Lutz Preparatory Weekly NEWSFLASH
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 NEWSFLASH, V7 Issue 7, August 17, 2018

Dear Lutz Preparatory Parents/Guardians,

I appreciate our parent support during the first week of school as you encourage your student(s) to do his/her best in their pursuit of academic excellence, good behavior, and leadership skills.  Our team looks forward to the continued partnership with our parents during the school year in the support of a high-quality education for our students.

I hope to see all of our K-5 families at our Open House on Thursday, August 23rd from 4:30-5:30 OR 5:30-6:30 PM.  Please see flyer below for detailed information.  

There is no greater priority than the safety and security of our children. At the end of the 2017-18 school year, the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, along with Hillsborough Public Schools and our local law enforcement partners, announced a unified school safety plan.  I know that parents have heard through school district announcements and on the local news that beginning this year every public school within Hillsborough County will have an armed presence on school grounds. The job of these highly trained individuals is to deter potential threats and immediately respond to emergency incidents.  I am thrilled to welcome Officer John Vito to Lutz Preparatory as our full time school security officer.  Officer Vito is a familiar face to many of our students as he served in the roll of our school resource officer over the last three years, splitting his time between five local schools.  Please welcome Officer Vito to our LP Team.

On behalf of the faculty, staff, and Board of Directors, I once again welcome you to the 2018-2019 school year.  Please feel free to contact our staff with any questions or concerns.  


Bonnie Guertin
Director, Lutz Preparatory School

Important Dates

8/29:  Early Release, Dismissal Begins at Noon

8/29:  Bolts of Blue Kickoff

8/30:  Pre-Prep Open House

8/30:  PTA General Assembly Meeting

8/30:  Board of Director Meeting

9/3:  Labor Day - No School

9/26:  Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon

9/27:  Board of Director Meeting

9/27:  Conference Night
Lutz Preparatory Board of Directors
Lutz Preparatory School, Inc. is operated by a board of directors made up of community members with diverse and strategic expertise.  Please click HERE for a full listing of our current board members and the assigned representative to facilitate parental involvement.  The meeting schedule and past meeting minutes of the board or directors are posted on the Governance tab of our school website.
Upcoming Week at a Glance
  • Monday, August 20:
    • Instructional Materials Fee Deadline
    • Girl's Volleyball Tryouts
  • Wednesday, August 22:
    • Boy's Soccer Tryouts
  • Thursday, August 23:
    • Boy's Soccer Tryouts
    • K-5 Open House
Instructional Materials Fee

Lutz Preparatory School uses a variety of resources as quality instructional materials to help drive student achievement. The Lutz Prep curriculum requires students to use hard textbooks as well as consumable materials. Some of these consumable materials include the school-wide planner, literacy resources, and workbooks.

Please review the instructional materials required for each grade level and the ordering process below. Thank you for partnering with us to cover some of these costs!  If you need financial assistance with this request please contact

Step 1: Order & Payment
The instructional materials fee for students in K – 5th grade is $40 and Middle School is $60. Payments accepted by:

  • Online Payment visit – School Store Tab using credit card or PayPal account- Avoid waiting in line!
  • Meet & Greet – August 10th 1:30-5:30: Payments accepted in the Gym
  • Front Office – August 13th – August 17th cash, check, or money orders will be accepted

Step 2: Receiving Materials 
Students/parents shall turn in a copy of their paid receipt (PayPal or LP issued) to the classroom teacher by the end of the school day August 20th. Students will receive their items upon receipt of payment.
For ordering or online payment questions, please contact the Business Manager:  
Lutz Preparatory policy In compliance with Hillsborough County School Board Policy 6152

Tampa Charter Athletic League Fall Tryouts for 5th-8th Grade Athletes
Please click HERE to view the full communication and links to sign up that was sent yesterday regarding fall tryouts for 5th-8th grade athletes.

Each student athlete must have the following THREE (3) STEPS COMPLETED BEFORE ATTENDING TRYOUTS (Volleyball or Soccer) OR FIRST PRACTICE (Cross Country).

  1. Parent must sign up student for tryouts (VB and Soccer) or practice (Cross Country)
  2. Student must have the Sports Liability Online Form completed.  One submission per school year per student covers ALL sports student will participate in.
  3. Student must have up to date FHSAA Sports Physical on file at the school office, these are valid 365 days from the date the doctor signs.  Files are not kept from year to year at LP so an up to date form needs to be submitted each school year.  May be turned in to front office or sent electronically to  Always keep a copy for your personal records.
2018-19 Transition Year for New Uniform Vendor
  1. Parents can ship directly to their house for a shipping fee (5% website processing fee still applies)
  2. Parent can ship to the school for NO SHIPPING FEE (5% website processing fee still applies)
    1. Estimated arrival at school:
      1. Orders from Monday - Friday will be processed every Monday, it may take up to 7 days from the processing day to be delivered to school.  Order will be sealed in individual bag and placed in homeroom teacher's mailbox for delivery to student.
  • PE sets are available 
  • Some polos in stock
  • Feel free to call ahead to see if they have your size in stock.  
Information for Future:  During the summer before the 2019-20 school year (exact date to be announced) Red's will be fully stocked with all uniform options required by Lutz Preparatory School for parents to walk in, try on, and pick up items for immediate purchase.  With 2018-19 being a transition year they do not have the full range of Lutz Prep items available for walk in purchase at the store.
Sizing Stations for New Vendor:
Red's uniform sizing stations will be located at:
  1. Lutz Preparatory School main lobby (PE sets and new spirit shirt sizing coming soon)
  2. Red's store location at 4542 Eagle Falls Pl, Tampa, FL 33619
Lutz Preparatory School Store for Red's:
Red’s Team Sports:

