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Hello <<First Name>>,

Hope you're doing just amazing! 

If you've been thinking about coming along to our NourishED Workshop on Sat 22 Sept, you've only got a couple of days left to book your ticket.

And did you know...all attendees at the workshop will have an exclusive delicious & nutritious lunch at the new Restaurant, CharlotteJack, run by celebrity chef, Ben Milbourne! We will be THE FIRST to eat at the soon-to-open restaurant! 

And while on the topic of workshops, early-bird tickets for our DIY Toxin-Free Hygiene+Suncare Workshop next Sat 29 Sept end THIS Saturday. There are only THREE spaces left.

Much biomey-love,

Filipa Bellette, PhD
(PhD-Eng.C.W., BA-Hon.-Eng.Psych., Adv.Dip-Nut.Med, Kalish Functional Med.)
Doctor of Philosophy - Creativity
Clinical Nutritional Medicine Practitioner
Functional Medicine Practitioner

NourishED Workshop

Do you struggle with emotional eating?

Perhaps you’re addicted to food?

Are you someone who finds it hard to stay on track with healthy eating?

Maybe you overeat, try not to overeat, under eat, binge, purge, starve, restrict, obsess about eating, hide food, lie about food, compulsive exercise, or fall into compulsive food activity or any food behavior that evokes shame.

What if we told you that emotional eating & food addiction is not a behavioural problem or a lack of self-control, but a chemical despondency disease? What if we told you that there IS an answer to pin-pointing your physical imbalances, so that you can journey to healing your emotional and spiritual dis-connection with food?

During this NourishED Workshop, Functional Medicine Practitioner & Clinical Nutritionist from Happy Biome, Filipa Bellette, will delve deep into the physical imbalances of emotional eating & food addiction, and show you how you can identify and recorrect these imbalances so that you can free yourself from compulsive or shameful food activity.

Filipa, who also holds a PhD in Creativity, will then take you through a creative journey into your subconscious, to help you uncover why you eat (or don't eat) what you eat.

Her partner in health (and life!), Chris Bellette, who is a highly sought-after health coach from Move Strong Gymnasium & national athlete, will then pull out his MindSet Coaching prowess, to help you identify who you truly are - and who you want to be - and nut out with you strategies to overcome your negative emotional and spiritual disconnect with food. Don’t fear - giving up certain ‘favourite’ food is not about deprivation, but about uncovering deprivation. Food is meant to nourish, not nurture.

You will leave this NourishED Workshop armed with a deeper knowledge about yourself, your body, and your relationship with food, and with effective strategies to help you choose foods that will serve and deeply nourish you.

During the NourishED workshop, we'll head to CharlotteJack for a delicious and nourishing lunch.

WHEN: Sat 22 September, 10am - 3pm
WHERE: Cultivate - The Wesley, 42a Steele St, Devonport
COST: $105.04

DIY Toxin-Free Hygiene+Suncare Workshop

Did you know that your toothpaste and deodorant might be slowly poisoning you? It's seriously insane that commercial manufacturers put dangerous carcinogenic chemicals in products that go inside our mouth and under our arms, places where toxins can very easily absorb into our bloodstream. Even more, hygiene products, such has sanitisers, often also contain bacterial-busting chemicals that wipe out not just the bad bacteria, but also your good microbiome. Suncare is no different. Many sunscreens and after-sun gels contain hazardous chemicals that might appear to protect you from the sun, but in fact cause damage beneath the cells, and might actually contribute to skin cancer and other diseases and conditions! If you'd like to make a huge change to your health and wellbeing, now is the time to swap your hygiene and suncare products to natural, safe alternatives. Our DIY Toxin-Free HYGIENE+SUNCARE Workshop will help you do just that! We will teach you to make good, conscientious choices when purchasing products, and we will also teach you how to make the products yourself so you can learn to trust and understand natural ingredients.

During the workshop, you will learn to make five hygiene & suncare cleaning products:

Odour-Busting Deodorant Balm (Bicarb-Free) - 60ml
Toothpaste (that looks and feels like 'toothpaste'!) - 120g
Breath Freshener Spray - 50ml
Hand Sanitiser (that ONLY kills the nasty bugs) - 85ml
Nourishing Balm with Sun Protection - 100ml

You'll also learn some of the more nastier chemicals commonly found in hygiene and suncare products to avoid, as well as the negative impacts these chemicals are having on you and your family. You'll learn what essential oils are best for hygiene and suncare products, and which ones can help with physical and emotional health issues. We use only 100% therapeutic-grade essential oils in all our workshops and in our Happy Biome products, as well as all natural and organic butters, oils, antioxidants and powders. During the workshop, we'll also provide you with a recipe hand-out to take home, as well as tips on where to get the best price for quality ingredients, the top 10 toxic chemicals to avoid, and a list of natural ingredients you can use in hygiene and suncare. This workshop will be educational, informative and empowering, leaving you not only armed with toxin-free hygiene and suncare products to take home, but also leaving you motivated to make a difference to you and your family's health and emotional wellbeing.

