August 2018: A Look back at #OGPGeorgia
From anti-corruption to protecting civic space, the Fifth OGP Global Summit saw over 2,000 participants and more than 80 sessions focused on cross-cutting and emerging issues organized by over 94 partners around the world. Take a look at some of the key takeaways in this month's newsletter.

In this issue:

Leveraging OGP to advance open government issues
The Next Chapter: Announcing the OGP Asia Pacific Regional Meeting
Understanding what’s next for beneficial ownership: Time to walk the talk
Supporting reformers through the OGP Trust Fund
Engaging citizens with civil groups and governments
Preparing for the inevitable - Political transitions

Plus news from around the world of opengov, jobs, and more

Top 10 Takeaways from Tbilisi

By Nada Zohdy, Director, Open Gov Hub

With dozens of sessions during #OGPGeorgia, there were hundreds of lessons, ideas, and experiences open government champions shared to advance anti-corruption, transparency, civic participation, and other issues. Here are some of the highlights.


Announcing the OGP Asia Pacific Regional Meeting

By the OGP Support Unit

To continue strengthening #OpenGov efforts to ensure transformative commitments in anti-corruption, public services, and civic space, we are pleased to announce that registration and the call for ideas for sessions for the OGP Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting in Seoul, South Korea are now open! Read more in our latest blog here.

Keep up to date with the OGP Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting at!

Where do We Go from Here? Taking Stock of Beneficial Ownership Transparency

By Robin Hodess, Zosia Sztykowski, and Erica Westenberg

Government practitioners, civil society, and the private sector see beneficial ownership transparency as a means to advance government and corporate accountability. But how do we achieve it? The B Team, NRGI, and OpenOwnership tell us some of the lessons they took from #OGPGeorgia. Get started here.

OGP Multi Donor Trust Fund: Beyond Business as Usual in Supporting Open Government Reformers

By Abhinav Bahl and Munyema Hassan, OGP Support Unit

The OGP Trust Fund was designed to help reformers in OGP and World Bank participants design and implement open government reforms. At #OGPGeorgia, the winners of the first round of awards met to discuss the way forward. More here.


Gender equality is not just the right thing to do. It’s the smart thing to do. [...] OGP can’t tackle all these issues specifically but what it can tackle is inclusion, diversity, and voice across all levels of decision-making”.
Helen Clark
Former Prime Minister of New Zealand and Former UNDP Administrator
Fifth OGP Global Summit 

Helen Clark participated in the Feminist Open Government panel at #OGPGeorgia.

OGP Needs to Strengthen Citizen Engagement with Civil Groups and Governments

By Anna Romandash, European Youth Press

Civil society is crucial to strengthening open government initiatives. But how can OGP and partners better engage citizens? At #OGPGeorgia, civil society leaders discussed the current state of civic space and engagement and what we can do to enhance them. Read more here.

You only have a few weeks to send your proposal for sessions and speakers for the OGP Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting! We are accepting ideas through August 31. Get started here

By Failing to Prepare, You are Preparing to Fail: Managing Political Transition in OGP Countries

By Andreas Pavlou, Network Lead, Involve

This year, the world has seen important elections in countries around the globe or a number of new governments take office, making us wonder: can open government reforms survive incoming governments? In this blog, Andreas Pavlou recounts some experiences partners all over the world shared at #OGPGeorgia and the importance to prepare for the inevitable change of government.  


Jaimie Boyd
Director of Open Government, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat

What are open government and digital plans in Canada?

"In terms of open government, we have a number of priorities: inclusion, participation, and impact. Those are the three lenses that we would like to bring to Canadian leadership at the Open Government Partnership. When it comes to inclusion, it is about making sure that our reforms in open government benefit everybody including marginalized people. In terms of participation, we are trying to move along the spectrum as to invite citizens to use open data. In terms of impact, we want to make sure that when we reform and change the way of doing things, it does benefit people directly."

Read the full interview with Jaimie here.

Employment Opportunities

Senior Communications Officer 
The OGP Secretariat seeks a Senior Communications Officer to join the Communications Team. Working under the supervision of the Chief Communications and Campaigns Officer, the SCO will join a growing team launching impactful campaigns and exploring new storytelling mediums and methods.

Program Associate, Digital Content 
OGP is looking for a Digital Content Associate to manage social media accounts, producing and designing original content for social channels, the blog, newsletter and OGP storytelling platform.

Human Resources Officer
The OGP Secretariat is seeking a Human Resources Officer to join the Operations team. The ideal candidate will work closely with and reports to the CFOO. The Human Resources Officer is responsible for implementing day-to-day activities for the Open Government Partnership on a range of HR and administrative related activities.

Call for IRM National Researchers
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research at the national and local level in a variety of localities to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP Action Plans.


OGP is now accepting proposals for speakers, sessions and topics for the OGP Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting.

OGP’s Deputy CEO Joe Powell recently talked to Wake Up Sierra Leone about the country’s potential to implement open government reforms.

OGP launched its storytelling campaign featuring engaged citizens working to open up governments everywhere!

Want to learn more about OGP commitments on several OGP issues? Take a look at our latest fact sheets.

Have you checked out our Skeptic’s Guide to Open Government? Get started here!

Did you know Ecuador and Senegal have become our newest members?


OpenOwnerhip recounts some lessons on beneficial ownership during #OGPGeorgia.

Global Integrity hosted a session at #OGPGeorgia focused on the impact of #OpenGov. Here are some key takeaways.

The South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) was at #OGPGeorgia last month. Read more about some lessons they learned here.

EITI International Secretariat is looking for a new Legal Specialist. Learn more here.

Open Gov Hub is looking Community Catalysts for the fall. More here.

Global Integrity is looking for a Director of Operations & Finance and a Research Manager in Africa. More information here.

Serbia is one of the nine awardees of the OGP Multi-Donor Trust Fund. Learn more about their OGP experience.

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