
Stay connected with what's happening this month at NTCC!

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Derek Olsen
Lead Pastor

As I have spent this past month getting to know many of you, I thought this may be a good time for you to get to know me a little better too! I have compiled a few questions you may be wondering about me and as we prepare to enter into this next season together, I hope we will continue to grow in unity both as a church and as the family of Christ, as we build on current relationships and develop new ones. 

So, Who am I?


Favorite Verse: Romans 12:1,2

12 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

I like this verse because it tells us a lot about what we need to do after coming to Christ and being baptized. It tells us that our spiritual worship is our bodies, our temples.  What we do physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually to ourselves, maters.  It goes on to remind us this is not a sprint to the finish line and done.  The renewal of our mind is an ongoing process that continues.  Are you still teachable? Are you still moldable? Is God really still able to use you for His purposes?


Favorite Drink: I don’t drink pop so I will have to say water.  (I drink way more coffee than water, but I felt water was the right answer, not the truthful answer).


Favorite Food: Whatever Amanda makes that has meat in it. (This answer is both true and the right answer.  Sometimes the food she makes does not have meat in it, but it's still good.)


Favorite Sport: It’s easier to tell you the ones I don’t like.  Also, when did poker become a sport? And why do they have the game Cornhole on ESPN sometimes?  Kubb (pronounced cube) is really more fun.


Favorite Child: My wife told me not to answer this, since obviously we don’t have favorites….


Favorite Ice Cream: I don’t eat a lot of sugar but when I used to work for Schwan’s, my favorite was Chocolate Almond.  I also like anything with peanut butter in it. 


Favorite thing about the Church: Since church is a people and not a place, (second only to people getting baptized and surrendering to God) is when I see people doing what needs to be done without being asked and without making a spectacle and/or needing a pat on the back.  


What are my expectations from each person at New Testament?  I am glad you asked.  We will talk more about that very soon.

What is our next series on Sundays? You ask good questions.  October 14 we will start a new series on Foundations: From Acts to 2018.  It will be a deeper series on the Restoration Movement, why we do what we do and a closer look at the Lord’s Supper, Baptism, the Bible and our responsibility.

Thank you again to all the people who have introduced and re-introduced yourselves. It has been a great first month here at NTCC and I look forward to a bright future together!

The following people made decisions in August & September. Join us as we welcome them into the church family!
Brynlee Smeltser - Baptism
Savannah Schrapf - Baptism
Clara Cohn - Baptism
Derek & Amanda, Isaac, Halee, Rylee and Jacie Olsen - Pledged Membership
Jeremy & Ashley, Clara, Naomi, Beth & Edith Cohn - Pledged Membership
Sheila Patton - Pledged Membership

Schedule of Events for NTCC

October 12-13 - SuperStart! For grades 5 & 6 in St. Charles, MO

October 23 - Mobile Food Pantry in MPB @ 4:00pm - 5:30pm

October 26 - Light The Night! 

October 28 - Family Sunday & Linger Longer Lunch following 10:30 Service

For more information on any of these events, please call the NTCC office at 319-524-8727.
Volunteers Needed!


We are looking for some volunteers from 2:30pm until about 6pm on Tuesday July 3.  (If you can not stay for the whole time we would love any help you can give!) Volunteers have a variety of tasks, from unboxing food from the truck, setting out food on tables, handing out food, helping to carry items to cars and breaking up boxes.

If you have any interest in helping with the Mobile Food Pantry hosted at NTCC please call the office for more details: 319-524-8727 


Connor Farris
Missionary to Russia
Summer 2018


From our hearts to yours. . . 

Summer is finally over, and what a summer it was! For the first time since I moved to Russia, my brother was able to come and visit. On top of that, he brought two tickets to the 2018 World Cup with him! It was a real treat for Natasha and I to be able to take him around and show him the Russia I’ve come to know and love. While I can’t say that I’ve ever been a huge soccer fan, being able to attend one of the biggest events in the world with my brother was a real treat.

