
Have you Seen the New Cinema Sound Site?

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We've got a completely revamped Site!

After several months of work, we've finally taken the Cinema Sound website where we've always wanted it to be! Super organized, easy to search, and way nicer to navigate! Stop by the Cinema Sound site and see what you've  never seen before. In fact, we have a video to take you on a tour here:

Don't forget to Join us EVERY THURSDAY 6:00PDT for the Cinema Sound Symposium. 

Just use this link to register and you'll receive your notification and login requirements before the symposium begins as long as you're more than 24 hours ahead of the show.

If you are not an MZed Pro Member, NO PROBLEM! First, our STRONG suggestion is that you become a member which gives you access to the most comprehensive multimedia education in the world - with over 175 hours of education with MORE ON THE WAY - for LESS THAN $.83 a Day!

Become an MZed Pro Member by clicking here.

Or, click here to be taken to the Cinema Sound store where you can pay a-la-carte for each symposium.

God Speed Frank Serafine

We were shocked and saddened by the news of our dear friend and sound designing guru Frank Serafine's untimely death. Read the response from our presenter Mark Edward Lewis who knew him for years.
Articles From This Week On Cinema Sound:

Create ADR Bussing and Effects!

In this video, Cinema Sound presenter Mark Edward Lewis shows us how to create ADR bussing so that all the ADR tracks of a mix can be affected separate from the rest of the Dialog WHILE also being processed by the dialog bus. He also uses the Waves Vintage Aural Exciter in Adobe Audition to demonstrate!

Read On!

Saramonic Dialog Wind-Shredding Shootout!

In this video, Cinema Sound presenter Mark Edward Lewis shows us three different wind shredders from Saramonic on the TM-7 and demonstrates how each affects the sound of the microphone. It’s a Wind-Shredding Shotgun Shootout!

Read On...

Don't Fry Your Gear! Don't Do This!

In this video, Cinema Sound presenter Mark Edward Lewis shows us several ways that gear can get fried from high and low voltage and how to keep it from happening to you. Don’t fry your gear!!

Read On!
As always, I'm here to support you to win in all the production modes you're up to. My mission - and the mission of Cinema Sound - is to have Independent Media makers have projects that are SO GOOD, that they rival Hollywood-level impact and are considered as viable choices for entertainment for the masses.

Please drop by the forum and ask any questions you may have, and myself and my staff will get you up and running as fast as possible!

In Your Service,

Mark Edward Lewis
Senior Cinema Sound Instructor
The best value we can provide the independent media creator is the MZed Pro Membership. It provides the most comprehensive audio and sound education in the world (over 85 hours) on everything a media creator needs to create Hollywood-level audio immersion. It also provides over 60 additional hours of visual education including directing, editing, cinematography, still photography and more. A total of over 140 hours of education to get the secrets that Hollywood doesn't want you to have.

It does this for less than $24.99 a month!

Moreover, you get significant deals on software and hardware demonstrated and recommended in the education which exceed the cost of the annual membership by far.

Become an MZed Pro Member today by clicking here and receive an additional $100 off Philip Bloom's incredible DSLR master class.
Cinema Sound is committed to providing the independent media creating community the skills and knowledge to create Hollywood-Level immersive content so good, that it competes with big budget productions so that independent media is an equal and viable choice for the masses.

Copyright © 2018 Cinema Sound, All rights reserved.

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