Lutz Preparatory Weekly Reminders
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 Weekly Reminders
This Week at a Glance
  • Thursday, September 6:
    • Bolts of Blue Spirit Day :  Wear Blue from Head to Toe (or wear standard school uniform)
    • Volunteer Training 8:30 AM - Must RSVP - see link below
  • All Week Long:
    • A few openings left in the after school vendor activities
    • Online FLASH Sale (spirit shirts, mason jars, blink shirts, car magnets)
    • Sign Up for Leader in Me Parent Seminars that begin September 12th
    • Bolts of Blue Campaign accepting donations through October 5th
    • 1st-5th Grade Lightning Run Club sign up deadline is September 11th
Bolts of Blue Spirit Day
If a student chooses not to participate in this Bolts of Blue Spirit Day they must wear the standard uniform - no exceptions.
2018-19 Volunteer Training - RSVP Required
Please sign up for the new volunteer training for first time volunteers at Lutz Prep, session will be held on Thursday, September 6th at 8:30 AM.  This required training session for ALL new volunteers or parents who have not attended in the past.  The session will cover everything needed to know about being a volunteer on campus and will last about 30 minutes.  Please click HERE to RSVP for the session.  Please contact our volunteer coordinator, Robin Feocco, with any questions.

Flash Sale LP Logo Items
We have opened up our online school store again for a flash sale of items currently in stock at the school of last year’s styles/products.  Order online and items will be delivered to your student's HR teacher (with the exception of the glass mason jars, those must be picked up in the main office).  Click HERE to visit the Spirit Wear section of our school store.

  • Discontinued Middle & Elementary Spirit Shirts  $8
  • Car magnets $5
  • Mason Jars $8
  • Spangle Bling shirts $20 child/$25 Adult
After School Activities
Click HERE for the full communication that was sent previously.

A few spots still open in the following vendors:

Update Color Wheelz Art Enrichment 
Session will begin Friday, September 7, 2018.  Deadline to register has been extended to Wednesday, September 5, 2018.  Click HERE to register. 
  • $72 per monthly session includes 16x20 canvas and all supplies/instruction
  • Robotics, Smart Bots with EV3 Programming:  Grades Kinder -5
    • Thursdays 3:15-4:15 PM
    • Session runs 8/28-11/15
  • Forensic Science Chem Lab-Middle School:  Grades 6-8th NEW FOR MIDDLE SCHOOLERS!
    • Tuesdays 3:15-4:15 PM
    • Session runs 8/30-11/13
  • Click HERE for flyer for both age groups
  • Click HERE to register online directly with the vendor (scroll to bottom of page to find the Lutz Prep after school location). 
  • $135 per session

Leader in Me Seminars for Parents
Please join other LP Parents in a Leader in Me 7 Habits Seminar (4 sessions) to help families reinforce what is being learned in the classroom.  Sessions begin mid-September and run through mid-November.  Space is limited so please check your schedule and sign up as soon as possible.  We are kindly asking that ONLY ONE parent per family sign up to allow as many as possible to attend, parents should sign up for 4 sessions so they can learn about all 7 habits.  Click HERE to reserve your spot.  Hours at seminar will count towards your required volunteer hours for the year.  

Blazing Bolts Running Club
I am excited to announce a new opportunity for our 1st through 5th grade students:  the Lutz Prep Blazing Bolts Running Club.  This club will begin Tuesday, September 11th.  Members will consist of any 1st -5th grade student that would like to participate in an after school activity but either isn't old enough, or does not like the pressure of a competitive athletic team. 

The Blazing Bolts Running Club will be a fun way to have your student(s) learn about running as well as give them time to socialize with their friends in a safe, friendly environment.  The Blazing Bolts' events will take place eight times per grading quarter and will be hosted at the Lutz Prep Soccer Field from after school until 4:30 PM.  The calendar below gives you the exact dates and times that the club will meet.

During our events your children will learn the value of exercise, collect prizes for their accomplishments, and, most importantly, be able to have fun with their friends.  Each student that signs up will receive a Blazing Bolts dri-fit t-shirt and be able to participate in the end of quarter "party" where other prizes for exemplary performances will be handed out. 

The Blazing Bolts Running Club will book up fast and is only open to the first thirty children who sign up. 

  1. Registration is open now and will end NO LATER than Monday, September 10th at midnight. Click HERE to sign up.
  2. Each athlete is required to fill out the online emailed sign-up documents as well as have a FHSAA Physical Form on file at the school before they will be able to participate.  The sports physicals can be completed in a very fast, inexpensive manner at many local walk in clinics such as CVS or Medi-Express.  Email an electronic copy to or turn in a copy to the office (please keep a copy for your personal records).
  3. There is an $80 enrollment fee that must be paid online via the Lutz Prep Store.
Please talk with your child as soon as possible to see if they are interested in participating in this new, exciting after school club.  If you have any further questions feel free to email me at:

Thank you and GO BOLTS!
Chad Mollick

Blazing Bolts Running Schedule
After School Until 4:30 PM
Students Meet in the Gym at Dismissal

  • Tues. Sept. 11: 
    Introduction and
    light run
  • Thurs. Sept. 13
  • Tues.  Sept. 18
  • Thurs. Sept. 20
  • Tues. Sept. 25
  • Thurs. Sept. 27
  • Tues. Oct. 2
  • Tues. Oct 9: 
    End of quarter party
    and awards
Bolts of Blue Campaign
Click HERE to review the full communication that was emailed on Wednesday, August 29, 2018.

Family or Business Sponsorship Options
Please click on the different options below to view/print the sponsorship forms.
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