Your bi-monthly update
from CrossReach

September 2018
Hi *|HTML:MMERGE4|*, here's your latest 
CrossReach eNews Newsletter.
Not just any paint job, it's an M&S paint job!

Staff at CrossReach’s Tom Allan Centre were thrilled when staff from the local Sauchiehall Street branch of Marks and Spencer (M&S) volunteered to re-paint some of the Counselling Rooms in the Centre. This was done as part of M&S’s "Make Every Moment Special" initiative. As well as doing the painting, M&S also provided the paint and materials.

The newly painted rooms will be a safe and friendly place for the staff and people who use the Counselling services.
The Tom Allan Centre is home to CrossReach’s counselling services in Glasgow and offers a range of counselling, including perinatal mental health.

Christmas is coming!

It seems like the summer heatwave and holidays were just a couple of weeks ago, but we are officially in the meteorological Autumn and the nights are fair drawing in... so it must mean it's time for the CrossReach Christmas Cards and Calendars to be available!

See the full Christmas Collection, including some items not available in the Catalogue, here.
If you prefer a paper Catalogue, then email us.

Craftathon: Make and Bake Coffee Morning

We are excited to launch the CrossReach Craftathon: Make and Bake Coffee Morning for this Autumn/Winter.

Organise your Craftathon fundraiser in aid of CrossReach with the help of the Craftathon pack, featuring original recipes and craft patterns galore.

To get your Craftathon Pack, or ask for more information, please contact Rebecca by email at or ring her on 0131 454 4391.

Happy Crafting!

Sunflower Garden: Claire's story, so far...

Claire (not her real name) is 5 years old. Her mum has significant substance use issues and no longer has any contact with Claire. Claire lives with her dad.

Claire’s counsellor has been supporting her for the past four months. Her dad told us that Claire was often distressed and confused about her mum and that this had shown in problems with other children at school and anxiety-related behaviours at home.

From the beginning, Claire enthusiastically engaged in her sessions. Her counsellor decided to start with play-based support as she sensed Claire needed a secure space in which to take ‘time out’ from anxiety-provoking environments in her life.

As their sessions have progressed, Claire’s play has become more settled and collaborative, although her underlying anxiety shows itself in a continuing need to control. Claire’s counsellor hopes that, through sensitive, imaginative play, Claire will feel that she can express her emotions and needs in a safe and secure place. In their forthcoming sessions, her counsellor hopes to continue to strengthen Claire’s sense of security, and help her make sense of her feelings and behaviours.

Please pray for the children, like Claire, who come to Sunflower Garden as well as the counsellors and other staff who make up the tremendous team there.

Return to Court

Perth Prison Visitor Support and Advice Centre (PPVSAC) report another excellent piece of partnership working with the Family Contact Officers at HMP Perth with the re-establishment of their Court work at Perth Sheriff Court.

Elaine, the manager at PPVSAC, reports; "After a long gap in this service, the Sheriff Clerk has agreed that our Centre worker can attend the Court once a month to provide a much needed service for families at the point of family crisis and need.

Our Centre Worker has materials with them to occupy children in an environment that is alien to them.

An example of a typical morning at the court saw three families with five children in total. This demonstrates the need for us to have a visible presence and we are thankful to the Sheriff Clerk for allowing us this opportunity again."

CrossReach Events

By the end of September, a veritable volley of vigorous volunteers will have:
- leapt (abseiled) off the Forth Bridge,
- jumped (with a parachute) out of airplanes,
- walked (with their kilts on),
- ran 5k, 10k or a marathon (keeping well hydrated), or
- zip-wired 2km at treetop height (out of range of midges) through a Scottish forest. 

In total over £25,000 has been raised through these events!

This means more:
- children can feel safe at Daisy Chain,
- Mums can receive the support they need at CrossReach's perinatal mental health counselling,
- family members can receive the support and advice they need at Perth Prison Visitor Support and Advice Centre, 
- children at Sunflower Garden affected by substance use in their family can learn how to deal with their emotions,

and much more.

Thank you to all the abseilers, parachutists, walkers, runners and zippers who are making such a difference, and to all your sponsors and supporters.

You are all our heros!

Watch out for the 2019 CrossReach Events coming your way!
Email to get involved.


Our Well-being Octopus Family continues to grow

To find out more please click on the link below.

If you’ve already made one and have one to spare,

Please pop it in the post and we’ll be happy to share.

To find out more, click here.
To take the short survey, click here.

It's good to talk...
There's only limited space here to let you know of the transformations you and CrossReach, together, are making in Scotland, and the opportunities to do more.
We would love to come and talk to your Church, Guild or 
other group
to let you know more about the exciting, life changing, differences being made, and how you can be part of it.
Phone us now on 0131 454 4374 or email and let's agree a date to talk.
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