It was a privilege to introduce him to our church family here. He said one thing he loved was finally being able to connect faces and places he has heard so much about to the real thing. It was a highlight of the summer to introduce another member of our family in America to our family here. 

We would love the opportunity to do the same for others. If you or your church would ever be interested in coming to see us and the church here, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Trevor (my brother) and I with some excited fans from Morocco

This July was our annual church camp, and it was a huge success! It was at a new location, and it’s with great pleasure that I can say that for the first time ever, we had…wait for it…TOILETS AND SHOWERS AT CAMP! I know, I know. We really went over the top this year, but it was well worth it. The weather was great all week, the kids had a blast, and when we got back home, two of them decided to give their lives to Christ and be baptized!
        Many years we have youth that desire to be baptized, but as they are from Orthodox families, their parents don’t allow them to do so, so this is an exceptionally happy moment for us.
       Natasha was the official camp photographer this year, and I was one of the family leaders. This was a special experience for me, because my co-leader was a girl name Dasha who had been one of my first students when I moved to Russia back in 2011. My kids are growing up!
       Please pray for our students that have made their decisions to follow Christ and that many others will do the same.

A quick side note: Natasha and I were blessed to be the camp missionaries for Overnighters and Niners' week of camp via Skype. We'd like to give a very big thanks to them for all the support they raised for us. It was a huge help!

My current visa says that I can stay in Russia for three years, but I have to leave the country every six months (this is a common practice in many countries, not just Russia). Usually this means I take a short trip back to the States, but this year we did something special.

Rather than the folks coming to Russia this year to see us, it was decided to we would meet up somewhere in between.  The halfway point between the Midwest and Russia is actually somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, but as nobody in the family really fancied visiting Atlantis for our vacation, we decided on Denmark. Natasha studied and worked there some years ago, so it was nice for her to be able to visit and catch up with old friends and for us to make new ones.

While there, we attended an English speaking church, and visited/toured many churches--one in particular with volunteers who chatted about church history, a topic I'm becoming more and more passionate about. All and all it was an incredible experience, and I want to give a very special thanks to my parents for helping make it possible. We love you guys!

Back to School 

School in Russia starts nationwide on September 1st every year. Since that falls on a Saturday this year, kids only have to go to school for a few hours for a little ceremony, then are free until Monday when the schoolwork begins. Natasha will start back teaching at the university again soon, and I’m currently teaching some new students, as well as a few old ones.

Earlier this year, a friend and I started teaching an English class for home schooled students. Word has gotten out and we’ve gained a few more kids, even a few public school kids. The kids really love it, and while I was a bit skeptical of the idea at first, I’ve really come to enjoy it as well. Please pray that God uses this opportunity as an opportunity to share the gospel with families in our area.

This month at church I will be starting up a church history class/Bible study. My brother brought over some books that I needed, and I’ve spent a good chunk of the summer pouring over thousands of pages of church history books creating a lesson plan that can condense 3,000 years of events into a few months of material while still remaining useful. To many, I’m sure this seems exceptionally boring, but I absolutely love it. My goal is to teach people why we believe what we believe, and how we came to believe it. The history of the Christ’s church is an exciting thing, and seeing how we play a vital role in this story can do a lot to strengthen us spiritually.

Prayer Requests:
Youth Group: Our youth minister took a job outside this summer, so for the time being we are running on volunteers.  In order to keep this running well without a full time youth minister, we’re going to be making a few changes as the year goes on. Pray that these will be well received and useful.

Volunteers: With the extra work they’ll be doing, it will be easy to get burnt out. Pray for them to have diligence and patience.

School: As I mentioned, school has started up, so please remember to pray for our students and teachers to grow in Christ and stand strong in their faith.

Paperwork: Please continue to pray for the successful completion and acceptance of all of my paperwork.

Gospel: Pray that the gospel continues to spread and take hold in the hearts of people, and for the upcoming class I will be teaching.

