank you and good luck!
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