Hello and welcome to the TCC Weekly – the Friday bulletin for people who know their flying geese from their tiger cubs.
This is one of our quiet weeks. But, as always, it wouldn’t be Friday without your dose of Values Modes. This week we look at the recent claim by Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani that “truth isn’t truth”.
David Evans
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The Values Lab is based on the Values Modes segmentation tool – created by Cultural Dynamics and used by TCC– which divides the population into ethics-driven Pioneers, aspirational Prospectors, and threat-wary Settlers. Take the test here to see which you are.
Fact versus fiction
Giuliani’s words come at a time where fear of ‘post-truth’ politics and ‘fake news’ have become widespread. The claim brought to mind the following Hannah Arendt quote: the “ideal subject[s] of totalitarian rule” are people for whom the “distinction between fact and fiction [..] and the distinction between true and false [..] no longer exists.”
We thought we’d put the gap between fantasy and reality into the Values Lab.
As the map above shows, the strongest agreement with this are the appropriately named Prospector sub-segment ‘Golden Dreamers’. Meanwhile, Pioneers are exceptionally unlikely to agree (although their self-confidence in their own 20-20 vision doesn’t necessarily mean that they actually have it!). Golden Dreamers are socially conservative but also aspirational and individualistic. Their strong agreement perhaps shows the idealised versions of their own futures which often drive them forwards.