Thanks: Join us in thanking God for His work here, and the opportunities He gives us to partner together across the globe





Commission Coffee Corner
Every Sunday, coffee is ready at the Commission Coffee Corner before worship and ABF Classes. Coffee is free, but as you fill your cup, you may notice a jar for donations on the counter. Your donations support a different mission organization each month that is working to bring the good news to all corners of the world.

In September & October, Commission Coffee Corner donations with be shared with South Sudan African Mission


Dawn Farris
Director of Children & Family Ministries

Years ago I was part of a Bible study group that went through the book, Lord Change Me, by Evelyn Christianson. This fall, twenty some years later, the ladies' small group that meets at our home began studying the same book.

The premise of the book, and the study, is simple--it's not about God changing my children, or my spouse, or my co-workers, neighbors or family members--it's about God changing me. 

Throughout the study we are being challenged to be changed through reading the word, studying the word and applying the word. But as we meet together each week and talk about what God is doing in us, the words, "Lord, Change Me," come through our conversations again and again.

When we lose patience in traffic, we pray, "Lord, change me." When we are tempted to judge, "Lord, change me." When we are slipping back into places where we once had victory, "Lord, Change Me."

God is answering our prayers. It's not always easy. But it's evident. We see God at work. We hear His Spirit. We sense His guiding and prompting, care and love.

This month, I hope you will be encouraged and challenged to begin to pray, "Lord, change me," and then give Him the glory for the change that comes as you allow Him to work His change in you.




Friday, October 26 from 6-8pm
Trunk or Treat at 8pm

Sign up at the tables in the back of the church to help us welcome and serve the families of our communities. Areas of service include:

Set Up Friday afternoon
Clean Up Friday Night/Saturday Morning
Run a Game Station
Kitchen Help
Organize the Trunk or Treat Event
Host a Trunk for Trunk or Treat
Bake a Cake for the cake walk
Donate food items for the meal
Invite friends and neighbors

If you can help in any of these areas, sign up at the church or contact Ms Dawn!


5th and 6th graders will be heading to St Charles, MO, on October 12-13 for CIY's Superstart.
Cost is now $125 and includes conference, hotel, meals, zoo trip and a t-shirt. For more information, see MsDawn.

HiSKidZ want to say thanks again to the Wright and Stice family--Mitchell and Chelsea Stice and Mike and Connie Wright--for making our XP such a great XPerience for HiSKidZ and their families! If you don't know the Stice's or the Wright's be sure to get to know them. They generally attend 1st service, and HiSKidZ love how they have used their passions for HiSKidZ and God's kingdom!  

Our next XP is currently scheduled for Sunday,  December 23! 

Current Opportunities include:

Baby Nursery Volunteer--Temporary Spot to fill in for a leader on maternity leave.

KidZChurch Volunteers--Come be part of what God is doing in the lives of HiSKidZ. Training provided.


HiSKidZ classes on Sunday morning meet at 9am (lessons with Bible skills games) and 10:30 KidZChurch (with songs, lesson, communion time and lesson review games).
Calvin Stevens
Student Ministries

Greetings from the Loft!
We had a very exciting and large start to our fall season! Our junior high program has tripled in attendance. They are a very curious group, with lots of excitement. They have a ton of questions but thankfully also a strong foundation in the word as the majority have moved up from Ms. Dawn's KidzRock program. We are excited to see them continue to grow in the Word and spend some time with those that will attend the CIY Superstart program coming up Oct 12th in St Louis!
Our high school program is holding strong with many returning from last year, and also growing as they invite new friends each week. We have such a solid group of kids coming through the Loft this year. Our goal for the year in both groups is to memorize the books of the Bible. There are several that have already accomplished this necessary task, but we want all to be equipped and have the same foundation moving forward in our walk with Christ.
We are also learning how to respond and defend our faith to those that may have questions and concerns in regards to Christianity. We are leading in love with our lessons, and doing our best to equip our students in all circumstances. Our world desperately needs the light of Christ to shine in our community and throughout the  nation. It is a blessing to have such a great group of students that are willing to show up and help shine the light of Christ.
We are also very grateful & beyond blessed for our sponsors this year! Anna Saavedra, Dawn and Jeff Doore. Mike Shuman and Maddie Johnson.  I could not do any of this without them and we could not do any of this without your prayers. Please, keep them up as we seek God in all we do and say. To God be all the glory. Amen.

