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Introducing the React Profiler
React 16.5 adds support for a new DevTools profiler plugin. This plugin uses React’s experimental Profiler API to collect timing information about each component that’s rendered in order to identify performance bottlenecks in React applications. It will be fully compatible with our upcoming time slicing and suspense features.

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JavaScript essentials for React developers
There are some very powerful features in JavaScript that every React developer should know. Lets get started to discuss these features.

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Kent C Dodds Simply React

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Preact Typescript Parcel Redux Zero: Rebuilding the QMENTA Front-End focusing on Performance…

The QMENTA platform has been going on for quite some time now. The old platform front-end was built using well established technologies like JQuery, Dojo or D3. While being feature rich, one of the problems was the scalability and maintainability of such a big codebase and it being quite complex in terms of UX/UI. In medical imaging storing platforms, data and operations are complex enough for the user to manage, so making it more difficult in terms of user experience or visual design is a no-go zone. 🙅🏻

One of the main challenges coming into this year was to rebuild the front-end from scratch to accommodate the new necessities of a growing neuroimaging processing hub, to make it clean and in a way that can be easily maintainable, scalable and up to date with the latest technologies on front-end development.

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How to use React Lifecycle Methods

React components have several “lifecycle methods” that allow us to execute actions (e.g.: fetching data from a server) at particular times. When I started learning React, I found it hard to figure out which lifecycle method i should use for certain actions. If this is the case with you too, this article should serve as a handy guide.

I will start with an overview of all lifecycle methods and explain in which order they are called. Then I’ll handle each of them with a short explanation and some example use cases. In the end, you should have a better understanding of when to use which life cycle method.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Jest Testing

An Explanation of how jest testing is implemented, and how this helps in the big picture.

We are gonna take a dive into test driven development first, then we are gonna dive into the tool we are gonna use which is jest. First off before anything what is test driven development?

Test Driven Development is typing as many unit test as production code to prevent less bugs. It follows the RGR principle or the Red, Green and Refractor principle.

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