September 24, 2018
Expressway News
Discover the True Cost of Your Commute
The financial costs associated with single occupancy vehicles are often higher than we realize, when you take into consideration things like maintenance, taxes, car payment, fuel, and parking. That’s why we’re encouraging drivers to use the Commute Solutions Commute Cost Calculator to discover the true cost of their commute. Click here for the calculator. If you don’t like what you see, consider trying transit or exploring some of Commute Solutions’ alternative options to get you from A to B.
Give Transit a Try with Capital Metro
How Will you Spend your Commune? The Possibilities Are Endless

Beyond the Single Occupancy Vehicle: Commute Solutions
If you’re looking to improve your commute experience, but transit isn’t the right choice for you, there are other options. You can save money, reduce air pollution and alleviate stress by checking out Commute Solutions and trying another alternative commute option.
Telework Your Way to Enhanced Quality of Life
Teleworking, or telecommuting, is one solution to traffic congestion caused by single occupancy vehicle commuting. By working from home, you avoid the daily commute altogether. This growing trend is gaining popularity across the U.S., with benefits to both the employee and employer, especially employers with high overhead/operating costs. Employees who work from home enjoy a better quality of life as a result of more time spent doing the things they love with the ones they love, rather than sitting in traffic. For more information on teleworking, click here.
Alternative Work Schedules Reduce Rush Hour Congestion
Some jobs allow employees to work alternative schedules, which means fewer cars on the road during the peak of rush hour. Alternative schedules can take many forms, from staggered work hours, to flextime, to compressed work weeks. By giving the employee more freedom to choose when they commute, employers benefit as well. Not only is there is less congestion in employee parking lots and entrance/exits, employee productivity and morale improve, and staggered hours can offer more coverage due to the extended workday. For more information on alternative work schedules, click here.
Find a Carpool Buddy
We know that not all jobs are conducive to teleworking or flexible schedules. But there are other things you can do to help solve the congestion problem, like carpool. A carpool saves fuel, reduces air pollution, and allows you to share the cost of gas. It only takes two to create a carpool and experience the benefits. If you’re looking for a carpool buddy, check out myCommuteSolutions, a trip-planning tool that pairs carpoolers and allows users to track cost savings, calories burned, fuel saved and pollution reduced. For more information on the basics of carpooling, click here.
While these options do require some coordination, cooperation and flexibility, there’s no denying the benefits they bring. Check out and and learn how your commute could be transformed.
Explore Our Projects
Curious about our multimodal mobility solutions for Central Texas? Visit our website and check out our brand new interactive map for a snapshot of our efforts to improve regional mobility. Get the facts about our projects open to traffic, under construction, and in the development process, as well as photos, videos, and much, much more.