NTCC's Youth Programming, TheLoft, for grades 6-12, exists to evangelize, disciple, and equip youth through exposure to God's work, prayer, community, and Christ-centered relationships in order to mobilize them to works of service. The Loft meets on Wednesday Nights in the NTCC MPB. Grades 6-8 meet from 6pm-7:15pm and Grades 9-12 meet from 7:30pm-9pm. On Sunday mornings, grades 7-12 meet at 9am for The Loft AM Bible study all year long.


TheLoft for Junior High

Grades 6-8
6pm-7:15 pm on Wednesday Nights during the school year 

TheLoft for High School
Grades 9-12
7:30pm-9pm on Wednesday Nights during the school year 

For more information about youth programming at NTCC, or more information about volunteering with youth please call

Cullen Hartley

Keokuk Christian Academy just finished our first grading period and we are off to a great school year! We hope to see the whole school community at the CPTA’s annual Spaghetti Dinner on November 9. It will be a wonderful time to eat food, fellowship with the community, and see the kids perform. If you would like to help out in any way, please give the office a call at 319-524-5752, and we may have jobs available.


Also keep our school in prayer as we recognize Red Ribbon Week on October 22-26. This is an important time when we try to send fun message to help students realize the importance of saying no to drugs and bullying.


KCA is also searching for a few veterans to share briefly at an assembly scheduled for November 12. If you have a testimony that is Christ-centered and reveals the love and dedication to our country, please let Cullen Hartley know that you would like to share. We would love to have you!


Important Dates

October 12: Fire Department Visits KCA

October 22-26: Red Ribbon Week

October 26: Harvest Parties

November 9: Spaghetti Dinner

November 12: Veterans’ Day Assembly


For more information about KCA and how to enroll, visit

This month's Linger Longer Lunch will take place on Family Sunday, October 28 after 2nd Service. 


If your family or small group is interested in hosting a Linger Longer Lunch please contact the church office to make a plan! 
Be on the look out for e-mails and posts with links to sign up for a Meal Train hosted by NTCC!

m is a meal calendar tool that helps us to easily organize delivering meals for our church family. 
There are times in our lives when friends and family ask, "What can I do to help out?" The answer is usually to help them with a meal! When many friends give a meal, this is a Meal Train.  NTCC will be using meal trains for times in families lives such as celebrating a new baby, sickness, surgeries and other life events as needed.

Once a meal train link is posted, it's quick and simple. Just pick a date through the link and bring a meal! All information about the family will be included in that link so you wont need to wonder about allergies or food restrictions! 

We currently have a meal train open here for Corey & Courtney Happs celebrating their new baby Nova! 

It is a great way to bless the family, see the new baby and get to know each other just a little better!

If you have any questions about meal trains please call the church office 319-524-8727

LaMoine CHRISTIAN SERVICE CAMP: AREA MEN'S FELLOWSHIP MEETING Monday, October 22 at Maple Avenue Christian Church. Macomb, IL 6:30pm  A van will be available for transportation.

Adult Bible Fellowship: Sunday Mornings are just the beginning!

 On Sunday mornings, join our NTCC family in one of our Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) classes. This ministry exists to equip the NTCC congregation with the Word of God as we live to be obedient to the Great Commission and take the Gospel of Jesus to the world.


At 9:00am: 
The Book of Hebrews

Study Leader: Jon Bethel


At 10:30am:

Harold Hough will be facilitating this class September through November.

