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                                September 2018
Vol. 3 Issue 9

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”
(Psalm 119:105, NRSV).

Greetings Everyone!
Let me say, life is full! That seems to be my phrase for this season of life. I was thinking summer used to be a time to slow down and take a breath but, I don’t know about you, it certainly has not been slow, by any means! Time seems to be clicking at a fast tempo, and it’s hard to grasp we are into September already! School is back in session, and a new rhythm of life is beginning for many.
I’d like for us to be conscious of God’s presence in our midst, in the past and in what is to come. We just finished up our study on the Book of Ruth, and it was a wonderful experience for all of us who participated.  Ruth opens our eyes to God as the Great Orchestrator, weaving our lives together in ways we cannot always see the bigger picture.  We can see this is what happened to Ruth and Naomi as God led them on a path of redemption, from emptiness to fullness, and through the lineage of Boaz and Ruth, we reap the blessing of Christ in our lives! The story of Ruth is fascinating when you look deep into the words and meanings, the journey of adversity, and the triumph of blessing beyond measure. God is weaving our lives together as the Great Orchestrator and for God’s glory and honor.
How is God weaving your life with kingdom purpose in mind? Where have you seen God in the trials you’ve faced or the joys? As the body of Christ, how is God continually weaving us together as a Cooperative Parish? Are we missing the mark by not participating, letting other priorities get in the way of what God wants to accomplish through us? Are we narrow minded, or maybe I should say small-minded in how we perceive God? I’m reading a book called, Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge by Mark Batterson. The book is life changing, truly it is. I recommend this book to you to begin a journey of thinking bigger, like God-sized prayers, God-sized dreams, and discerning how God wants to use you to make a difference in this world, in the lives of those around you, and in your daily life.
Getting into the Word, studying books that are spiritual formational for us is a way of growing us, stretching us, and molding us more and more into the likeness of Christ, who we are in Christ. We receive power through all of this to live the life Christ has already given us; we need to grab hold of the Spirit and let the Spirit lead our path.
My prayer for all of us is to engage the Word, be in prayer, and seek to learn together in community with others. Make an intentional decision today to begin the journey of becoming a lifelong learner and connect with one of the Bible studies at Linden and Marshall today! For more information contact Cheryl Kowalczyk, Sal Ortiz, Mike Taylor, DeAnna Taylor, or me. We will guide you to the path!

