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Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform

There is still time to sign up for our
Annual BBQ
September 15th
Please Come!

                                                                       September 14, 2018

Win a Brand New
Amazon Fire HD 10" Tablet
for as little as $5.00.

Value $149.99
A second raffle for a 7" Amazon Fire HD
and lots of Retail Gift Cards
Raffle at our BBQ

 Invitation to our 7th Annual BBQ

If you can come but haven't signed up yet - please just contact us by email  let us know how many are coming and we will send you free tickets and directions

This event is for the members and friends of Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform.

Special Raffle Items

You could win a Brand New Amazon Fire HD 10" tablet for $5.00

RAFFLE: To hep underwrite the cost of the BBQ, we will be holding a raffle and auction for several new items and gift certificates.  There will be various retail gift cards, and other items see partial list below.  Raffle tickets for the Fire Tablets will be $5.00 each, or 3 for $10.00. Other raffle items like gift cards and vouchers will be $3.00 each, or 3 for $5.00, 7 for $10.00.


Win a brand new Amazon Kindle Fire HD 10 Fire Tablet with Alexa, 10.1" 1080p Full HD Display, 32 GB, Marine Blue - Value $149.99 MRSP


Win a brand new Amazon Fire 7 Tablet with Alexa, 7" Display Black - Value $49.99 MRSP


Win a Hilltop Fireworks Party Pack with a retail value of $100.00 


Other Raffle Items:
  1. Concord Capitol Arts Gift Voucher (Select Performance) $104 Max
  2. A Clean Take Gift Certificate - $50 (Take Home Meal, Concord, NH) Link
  3. Gibsons Bookstore----Gift Certificate $25  (45 S Main St, Concord, NH)
  4. Granite State Escape: $100.00 (4 person pass)
  5. Granite State Escape: $100.00 (4 person pass)
  6. Cowabunga Tickets (Family Fun - 4 Passes for any open gym session). 
  7. Dos Amigos Restaurant $25 Gift Card  (26 N Main St, Concord, and Dover, NH) Link
  8. Wal-Mart Gift Card $50.00
  9. New Gas Grill Weber Spirit II, donated by True Value Hardware Value $499.99 Link
  10. Cinemagic Theater, Hooksett, NH  Cinemagic & Imax
  11. Palace Theater 2 Tickets, Value $156.00
  12. Michael's Gift Card - value $50.00
  13. and other items.
* We thank all our sponsors for their generous donations.

We are using this event as an opportunity for our members to get together and to encourage other people to come and meet us and join our efforts.  You can help by bringing your entire family and by inviting your close friends and anyone else interested in criminal justice reform. (Children are welcome and will be attending. )
Please Mark Your Calendar - and Plan to Attend.
Questions:  please email us at: [or] Call
603-832-1555 and Leave a message. Someone will get back to you.
A fun, relaxing time to come and meet your board and fellow CCJR members.
It is hard to believe but summer is just about over and the start of a new school year is upon us. Summer goes by fast in New England and is often a very busy time for families, so we try and schedule our BBQ on a Saturday in September. This year it is September 15th, 1:00 p.m.  (Rain date September 22.)
This Event is Free.
To help underwrite the cost of the BBQ, please consider donating $3.00 to $5.00 per person, or $10 to $15.00 per family. You decide what if anything you can do.  The meal donation is optional; no one will seek to collect it from you. "Just drop it in the bucket".
Optional Please try and Bring a Salad, or Hot Dish,and a Dessert to Share.
Come and Enjoy -
Good Food
Good Fellowship
Free Door Prizes
$2.00 Raffle tickets for Retail Gift Cards, Fireworks Packages and other New Items
Fun Auction for New and Near New Items
Pool Time (Weather Permitting)

More information to follow . . . when we receive your So Go Survey

Do we have your correct information?  Please use this link to update your email and contact information. When you enter new information, your record is automatically updated.

** When you return your survey we will send your Free tickets for the number of people you sign up, the location address and other important information. 

Contact us for questions via email  or Call: 603-832-1555

There are a few positions open in the following committees: Membership, Financial and Fundraising, Social Planning & Events, Editorial Committee, Litigation Research Committee and Public Relations. For more information please send us an email  We are always looking for key people to join the Executive Board too.
Meet your Board Click Here

Want to join the board? Send us an email to learn more.

Read our past newsletters - click on link

Help make a difference.
Become a member of CCJR-NH. 
Click here to join.

Yes!! I want to support New Hampshire Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform and become a member today! 

When you join CCJR-NH you support the important work that we do and we keep you updated with newsletters and emails. You will also receive Action Alerts and updates on pending legislation and CCJR-NH campaigns on the local and national level. Your annual membership payment is vital to the ongoing work and effort of Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform.

Membership categories (other than Life-Time) are good for one year and are renewable annually. (Membership status is considered inactive without the payment of annual dues.)

NOTE: Membership lists are held strictly confidential and are tax-deductible.

Please Renew Your Membership Now Click here
Some members have not renewed their membership in several years. Contact us to see if or what you owe. With almost 400 members it is an overwhelming task to contact each and every member on their annual renewal date.  To simplify the membership fee system the board voted on March 28, 2017 to implement a new policy.  We are asking every member “to submit their annual membership fee between January 1st and March 31st in order to maintain active member status.  Since we are beyond the renewal window this year we are asking all of our members to send in their renewal fee now.  Please take care of this as soon as possible.

Membership dues and generous donations allow our volunteers to continue the important work of criminal justice reform in New Hampshire. To renew your membership click on the icon above and choose the category that applies, Individual, Prisoner, Family or Organization.  In the "Tell Us Where you Heard Us" block, please mention that you are renewing your membership.

Did you know that for a one time gift of $100.00 you can become part of the Life-Time Membership Club?

We are Now on Facebook

Follow Us on Twitter
We have created a Twitter page and hope to send out announcements and alerts using this media format.  If you have a Twitter account please FOLLOW us there.
Amazon Smile logo
Have you heard that Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform?  Just use our LINK or CLICK on the Amazon picture.  When Amazon opens, look in the upper left corner and you should see Amazon Smile & Supporting: Citizens for Criminal Justice Reform.  You get the same deals and prices and/or Amazon Prime Membership Benefits and we get a small donation. Click on the above picture or go to
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