justice not jails


gang databases

The Dangers of Sweeping Gang Labels for Black and Latino Youth
Maritza Perez: This administration is conflating gang crime with illegal immigration, and painting communities of color as bastions of lawlessness, in a cynical effort to capitalize on fear and sell draconian tough-on-crime policies.
race gap

Efforts to Fix Race Gap in Juvenile Justice Trumped

Eli Hager: The agency is essentially dissolving its research arm—the only federal team compiling information on racial patterns in juvenile arrests.

Fighting to End the Other Death Sentence: Life Without Parole

Jean Trounstine: Despite historic crime lows and falling prison figures, the number of people serving life without the possibility of parole sentences has continued to rise, quadrupling since 1992.

Hopeful News on Opioid Addictions

Julie Lurie: The number of new heroin users appears to be falling dramatically. But there’s still a long, long way to go.
zero tolerance

Zero Tolerance Lives On

Julia Preston: Mass hearings, often with dozens of defendants, are happening regularly, sometimes twice a day, in federal courts across the southwest border, under the Trump administration’s policy known as zero tolerance.
policee transparency


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