Grace & Peace,
Pastor Terry
Pastor Terry will be on vacation Sept 9 (after worship) thru Sept 23. Pastor Terry will also be out of the office September 24-26 for the Bishop's Retreat.  Please contact your lay leader for pastoral concerns and Rev. Sherry Waddell for pastoral emergencies (540-664-5654 text/call).
Linden Lay Leader (Sal Ortiz) 540-631-4794
Markham (Nancy Sickel) 703-309-8499 (John Fedorchak is out of town)
Marshall Lay Leader (Amy Taylor) 703-338-935
Markham News
Marshall News
Linden Lay Leader
Linden News
Ministry Teams
Cooperative Parish Leadership
SPRC:  Sal Ortiz (chair), Amy Taylor, Bob Lambert, Brook Middleton, Edith Middleton, Cheryll Green, Joe Bersack, John Fedorchak, Sheila Showers, Linden vacancy
Linden Church Council
Chair of Council:    Steve Showers    
Lay Leader:    Sal Ortiz    
SPRC Chair:    Sal Ortiz    
Finance Chair:    Vacant    
Trustee Co-Chairs:    Loyd Dunford, Steve Showers    
Treasurer:    Kathy Drummond    
Adult Discipleship:    Sal Ortiz
Alternate Lay Member to Annual Conference:    Sal Ortiz    
UMW President:    Sheila Showers    
Senior Pastor:    Terry Hendricks    
Recording Secretary:    Dawn Bueno    
Young Adult Rep:    Dawn Bueno
Worship Chair Music:    Connie Clatterbuck
District Steward:    Vacant
Church Historian:    Helen Kenney
Nurture, Evangelism, Youth:    Genia Ortiz
Nominations:    Pastor Terry, Ruth Ann Rector, Helen Kenney, Maureen Dunford, Sal Ortiz
SPRC:    Sal Ortiz, Sheila Showers, vacancy
Trustees:    Loyd Dunford, Steve Showers, Mary Potter, Kevin McCullough, Stuart Showers, Zachary Beno
Parsonage Trustees:    Loyd Dunford, Steve Showers, Zach Bueno
Markham Church Council
Chair of Council:    John Fedorchak    
Lay Leader:    John Fedorchak    
SPRC Chair:    Cheryll Green    
Finance Chair:    Henry Green    
Trustee Chair:    Brook Middleton    
Treasurer:    Nancy Sickel    
Lay Member to Annual Conference:    Edith Middleton    
Senior Pastor:    Terry Hendricks    
Recording Secretary:    Kim Jacobs
Nurture, Hospitality, Worship:    Edith Middleton
Community Missions, Music:    Kim Jacobs
Age Level Ministries:    Cheryll Green
Historian:    Henry Green
Nominations:    Pastor Terry, John Fedorchak, Edith Middleton
SPRC:    Cheryll Green, Brook Middleton, Edith Middleton, John Fedorchak
Parsonage Trustees:    Brook Middleton, Nancy Sickel, Edith  Middleton
Finance:     Henry Green, Pastor Terry, Edith Middleton, John  Fedorchak, Cheryll Green Brook Middleton, Nancy Sickel
Marshall Church Council
Chair of Council:    Wendy Emery    
Lay Leader:    Amy Taylor    
SPRC Chair:    Vacant   
Finance Chair:    Laurie Bersack 
Finance:     Laurie Bersack, Pastor Terry, Bob Lambert,  Wendy Emery, Joe Bersack, Rich Umbel, Amy Taylor, Cheryl Kowalczyk, DeAnna Taylor, Cindy Glascock   
Trustee Co-Chairs:    Rich Umbel, Sally Wilfong    
Treasurer:    DeAnna Taylor    
Alternate Lay Member to Annual Conference:    Bob Lambert    
District Steward:     Wendy Emery
UMM President:    Louis Nicholls
UMW President:    Jean Egeland    
Senior Pastor:    Terry Hendricks    
Recording Secretary:    Terri Shaw    
Children’s Ministry Director:     Jean Egeland
Worship Chair:     Cathy Harris
Communications Dir:     Terri Hill
Mission/Outreach Chair:     Smokey Jacobs
Family Ministries:     Cathy Lambert
Education Director:     Cheryl Kowalczyk
Nominations:     Pastor Terry, Candy Glascock, Amy Glascock, Amy Taylor, Frances Snider, Bob Lambert
SPRC:     Joe Bersack, Mike Taylor, Amy Taylor, Bob Lambert
Trustees:     Rich Umbel, Sally Wilfong, Mike Rogers, Phil Harris, Jimmy Lyon, Robert Glascock, Debbie Wyne 
Older Adult Ministries, Memorials:    Doris Edmonds        



2  Sal Oritz
4  Brooke & Michelle Middleton
4  Helen Ballard
5  Carly MacDougall
5  Jack & Bette Conley
14  Diane Spears
14  Steve Thorpe
15  Beth Young
15  Bill Arbogast

16  Georgi Green
18  Bob Lambert
22  Carolyn McCarty
22  Elizabeth Glascock
23  Gilbert Lane
24  Kyle Kowalczyk
24  Amy Glascock
25  Mike Taylor


We ask for prayers for People suffering natural and man-made disasters, Global   financial crisis, families in financial trouble, unemployed, our nation & leaders, our military at home and abroad, the lost, work of  Gideon’s Intl, persecuted Christians worldwide, God’s guidance in our churches, those incarcerated, harmony in USA, respect for police, racial tensions, parolees searching for God and new direction.

