Time to speak up 💬
Youth Leader Update 20/09/18
Celebrating the Year of Youth 2018 - click HERE for more information

Dear Youth Leader,

Dear Youth Leaders,
This month we delve back into Anointed and Sent and discover “Advocacy”. It’s one of the more difficult goals to pin down because it’s challenging to apply. We will explore different ways to be an advocate for young people below through exploring the upcoming Synod on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment among other things.
God Bless, 
The AOY team

P.S. We have updated our Youth Mental Health Resource – see below for more info!
"it is the young who want to be the protagonists of change. please, don’t leave it to others to be the protagonists of change. you are the ones who hold the future! you… through you the future is fulfilled in the world"
Pope Francis
Vigil, WYD Rio de Janeiro, 2013

Advocacy has three dimensions:
1. Advocacy for the place and importance of young people within the Church
2. Advocacy for young people who are marginalised within society.
3. Providing opportunities for young people to be involved in advocacy themselves. Anointed and Sent

1. Advocacy for the place and importance of young people
We have been gifted some unique and amazing opportunities in 2018. The Year of Youth has allowed young people to be at the forefront of people’s minds and as we enter the final three months, it is the perfect opportunity to refocus on youth. We can do that in a number of ways but we also have the upcoming 2020 Plenary. Why not run a youth gathering to listen, dialogue and record how young people feel in the church today. Create a submission to the council that is tailored to the needs of young people in your parish.

Another opportunity for Advocacy within the Church is the upcoming Synod on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment commencing on 3 October in Rome. If you are wondering what a Synod actually is, check out our fact sheet HERE or if you would like to know how it has come about and what happens when, check out our handy timeline HERE. We’ve also put together a little video interview with Angela Markas HERE. You may remember hearing or seeing Angela when she was the representative for Oceania to the Pre-Synod Gathering in Rome in March. We also hope to have some reporting for you from the ground in Rome so stay tuned to our website!

2. Advocacy for young people who are marginalised
This is about a two-pronged approach. The first stage is often to make sure that we are informed  with the right and true information rather than generalisations and heresay. By gathering a better understanding of young people in wider Society, we can become a voice of reason. Jesuit Social Services has a range of quality research documents that can be read online ranging from youth homelessness and youth justice system to mental health topics.

The second approach can be action. There a many people who volunteer to assist in a wide range of organizations that help the marginalized in society. You can volunteer for a variety of programs such as Jesuit Social Services, Don Bosco Youth Camps, the St Vincent de Paul Society or Rosie’s Oblate Youth and many more. Next month we will explore our final Anointed and Sent goal, Justice and Service when we cover even more aspects of volunteering.

3. Opportunities for being an advocate
So the challenge to you if you are employed in a parish is: do you have young people on your parish councils? Are they there for their opinion and experience to be heard or are they tokenistic? Have you invited young people to be involved in other areas of parish life? 

And the challenge to young people who are involved in your parish… can you be more involved? Can you be a part of the wider parish community not just a youth group? What are ways that members of a youth group can contribute and be seen? 
Year of Youth School Forums report
In May the AOY and Catholic Education Melbourne teamed up with Bishop Mark Edwards OMI to head out to secondary schools across Melbourne and host listening forums. The forums asked young people how they felt, what was important to them and the impact of the church in their lives. A report has been tabled and can be read right HERE
Where are the young people?
If you’ve heard it once, you’ve probably heard it many times before but we often get asked about young people today… where are they and what are they up to? Our very own Leeanne talked to Melbourne Catholic about where Melbourne's youth are today and some of the research around it. It's a really fascinating insight into a very relevant issue for us all! Watch the video HERE 
Mental Health resource revised!
We have finished revising the latest edition of our mental health for young people resource and we recommend that you download it right now! Mental Health is one of the leading issues for young people today evident in the research prior to the Youth Synod and even in response to our local School Forum discussions. 
World Youth Day at Home
For the first time we will be offering a WYD @ home program for those who can’t make it to Panama. From 20 - 27 January 2019, the Melbourne Summer School of Evangelisation will be offering a special WYD themed Summer School which will include many of WYD features such as Catechesis with bishops, a Stations of the Cross, an expo and a final Mass. All of this will be added to Summer School's regular features such as evening rallies, prayer, sacraments, small groups, seminars, workshops and more and is available for all young people aged 16-35. To stay up to date with the latest information, make sure you keep an eye out on the website HERE

Other Bits 'N' Pieces

Six30 Holy Hour – every Thursday night from 6.30pm at St Patrick’s Cathedral. DETAILS 

Positions vacant
The Melbourne Archdiocese has a range of positions available at the moment, details HERE

Young Christian Workers (YCW) have a full time Youth Engagement Coordinator Role available. Application close 24 September. DETAILS

The Cagliero Project We are seeking volunteers for January 2019 departure, working with disadvantaged young people in Salesian communities throughout Cambodia, Samoa, Timor Leste & Solomon Islands. Applications close 15 October. DETAILS

iThirst (26 Sept & 10 Oct)
Young Adult (18-35) group run by the Emmanuel Community in Hawthorn. DETAILS

Ignite 2018: Empty (Brisbane 27-30 Sept)
Ignite Conference is a national Catholic youth conference held annually. Every year it draws 1500+ adults, students, kids, ministry leaders, teachers, priests and religious. DETAILS

Adoration and Theology: Humility (28 September). At St Mary's Star of the Sea West Melbourne. DETAILS
Marist Young Adult Mass and Reflection (30 Sept) Located in Fitzroy DETAILS

In Every Season - iStand Camp (3-5 Oct). For years 9-12 in Ballarat. DETAILS

Fiat Congress (4-7 Oct) For Ages 15+ in Tarneit DETAILS

Vinnies Youth Retreat (5-7 Oct)
The ‘Work of Love’ retreat will provide an opportunity for Young Vincentians to meet  others. Open to all. DETAILS

T@P: October (8 Oct) Emma Fradd shares on Mass and Prayer. DETAILS

Capuchin Spring Ball (13 Oct). Annual ball - a great night and always a sellout. DETAILS

Mass for Young Adults (17 Octt)
Monthly at St Peters and Pauls, South Melbourne. DETAILS

Leave your mark called to be great Youth Rally (20 Oct) Youth Rally in Caroline Springs. DETAILS

Emmanuel Women's Retreat (27-28 Oct) In Lysterfield. DETAILS

Year of Youth Art Exhibition (2-4 Nov) St Benedict's Parish, Burwood. DETAILS

Save the date: Invitations for our annual regional Bishop dinners will be out shortly with the East and South on 23 October and the North (14 Nov) and West (19 Nov).

After more AOY events - see our calendar HERE
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