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An artist uses bright colors and string to make traditional art fresh. We spent a day with the Indianapolis abstract artist Katie Sahm and quickly found out that her life is just as bold as her work.
Pro Tip from Our Producer
"I hate being on camera." I hear that just about every week. If you are getting anxiety just thinking about it, stop and breathe. First of all, you need to know that being on camera is NOT natural. TV stars make it look easy because they have done it thousands of times. But for the average person, it is a struggle.

Secondly, be aware that it is the producer's job -- NOT yours -- to make you feel comfortable and look your best. I have seen far too many producers abandon their camera subject and expect them to look good on their own. No, never! I always take the time to make sure the person on camera feels comfortable. I will chat about unimportant topics to help them relax, or I'll pass along acting tricks to help them feel confident. By the end of the shoot, even the most nervous people are telling me how much they enjoyed it. And the video is always dynamite.

- Katie Rutter
Want to know more? Let's talk.
A Hoosier farm boy with a knack for innovation, Clessie Cummins would become the father of the American diesel truck engine. This modern rags-to-riches story was created for PBS by our talented friends at By the Glass Productions. We were thrilled to step in to help them with some videography and editing.
On and About Social Media

We had (too much?) fun creating a short promo video for one of our dynamite clients, Lambert Consulting. Andrew Lambert was hosting a SEO-geared talk for a Tennessee business organization, and the event completely sold out! We've had a great time working with Andrew and we highly recommend him for all of your business consulting/SEO/promotional/social media needs. Learn more at

Coming Soon to a Newsletter Near You...
We just had a great shoot at St. Benedict's Brew Works! Our producer Katie Rutter spent a day at this unique craft brewery that is on the grounds of a monastery (as in, where nuns live). We'll share that video with you soon, but until then, grab a cold one and read up on this unique business.
Things About Things
Odd facts about plants... just for fun.

Are you a resident of America’s Midwest frustrated with the lack of tropical fruits growing in your backyard? While an Ohioan, Hoosier or Wisconsinite will never experience the joys of bananas and mangoes growing right outside the kitchen window, there is an alternative. The Pawpaw tree (Asimina triloba) also known as Quaker’s Delight or Hillbilly Mango is America’s largest edible indigenous fruit. It grows mainly in the Midwest in fertile lowlands and hills.

The Pawpaw produces yellow-green fruit with a soft, fragrant, yellow flesh that tastes like a combination between a banana and a mango. The fruit ripens too quickly to be sold in stores. Even finding one in the wild is a rare treat, as they are quickly gobbled up by wildlife. A prudent Midwesterner, however, may be able to cultivate this tree in their backyard and become the envy of all the tropical states.

Scripture Inspiration
Stay grounded with verses that inspire. Here are the two Picture Scripture images that we will post on our Facebook page in the coming weeks.
Join Our Mission
At Thing in a Pot Productions, we believe that everyone has immense value. We are committed to helping others--large and small groups alike--communicate through the language of video. By doing so, we are helping even the "least of these" share their value with the world.

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