Any and all prayer updates and additions:  or 

Linden Lay Leader

Message for Congregations of Linden, Markham, Marshall Cooperative Parish

Good morning!
I’m Sal Ortiz, your Cooperative Parish Staff Parish Relations Committee chair and I am hear to talk to you about the next six months of our pastor’s life. Pastor Terry is currently a provisional elder working towards ordination. She hopes to complete the journey at the end of January 2019 when she meets with the Board of Ordained Ministry in Richmond.
The process is a huge undertaking of writing three papers on theology, practice and ministry, and leadership and vocation. She also is writing a detailed curriculum on the Book of Ruth and is teaching this Bible study over the course of four weeks.
Pastor Terry will be videotaping services over the next four months of Word and Table, meaning our worship services that include communion; and she plans to pick one of those recordings to send to the Board of Ordained Ministry. So if there are minor changes, such as not taking prayer requests and limiting announcements and celebrations for a particular service being videotaped, it is because the time frame has to be 45 to 60 minutes and she is responsible for leading the majority of the service including the children's message.
The paper writing process is time-consuming so Pastor Terry will be taking at least one Sunday a month off from preaching, she may still be present in the worship service, but the responsibility of preaching will be delegated to a Lay Servant or Special Speaker that particular Sunday. This will enable her to focus on research, study, and writing those particular weeks before the Sunday worship service she is not preaching. Lay Leaders at all three churches will be on call for pastoral needs, and a pastor for pastoral emergencies when she will be out of town for one of the allotted weeks for paper writing.
Pastor Terry will be meeting with other elders to help prepare her for the ordination interviews. Assessments for leadership and other items will need to be completed by certain deadlines. Moreover, in the midst of all of this we still have the life of the church, charge conference on November 18, and personal responsibilities, and self-care.  Life will be full.  Your prayers and support during this period are greatly appreciated.  Pastor Terry is thankful for the strong leadership at all three churches and welcomes your help in making this journey successful and as enjoyable as possible.
Pastor Terry will prioritize her work schedule over the next six months recognizing job number one will be the full membership/ordination process. Job number two is our worship together. Job number three is congregational care.  For many of us, this process is unfamiliar or new since the majority of our pastors were already elders and ordained.  We, SPRC and your pastor, pray that you will extend grace, prayers, encouragement, and support throughout this temporary season. Thank you, and may God bless us all as we continue in ministry together for God’s greater glory.
Sal Ortiz

Linden News
Worship Leaders:

Communion Steward:

Sal Ortiz & Dawn Bueno (09/16)

Sal Ortiz

Diane Spears &
Sapphire Segar-Young
Coming up at Linden...
Linden UMC is excited to host our Annual Mission Harvest Day Festival this year on September 29, 2018 from 9am-2pm. This event gets bigger and better every year! We will have horse/pony rides, live music, face painting, crafters and vendors, GIANT FLEA MARKET, bake sale, breakfast and lunch for sale and more. This is always such a fun day of fellowship and making new friends. Come join us and invite your friends, neighbors, coworkers, grocery clerk…anyone and everyone and then tell them to invite everyone they know! The more the merrier! There will be something for everyone.
We are still looking for more vendors and crafters, it is not too late to get involved. Please contact Dawn Bueno with any questions
October 20
Linden UMW will host a Harvest Dinner with a Silent Auction at 5 pm
Dawn Bueno

Markham News
Worship Leader:

Communion Steward:


Markham Directory
Michele Middleton and Tom Falkowski are working on a directory for Markham. Please send your contact information and sit for a picture if you would like to be included. You may contact Michele at and Tom at to send your information and/or have your picture included.
First Sunday of Month, donuts and coffee following worship.

Third Sunday of Month, breakfast following worship at
Edith Middleton’s home.
Weekly ESL classes
Mondays, 6:00 pm.  If you would like to help or know of someone interested in the class, contact Edith Middleton, 364-2889,
Coming up at Markham...
November 10
The Potter's House Fundraiser Dinner hosted by Markham UMC at 5 pm at the Markham Schoolhouse. Love offering.

Marshall News
Worship Leader:

Communion Steward:

Darcy Ashby
Jeff Machamer
Amy Taylor
Louis Nicholls
Candy Glascock

Laurie & Joe Bersack

Nathan & Ian
Marshall UMC Softball team won the top spot in their division this summer !! Big hooray!! 
Pictured are Debbie Machamer, Billy Pierce, Travis Price, Jimmy Lyon, Jeff Machamer, Darcy Ashby, Brian Fantaski, Norman Soaper, Terri Hill, Laurie Bersack & Sam Clarke
Coming up at Marshall...
Our annual Homecoming will be on September 16.  Our guest speaker will be Reverend Edna Moore.  Pastor Edna was our pastor from 2010 until 2014.  After the service at 11:00am will be our Pot Luck Luncheon.  Ham and Chicken will be provided and we ask that you bring a side or dessert.  Please make plans to come and reconnect with your church family and friends.  Also please invite all to come with you. 