Important Note for Middle School Families:  
The school has a back stock of PE Uniforms but not all sizes, please have your student bring in payment and check with the coach at the beginning of their PE class to purchase.  Cash is preferred ($12 shorts, $8 shirts) in the event they do not have a full set in your size.  

Our PE Coaches are aware of the backlog of orders for PE sets, please have your student follow guidelines given by coaches until uniforms are purchased.  There will be a grace period where student still needs to dress out and participate (but may not have received uniform order yet).  Plain sports shorts (fingertip length) and solid colored shirt may be worn during grace period.    
Lutz Preparatory School K-8 students are REQUIRED to wear uniforms to school each day. Please see the 2018-19 Lutz Preparatory School Parent/Student Handbook located on our LP website for the full uniform policy and details about Spirit Day privileges.  

Reminder:  Red’s Team Sports offers a variety of clothing beyond polo shirts to include accessories and cold weather wear.  Please note, the only required purchase from Red’s is the uniform polo shirt beginning with the 2019-20 school year.
Visual Guide to Uniform Requirements:

Click HERE to view the 2018-19 Visual Uniform Guide for details on uniform requirements.
Please note IMPORTANT CHANGES to LP Uniform Policy in the Next Two School Years:
  • 2019-20 School Year - FUTURE Required New Vendor
    In the 2019-20 school year all uniform POLOS must be purchased from Red’s Team Sports.  No previous year polos may be worn.  All uniform bottoms, jackets, sweaters, accessories, etc. may be purchased at ANY store and must follow uniform guidelines. Beginning the summer of 2019-20 Red's For all required items you may purchase 
  • 2018-19 School Year - TRANSITION YEAR with Optional New Vendor Purchase
    The 2018-19 school year will be a transition year where students may continue to wear the polo shirts they have worn in previous years along with any newly purchased polo shirts from Red's Team SportsAll uniform bottoms, jackets, sweaters, accessories, etc. may be purchased at ANY store and must follow uniform guidelines. 
2018-19 School Year HCPS Required Volunteer Application
Please note: Per Florida State law, school volunteers must be background checked each year. Our year starts July 1 and runs through June 30. All volunteers and community partners must complete or reactivate the online HCPS Volunteer Application each school year.  Anyone who submits a volunteer application beginning July 1 will remain active in our system through June 30 or end of the fiscal year. A new application is available on July 1, the start of a new school year. 

Applicants can REACTIVE/UPDATE your prior volunteer application or apply for the first time.  All volunteers must be approved through this HCPS processes prior to volunteering on our campus or on field trips at Lutz Preparatory School.  Click HERE to apply or update your past application.  

PTA Updates
PTA General Assembly Meeting

Save the Date:  Thursday, August 30, 2018, location and times to be determined.

PTA Membership Drive
Our membership drive is still going on, see our website for a membership application.  Together we can make a difference!

Thank you PTA! 
Thank you to our wonderful PTA for hosting the 2018-19 Boo Hoo Breakfast to help our parents get through their Boo Hoo or Yahoo first day of school!

Reporting Student Absences
Please review our Parent/Student Handbook Section 400.02 Report an Absence and Required Documentation.  Click HERE to visit the Campus Life\Handbook section of our website.

Every effort should be made to contact the school by 9:00 AM.  The preferred method notification is via email to:

  • Student’s Name
  • Student’s Grade
  • Homeroom Teacher
  • Reason for Absence

Before and After School Care
Lutz Preparatory School K-8 offers before and after care for students when needed.  Students must have registration paperwork on file prior to attending the morning or after care program.  Please click HERE for the registration form or visit our website, under the tab Campus Life\Before & After Care. 

  • Morning Care runs 7:00-7:30 AM
  • After Care runs 3:00-6:00 PM on normal school days and 12:00-6:00 PM on early dismissal days

Please be aware that the school clinic is closed during both morning and after care times.  If a child is in need of any medications or medical supplies, it is the parent’s responsibility to supply those items to the extended care program.

If you have any questions regarding the Before and After Care Program please email Tricia Hume

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