 *NTCC is still in need of additional facilitators'. Schedules are flexible and easily adaptable. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry please call the church office for more information. 319-524-8727

At 10:30am:
Standard Bible Publishing Lesson: God's World & God's People: Genesis
Study leader: Cullen Hartley

This Fall, lessons focus on the uniquely creative and re-creative activity of the Lord God. The lessons are drawn from the Bibles book of beginnings. Genesis is rightly associated with Gods work as creator. But, Genesis also emphasizes God's power to re-create and to address what happened when His "very good" creation (Genesis 1:31) became very bad due to sin.

For more information about our ABF ministry, please see Chris Mickelson or contact the NTCC Office 319-524-8727

At 6pm: 
Sunday Night Prayer 

Join New Testament Christian Church on Sunday nights, from 6pm to 7pm, for a come-and-go-as-you-please time of prayer. This service focuses on seeking our God together as the Church through singing, scripture reading, and praying in groups, with a friend, or by yourself. For more information, please see an NTCC staff member.


Small Groups Will be opening up again this month!! Be sure to get connected with one in your area! 

Small Groups are currently meeting at various locations throughout the tri-state area. Spiritual growth continually occurs in small group cultures, and we encourage every member of NTCC to plug into a group or ABF. 

God uses small group studies to help us BELIEVE, BELONG and BECOME all He desires for us as His body.  Small groups are a great way to connect and be a part of what God is doing in lives here at NTCC.

The Following Small groups are open and eager to welcome new members anytime:

Tuesdays: Beginning Oct 2 @ 7:00pm Keokuk, IA
Led in rotation by the Abegglen, Blankenship and Hanson families.

Thursdays: Currently Meeting @ 6:00pm Keokuk, IA
Led by Nathan & Kristin Schulte

Thursdays: Beginning in October @ 6:30pm rotating in Carthage & Warsaw, IL
Led by Dave Snowden & Tim Crose


For contact details and addresses please call the church office for further information 319-524-8727



-Thursdays at 6:00pm: Men's Accountability Group. Led by Calvin Stevens. Meets weekly at NTCC. All Men welcome!


-Thursdays at 11:30am: The 'Barnabas Men' meet each week at 4th Street Café for fellowship & lunch. All men are invited to join!

Women's Small Group and Studies-

-Mondays at 3:30pm Beginning Oct 1 - Ladies Small Group at Susan Thomson's home in Kahoka, MO.  Studying passages from the book of Romans
-Tuesdays at 6:30pm Currently Meeting - Womens' Study at Dawn Farris' home in Hamilton, IL.  The Group is also involved in times of service and fun. Studying Lord Change Me by Evelyn Christenson
-Wednesdays at 1:00pm Beginning Oct 3 - Ladies Bible Study at River Terrace Apartments Dining Hall. Led by Elly Webb, studying through a book on David entitled I Have Been Young. 

For more information and details regarding these and other studies please contact the office 319-524-8727

Offering and Attendance
2018 Weekly Need: $5,281.00
September  Offering  Attendance   Volunteers
September 2  $7096.02 270 61
September  9 $10295.41 230 54
September 16 $3772.91 225 60
September 23 $3734.67 234 78

Monthly Financial Reports are available upon request from the NTCC Office.

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New Testament Christian Church

Derek Olsen, Senior Pastor
Cullen Hartley, NTCC Minister of Administration and KCA Administrator
Dawn Farris, Children's and Family Ministry Director
Calvin Stevens, Youth Ministries
Bree Hartley, Secretary

Jeff Doore, 319-524-2376
Ray Miller, 319-795-2500
Bill Schulte, 319-524-7238
John Wardwell, 217-847-3628
David Zanolla, 309-259-0284
(Elder Emeritus) Oscar Davids, 319-524-4958

Tim Crose, 309-224-9408
Harold Hough, 319-524-4365
Denny Moore, 217-242-9402
Nathan Schulte, 319-795-6346
David Snowden, 217-256-3248
Calvin Stevens, 319-670-1430


Copyright © 2018 New Testament Christian Church, All rights reserved.

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