Ministry Teams

Seniors on the Go!
September 27th
Lunch at Skyland Dinner, leaving Marshall UMC at 11am
Scholarship Team
Back to School reminder:
One of our congregation’s goals for 2018 is to support our preschool families by providing
financial assistance as needed.
Our planning team met on July 10th and is drafting some basic guidelines for awarding financial assistance.  Our vision is that we will raise at least $3,600 this school year to support two students who have already been identified.  Going forward, we hope to have the Preschool Board discuss and allocate contributions to families who may need tuition assistance for one month, several months or the entire school year. 
Please notate “MUMPS tuition contribution” on your checks made payable to MUMC as you are led to give.  We’ll need to raise $1,600 before year-end to cover this calendar year. 
Questions may be directed to Donna Thomas, Preschool Director ( or Wendy Emery (  As always, your generosity is appreciated. 
Council Chair
District Steward’s Report:
I attended the annual District Stewards’ meeting on Sunday, July 22. 
The 2019 budget for the District was approved unanimously. 
Total approved income/expense for 2019 is $285,695 vs $290,554 for 2018. 
The district office recently relocated and the reduced rent accounts for part of the decrease, as well as a funding reduction for the congregational excellence position. 
Two takeaways: of all the districts in the Virginia conference, the Winchester District paid the highest percentage of its apportionments in 2017. 
2019 apportionment calculations are in process and should be received by July 31.  
Wendy Emery
Weekend LunchBox is back!
We will be delivering lunches for the weekend each week to 30-32 children at Coleman Elementary again this year. We are blessed for this opportunity to help some local families in need by providing some healthy items for lunch and breakfast through the 2018/19 school year. If you would like to help, we will be packing lunches each Sunday after worship in the Fellowship Hall (coffee provided!!).
You can also make donations in the weekly offering plate by writing Weekend Lunch on the Memo line of your check or envelope.

If you would like to assist with the Thursday deliveries, just let me know on Sunday after worship. We have a cart to help with the load and the school office is very friendly and very grateful. We will deliver all our lunches to WG Coleman Elementary on Zula road near Marshall Middle School. The Marshall Ruritans will be delivering the same to the children at C. Thompson Elementary.
Some of the items in the lunch bags are:
 Chef Boy-r-dee pasta meals
 Mac & Cheese single cups
 Small tuna cans or single peanut butter cups w/ crackers
 Capri sun flavored waters
 Applesauce or fruit cups (*no gummy fruit snacks, please)
 Granola bars (crunchy work best!)
 Nuts, trail mix, raisins
 Snack crackers – cheese, peanut butter, etc. (i.e. Lance, Ritz 6 packs)
 Instant oatmeal packs
 Fresh apples or oranges (*new this year!)

In addition, we also need brown paper bags and gallon zip loc bags. The lunches cost between $5 and $8 so we can always use help. We deliver EVERY week. It is not a once a month outreach. Your generosity is what keeps it going!
Coming up with Outreach...
Depression & grief around the holidays
Terri Hill
United Methodist Men
Louis Nicholls
United Methodist Women
Coming up with UMW...
UMW Meeting
September 20th at  6:45pm in the MUMC Fellowship Hall

UMW Mission Encounter Meeting
September 8th at Stephens City UMC from 9am - 4pm
Chili Cookin' for Fundraisin'
September 8th at 10am, Marshall UMC kitchen
It's football season which means almost chili fundraising time, we're planning on cooking that Saturday. 
Jean Egeland
Children's Ministry
Children's time during church - open to anyone with an inspiring Bible message 2-3 minutes long. If interested see Jean or Bob.

Looking for Sunday School teachers. We'll get you Safe Sanctuary trained and have fun.  Join our team and support our community by teaching our children about God. 
Jean Egeland
Marshall United Methodist Preschool
MUMPS still has room for a few more 3 & 4 year olds for the 2018-19 school year. Looking forward to a fun and exciting year. For more information please call Donna Thomas. (540) 364-4111

September Calendar

Click link above "September Calendar" to see the calendar for September.
September 30th
Our Fifth Sunday worship! We will sing hymns, songs, and spiritual songs! We will share testimonies of where God has and is present in our lives. Come and share your heart and song in worship unto the Lord!
November 18th at 5pm
Charge Conference will be held, come and meet our new District Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Steve Summers who will preside. All are welcome. Mark your calendars!
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