
Je suis un étudiante.

Classes started this week and I am so pleased with them all. I had my first French class where I learned to say 'I am a student' (see above) and how to pronounce the French alphabet so that we could spell addresses to Uber drivers. What I like most about the class is that it is geared towards everyday situations, so hopefully I'll be getting along even better in the streets very soon. The above picture is from my History of Parisian Architecture course, when we toured a street in Paris that had buildings from the 1st, 18th, 19th & 21st centuries!! Above is a 19th century building on the left, and a 1st century Roman bath on the right.

Re: What are the colors in France?
My favorite part about these emails is getting to hear from those of you who I don't get to talk to as regularly. So thank you to everyone who responded/reached out, and thank you also for all the questions!! A certain someone asked what the colors in Paris are like, so I've included this interesting little piece of street art as an example. Everything here is very neutral and beige so you are more aware of small changes in light or texture. BIG fan.

Au revoir!

Earlier this week my roommate and I headed to the Eiffel Tower at sunset for a picnic dinner -- cheese, baguettes, wine, hummus & market veggies. We stayed until the light show at 10PM and My God was it the right decision.

Yvon Lambert

Highlight of my week so far was definitely walking into a random bookstore on my way to the metro, and finding ORIGINALS by my favorite artist, Cy Twombly. Turns out, the bookstore is the second location of Yvon Lambert's studio, an art dealer & collector. The art sometimes rotates to display more modern exhibitions, but Twombly's pieces are always for sale. And! The books are in both English and French.

These are the moments that remind me I'm living in Paris, France. (!!!!!)

Au revoir!

In just a few minutes I'm heading out to the market on my street which means that I'm cheating a bit -- I'm writing this update in my apartment (courtyard view to the left) on Friday morning -- because tomorrow I have a day trip excursion to Honfleur, Normandy with my study abroad program. So far I've been getting to know a few people but mostly enjoying the time to rediscover & think for myself. That being said, I'd love to hear from you! So as always, shoot any thoughts or questions my way. Talk soon!! XOXO, Abby

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