John Hanson Weekly News 21st September 2018
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Welcome to the weekly Newsletter for parents and carers of students attending John Hanson Community School.

Inspire - Care - Succeed
‘HEAD’ Lines
Being Exceptional

Dear parents/carers

We often hear the phase ‘truly exceptional’ banded around in sporting circles when an athlete breaks a world record or scored an amazing goal. It is no different in education where I have heard the term used many times to praise a student or group of students when they have produced work of a very high standard.

However, when they were handing out exceptionality I was not at the front of the queue or possibly not even in the middle, and neither were most of us, for that matter – my staff included.

Now that does not mean we don’t think we know what we are doing. It does not mean we are unambitious and complacent. It does not mean that every one of the staff at John Hanson does not want our school to be outstanding and the students served well. It does not mean we will not give them all we have got and put ourselves out to make sure your child strives to be the best version of themselves they can be.

Yet, we are potentially exceptional - all of us.

We (the staff at John Hanson) are the encouragers, supporters, liberators, advisors and guides to your children. I hope that throughout their 5 years with us, and after they have moved on in their educational journeys, they look back and remember us for those things we did to help them be better and to maybe even inspire them to things they had one time felt incapable of – that’s ordinariness made powerful.

Enjoy the weekend with your children.

Russell Stevens
Jeans for Genes Day
For the first time ever, John Hanson staff and students took part in the National “Jeans for Genes Day” today.

This is an annual fundraising campaign for Genetic Disorders UK, the national charity that supports individuals and families affected by a genetic disorder. Monies raised on Jeans for Genes Day fund the work of the charity and provide grants to organisations for projects that aim to transform the lives of children with genetic disorders.

By paying £1 to wear their jeans to school, staff and students have raised over £400 for the charity

Cyber Safety -  Week 1- Mobile Phones
Advice for parents in relation to mobile phones
Mobile phones can offer an immediate link to family members and most secondary age children now have a mobile phone. They can also enable young people to develop contact with each other and arrange social activities. However, we are made aware on a daily basis of young people using phones and media in an unsafe way, as such, as adults we must ensure that we are familiar with what applications any young person has and what they do with their phone.
In an attempt to be as supportive as possible we will share information in relation to mobile phones and social media that we think may be of interest to parents.   Attached are two factsheets and there is a link below with further information.

Fortnite factsheet
YouTube factsheet
Advice for year 7 parents
Set clear ground rules around the use of mobile phones and social media. Parents should consider the following:
  • Looking at phone interactions regularly - text and social media
  • Setting times of the day and week when the phone can and cannot be used
  • Charging the phone in rooms other than the child's bedroom
  • Having clear rules about the use of phones in bedrooms
  • Be aware of the age suggestions for different social media apps and the different apps your child has on their phone, what they do and how your child uses them.
Be aware that when children have unsupervised use of phones and social media, they may find or engage with things that are dangerous, inappropriate or unpleasant.
Please also be aware that most phones and contracts are in the names of the parent. If a child does something irresponsible or illegal with the phone, the responsibility lies with the person who owns the phone contract.
We hope the above information is useful.
John Hanson Community School Computing Faculty


Year 10 Work Experience

We’re excited to announce that this year, all Year 10s will participate in a Work Experience placement from 1st – 5th July 2019.

If you work for a company that would happily host one of our keen students, then please do get in touch:

Many thanks for your support

Julia Pitt – Work Experience co-ordinator

Anna Hall – Assistant Headteacher

Last summer, the whole school got involved in The Big Write!

A writing competition based on the theme of ‘Community’; the winning entries can now be
read on the school website.



Mrs Jones would like to read ‘One of Us is Lying’……


I have heard wonderful reviews all summer about this book.  Young Adult Fiction always fascinates me.  This book has intrigue, murder and suspense.  WHO would like to read this novel with Mrs Jones this term?


If so, come and borrow it from the LRC and then find Mrs Jones in M14.  This will go towards your “Who wants to be a Millionaire” reading competition.”


Mrs Jones,

Head of Year 9

Music Tuition at John Hanson CommunitySchool

Calling all musicians who play an instrument
School band starts again on Monday 24th September 3-4pm in PA1 Bring your instrument and join in.

Students are requested to visit the music department at the start of the day to check their lesson times. Singing lessons - we are still waiting to hear from Hampshire Music Service when these will take place.

If your son/daughter would like to learn an instrument - please email for details.
School Production

Rehearsals have now started for our production of the musical 'Matilda' based on the story by Roald Dahl. Music and Lyrics by Tim Minchin.

Wednesdays - Choir for Matilda - soloists and chorus from 3 - 4 pm PA1

Thursdays - Drama reahearsals - cast from 3 to 4.30 pm

All students are invited to attend if they wish to sing in the show - we are especially keen to involve our new Year 7 students - so please encourage your son/daughter to come along.
No audition - just come along and join in!


The show will be on stage for two nights
May 15th and 16th 2019
   Look out for our new app . . . .

                       SPORTS RESULTS    and   FIXTURES                       

From September - you can also follow our activities via the Sports Twitter - visit sports on the website
Parents and Carers Events

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