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Plans for visiting the US in February 2019

Dear friends,

We hope you are all doing fine, and God is blessing you all in your lives and families, as well as in your ministries.

This newsletter is only to let you all know that we have plans to visit churches in the USA in February 2019, mostly in the St. Louis and Atlanta area. We are trying to finalize our route, so... if you would like to invite us also to visit your church, even if it is in another city, I would ask you to let us know ASAP, before we confirm our flights and final dates. And we will do our best to make it happen.

Debbie and the kids are excited to visit our friends in the States, and to visit some new places. Please pray that God will lead us in all the preparations.

And thank you all, as always, for your prayers, love and care!

¡Dios los bendiga!
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