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South Africa is dealing with a surplus of unwanted domestic animals which most often leads to neglect and cruelty. 

In 6 years, one female dog and her litter can reproduce up to 67 000 puppies! 
In 7 years, one female cat and her offspring can reproduce up to 370 000 kittens! 

Unsterilised male dogs and cats are the prime contributors to this overpopulation crisis as they can impregnate a multitude of females within a short period of time, thereby producing countless unplanned litters.

Your support of our 'STERI' campaign in impoverished areas will help us to reduce animal overpopulation in the Tshwane region. 

News from the Inspectorate

Recently our Inspectorate conducted an Outreach in Itireleng Informal Settlement in Laudium together with CVSSA (Community Veterinary Services South Africa) and students from Onderstepoort. This informal settlement is plagued with numerous animal cruelty complaints, aggressive animals, and the chaining of dogs. A total of 120 dogs were vaccinated and treated for ticks and fleas and 32 dogs were sterilised. New leashes, dog and cat food and dog blankets were also distributed.

Thank you for your support!

Tshwane, you made us proud! We received small and large donations but every drop counted so today we are thrilled that we can start the replacement of 4 ageing inspectorate vehicles. Not only will it reduce our maintenance costs, but our Inspectors will be safer on our roads. 


Time to Spring Clean your House

Don't have any weekend plans just yet? Start decluttering your house and donate the items to us to sell at our weekend markets. 
  • Appliances, clothing, furniture, home goods and more sought
We'll even collect on larger donations. Please email the relevant branch - Centurion or Waltloo - to arrange collection. 

28 September 2018 - World Rabies Day

Rabies is the only infectious disease that carries a 100% mortality rate whilst vaccination remains the most practical measure that can be taken.
  • Visit your veterinarian with your pet on a regular basis and keep rabies vaccinations up-to-date for all cats, and dogs.
  • Spay or neuter your pets to help reduce the number of unwanted pets that may not be properly cared for or vaccinated regularly. 

Upcoming Events

07 October 2018: Wag-a-Walk, Hedianga Farm, Olympus is one of our premium annual events - diarise 07 October NOW or simply like us on Facebook to get reminded. You can even pre-book your ticket. Loads of exhibitors and raffle prizes to look forward to. 
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