To receive any communications from Sickle Cell Warriors, Inc. about sickle cell related news, events, research, educational opportunities, and initiatives in your area, please complete the following information. By completing the entire form, we can tailor our correspondence to only the information you desire. Upon submission, you give Sickle Cell Warriors, Inc. permission to communicate directly with you. Your privacy is assured. Your information will not be sold or shared with any third parties. Thank you for completing this form. The information received helps us provide the best services to our community.
Sickle Cell Warriors, Inc. is the largest patient-run sickle cell disease nonprofit organization in the world. Through social media and the power of the internet, we educate the general public to raise awareness about sickle cell disease, provide a much needed patient voice to governmental and non-governmental agencies, educational & health care institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and various entities to advocate for improved initiatives and clinical research for those living with SCD.
Sickle Cell Warriors, Inc. represents the largest collective of sickle cell patients and caregivers. Monthly, our website has regularly 75,000-78,000 unique hits. On our Facebook page alone, we engage with almost 24,000 members from all over the world. Insights show that we have approximately 45% of members from all over the world, with 55% based within the United States. Our mission is to ensure that our members have education and support to live and cope with the personal nature of this disease. Using technology and online media, our goal is to support each member towards higher levels of self-care management through education, inspiration, and empowerment.
If you are interested in working with Sickle Cell Warriors, Inc in any way; as an advocate, team leader, member, writer, ambassador, intern, volunteer, or a mentor, all fields must be completed.
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