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Issue 153                                                                 See previous issues...

How do we write a story to have impact? Why aren't more businesses talking with their communities?

This week, we're learning about both.

New Articles:

 The Ever Moving Line Between Marketing and MediaWherever is your line between marketing and media or media and marketing, without community you may have no joy.  Read more.
The Best Story with the Most Impact. The hardest part of story is belief, which is why mindset comes first. A good story well told builds community around a business, and inside it. Because it feels honest, and real world evidence supports it (can't be just digital or academic.) Read more.
Communication is such a beautiful thing. Even famous people, people we think have the gratifying feeling that others, an audience, pays attention to what they write and say, report that the experience of having a good conversation has no equal.

More original content on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Read More, Think Better

If you think I've been sharing a lot of readings about identity and agility lately, you're spot on. This week I go back to a concept that is easy to nod to and hard to do. The Startup of You is about treating your own career as a startup runs its business.

One of the points Hoffman highlights has served me well in my evolution. Build a broad and deep network from which you can collect and synthesize information. Especially build relationships that expose you to different worlds. Share proactively.

Lately I've been focusing more on spending time on an ongoing basis figuring out what people value and paying attention to WHY things are working / not working for others. I've also joined a couple of select groups of high-quality individuals with shared values. But I'm thinking about starting one because there is a missing piece - how we need to communicate for ongoing learning while doing (because nobody will catch you when you fail/fall... and that's when we need support the most!)


The Trajectory of Great Ideas. You may not ever admit it. Finding great ideas requires conviction, but ssurvival requires humility and adaptation. These things can conflict.

It's a sobering article. Which stage are you in?
Why data doesn’t always reveal the truth. We have a modern, faux–scientific assumption that all information is good — and amassing more of it makes it better. Yet averages and aggregates often conceal more than they reveal. Business and government decisions are now taken by people high up on a chain of information, who by definition only have access to information in aggregate form, with all the salient discrepancies made invisible by the act of combining it.

Reality is more nuanced than we're willing to admit and study. I realize that learning about statistics is not everyone's idea of fun, or is it not?
STOP Asking What...and Start asking WHY. Amazon is a why company whose purpose is to disrupt everything using technology and mindset. It's always in beta, customer-obsessed, frugal, and focused on delivering.

If it sounds like a scary premise, it's because your identity is associated with WHAT you do. I know first hand. Moving from senior corporate executive calling the shots to service provider discovering and solving problems in mid career was not easy. But it pretty much guaranteed exponential learning and growth through work.

We need to become much more adaptable in our self-definition, focusing on WHY we work.

Our mental models are stuck in information era where hyper-specialization of experts is a must. The conversation about machine learning and AI is real even when it's off in the details. Life-long learners have the required agility, creativity, and adaptability.

Learning is a continuous process of discovery, enlightenment, and new skills development. We need to get very comfortable being “newbies” embracing the opportunities of emerging ideas.

If it feels a little awkward to ask why questions at your next networking event, start with how — tell me more about your work — or when — when do you feel the most alive?
In the Era of Screens, Rest is Crucial. Ban your screen from the bedroom. A full night’s sleep now feels as rare and old-fashioned as a handwritten letter. Quaint as they both may be, they're valuable activities. We cut corners without fully understanding the implications.

Sleep is a journey — on a good night, we cycle four or five times through several stages of sleep, each with distinct qualities and purpose. Stages 1-2 are about editing memories, stages 3-4 are deeper, like a coma, when we do our physiological housekeeping. The second part of the night is about REM, or rapid eye movement.

But maybe the human cost doesn't persuade — how about the monetary cost? Rand put a dollar sign to sleeplessness at the tune of $411 billion in the U.S. per year. People's out of pocket cost? In 2016, the sleep-deprived paid $66 billion.

If you wanted another reason, we're more human when we sleep more/better. "Some sleep theorists postulate that REM sleep is when we are our most intelligent, insightful, creative, and free."

P.S. Dear Elon Musk, please get more sleep.
“The foundation of cooperation is not really trust, but the durability of the relationship.” – Robert Axelrod

Building relationships is like building bridges to alternative future opportunities and possibility. It takes humility, persistence, and a desire on making experiences and memories rather than collecting...
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