No pre-shopping or supplies required, just register and show up! The workshop is $60* and covers all supplies, containers, oils, recipe booklet, paleo treats, herbal teas & a wealth of invaluable knowledge! (*Early-bird registration one-week prior to the event is $60; after the one-week mark is $70).

Space is limited in the workshop and will require pre-purchased registration at the link below to ensure we have enough room and supplies for everyone.

All welcome! Looking forward to seeing you there!

WHEN: Saturday 29 Sept 2pm-4:30pm 
WHERE: Happy Biome Studio (26 Lapthorne Close, Don - enter via Jiloa Way).
COST: $60 for early-bird registrations 1-week prior to the event - $70 after.

Plantar Fasciitis

Do you suffer from that terrible foot pain, PLANTAR FASCIITIS?

Have you tried various treatments with no real satisfaction, such as orthotics, cortisone injections, stretches, anti-inflammatory drugs, even surgery?

Well, get yourself to our Happy Biome 
Clinic to see our Remedial Therapist Jo Ross. We offer a treatment plan that addresses the issue. Clients have commented that they feel relief from the very first appointment. A series of 1/2 hour treatments weekly will have you back to happy feet!

Jo works from our Happy Biome Studio Clinic on Tuesdays or by Appointment, including after-hours. Her next available appointment is Tue 25 Sept at 3:30pm.

Beetroot Chips & Coriander Houmous

Enjoyed these purple brain-food delights for lunch the other day with my little ones. My Dad gave me a big bag of beetroot plucked from his luscious garden the other week, so I’ve been using them up in every way I can think of!

Check out our blog for my Beetroot Chips & Coriander Houmous recipe.

My Poo - Before & After

YESSSS!!! This is my kind of “Before & After”...My latest Stool antigen test shows that I’ve knocked my h.pylori infection out of my gut using ONLY natural treatments, and not one antibiotic in sight. I also had a crazy list of other parasitic, fungal & bacterial infections, including entamoeba fragilis, blastocystis hominis, candida parapsilosis, citrobacter, and an overgrowth of streptococcus & escherichia coli. All of these suckers were knocked out after my first round of natural treatment (except for the stubborn little blasto which I've gone back to sweep out).  

Having dealt with heartburn for the last 15 or so years of my life, my gut health is finally on the mend now that I have knocked out one of the major ‘causes’ (go here to one of my blog posts to learn more about how h.pylori and dysbiosis causes heartburn).

Previously I had tried to fix my heartburn with food and guzzling apple cider vinegar, but it always came back, especially with stress. This will never work if you have nasty bugs causing an infection and inflammation in the gut.

Testing is best, otherwise you’re just treating your symptoms blindly!


If you’re fed up with gut issues, if nothing you've done so far has solved your health issues, now is the time to get some testing done to really nut out the root cause of your health issues. I do In-person & Skype consults for Functional Medicine - I can help you, no matter where you live in the world! Go here for more info about my Functional Medicine practices.

Folic Acid vs Folate

Let’s talk about supplements...

There are lots of different forms of supplements out there, and it can get confusing as to what forms are best. 

Folic acid has been touted as a must for child bearing women or those deficient in B9. The thing is, folic acid is actually a synthetic form of B9 and is not only ineffective in boosting B9 levels, but could potentially be dangerous. This is because it is difficult to breakdown and metabolise folic acid in the liver, so un-metabolised folic acid ends up building up and floating around in the bloodstream. 

Several studies have indicated that this could lead to an increased risk in cancer, and undetected B12 deficiency.

If you do need to supplement with B9 it is far more therapeutic (and safer!) to use folate, which is a more naturally occurring, active form of B9. Folate may appear in the ingredients list as folinic acid, levomefolic acid or 5-methyltetrahydrofolate. 

And the best place to get your folate, of course, is in your food: think asparagus, avocados, Brussels sprouts, leafy greens, and liver.

Pit Potpourri! Deodorant

Our Pit Potpourri! Deodorant is one of our best-sellers. We've had great feedback about its effectiveness for busting stinky pits.

My hubby is a big fan of our stink-be-gone paste. It took him awhile to get around the idea of rubbing the paste under his hairy underarms, but when he did, he was hooked! This is what he said: 

“As a man with a sizeable sweat-slick swath of an underarm, I can attest that this Pit Potpourri is awesome! So, I do a lot of stuff throughout the day and not only does this get me from shower to shower smelling great, but it also completely gets rid of and prevents chaffing and underarm rash (TMI sorry), but, you know, sore underarms is the ‘pits’ when you need to use your hands and move your arms around a lot. Nice work Filly!“ - Chris Bellette.

On Sat 29 Sept, 2pm I'm sharing a version of my deodorant recipe at our DIY Toxin-Free Hygiene+Suncare Workshop. Only THREE SPOTS LEFT, so be sure to pop over to book in!

You can also purchase our Pit Potpourri! Deodorant inclusive of zlich nasties, earth ingredients only, here.
Fat My Face!

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Oh My!
Luscious Lips

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Pit Potpourri! Deodorant
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Would you like to stock our Happy Biome Skincare & Cleaning products? Feel free to contact us for our Wholesale Price List!
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