Strands of Genius is curated lovingly by Rosie & Faris, usually on Mondays & Thursdays, but occasionally you'll find it in your inbox other days too. They're unpredictable like that. They hope you read it, enjoy it, tweet it, share it -- and tell your mom ;)
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Denver, CO


a webinar for WARC 


Sept 5-12: Seattle, WA
Sept 12-18: Los Angeles, CA
Sept 18-21: Memphis, TN
Sept 21-23: Luray, VA
Sept 23-24: Richmond, VA
October 3-7: LIA Awards | Las Vegas, NV
Oct 7-13: 4As StratFest | NYC
Oct 13-27: London, UK
Oct 27-29: Atlanta, GA
Oct 29-Nov 11: Isla Mujeres, MX



We're in Seattle seeing family and cranking out work with a side of yoga. We goofed on dates y'all. We'll have a new webinar for WARC on Sept 18th, and then will be speaking at the Memphis chapter of the AAF on Sept 20th, heading to judge the London International Awards in Vegas at the start of October, before flying to NYC to headline the 4A's Strategy Festival, and then, finally, speaking at WPI's Agency Summit in London. Whew. See you out there somewhere.  

Strands is brought to you by gorgeous Seattle weather, Marion&Nate, Vera&Porter&Simon, Lillian&Jason, Hummus with Megan, Aviv, Uncle Ikes, fancy coffee, happy hour sushi. 

Thanks to some serendipitous logistics, we are stopping by StratNash's book club where they are discussion Paid Attention - Weds September 26th in Nashville

The Rebirth of Comms: Our WARC Webinar

#StealTheseSlides #WorldAdvertisingResearchCouncil #Comms
In the last decade, communications strategy has fallen by the wayside as a standalone discipline, re-absorbed into account and media planning. In light of increased concerns about programmatic fraud, non-viewable impressions, brand safety, and the efficacy of micro-targeting, communication strategy has once again been summoned to the table, to make sense of the mess we’ve made. So what does modern communication strategy look like? Who owns it? Who should? How is it done? What are the key considerations and tools? All this and more coming to your computer screen on September 18th. (PS: If you register for the webinar, they'll follow up with a video link even if you can't make it.) ::WARC::

Smarter, Not Harder: How to Succeed At Work

#Goals #Focus #Priorities
"The most successful people I know have one thing in common: they are masters at eliminating the unnecessary from their lives. The French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry hit on the same idea, writing in his memoir, “Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away.” This principle, it turns out, is the key to success." A quick read on why you should apply focus to your life. ::FARNAM ST::

The Goldfish Myth

#Attention #FakeNews #Insight
Have you heard that the average human attention span is now 8 seconds, less than that of a goldfish? That is absolute nonsense. Faris explains why in his latest Admap article.  ::ADMAP::
Rosie and her girlfriends took to the cowgirl lifestyle with a cattle drive!
If we can ever be of help to you, even outside of a formal engagement, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We always love getting to meet like-minded folks, so please let us know if you see we’ll be in a city near you :)

rosie & faris,
@rosieyakob / @faris
In March of 2013, Rosie & Faris left NYC. They've been #OutOfOffice for 4 years and counting. Want more on the nomad lifestyle? Check out
Want to collaborate with Rosie and Faris? They are a husband and wife team that consult, speak, write, teach, strategize, facilitate & generally play well with others. You should definitely get in touch.
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