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Hello, it's Rejuvé!
As the summer starts to wind down and Fall season comes into play, there’s still a lot we could be doing to stay ahead of the aging curve. 

It’s the little things that tend to add up, and when you make sure to build a daily skincare practice that incorporates some small (yet effective) skincare solutions, you’ll be surprised at the amazing results you’ll enjoy.

Rejuvé has been helping people look and feel amazing since 2005  -- we specialize in skincare treatments and non-surgical aesthetic enhancement services that boost overall wellness and heighten that all-elusive sex appeal. 

Not only that, we offer “whole” treatment to our patients, including healthy lifestyle practices, nutrition tips, vitamin/nutritional supplements, exercise routines, not to mention the fact that we incorporate state-of-the-art treatments (like hormone therapy, for example).
Stay Sculpted Out There
One treatment to look out for during the late Summer and early Fall months is SculpSure. For patients who have unwanted pockets of fat around the midsection that stay resistant to diet and exercise, SculpSure is an easy breezy solution for those who want to avoid going under the knife.

You don’t have to be resigned to carrying around unwanted fat, but you also don’t need to go through a liposuction procedure either. Rejuvé is one of the first clinics in the Bay Area to offer SculpSure, a groundbreaking new solution for the treatment of unwanted fat.

So what does SculpSure do? Well, it contours the body, diminishing stubborn fat in problem areas like the abdomen and even the love handles. As a matter of fact, SculpSure happens to be the very first noninvasive laser apparatus that has been cleared by the FDA for use in permanent fat reduction. 

Yes, you heard that right. Permanent fat reduction.

SculpSure permanently destroys fat cells by using light energy. SculpSure works on any skin or body type. It’s also highly customizable, so each treatment is custom tailored to meet the unique aesthetic enhancement needs of each individual patient.

During treatment procedure, in order to increase comfort, we utilize cooling plates so that your skin remains at a comfortable temperature despite the fact that fat cells beneath the skin’s surface are being heated. There’s no suction with SculpSure and there is no downtime.

SculpSure is easily tolerated and completely non-invasive. There are no side effects to worry about -- zero have been reported as of yet. No bruises. No numbness. You can get your procedure done during a lunch hour and nobody has to know (that is, unless you choose to tell). For optimal results, a series of treatments is recommended for most indications. SculpSure is backed by an over 90% patient satisfaction rate. 

No surgery.  No recovery time. No off days. Just amazing results.
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Rejuvenate your Skin
You can return a youthful look and feel to your facial skin without resorting to invasive dermatological techniques. If you shy away from the thought of using Botox or other dermal injectables, you now have the option of using one of the skin industry's latest topical technological advancements to minimize your deep wrinkles and age-revealing expression lines.

One of the first signs of aging in the facial area appears around your eyes. The skin around your eyes is thinner and more delicate than the skin surrounding most of your other facial features. Years of smiling, squinting, and simply making every-day facial expressions paired with the natural loss of hydration that comes with age result in wrinkles and fine lines. You can help rebuild and beautify your eye area with  Rejuvenate Daily Treatment Cream EYE.
This powerful skin treatment utilizes an innovative, patented transport system called InterFuse™. This technology aides in quicker, more precise delivery of Rejuvenate's messenger peptides for deeper penetration into the dermal layer. The peptides used in Rejuvenate's Daily Treatment Cream EYE rapidly help relax the look of crow's feet around the eyes. A powerful form of Vitamin C, derived from a super fruit, the Australian kakadu plum, offers antioxidant protection to skin in addition to brightening your complexion. 

If under-eye puffiness is a concern for you, this eye cream contains a decongesting mix of caffeine with a specially selected yeast source to reduce swelling and bags beneath the eyes. Finally, a rich combination of humectants in this product secures regained moisture within your skin. Firmer, smoother skin with a reduction in under-eye puffiness and dark circles are the rewards of regular use of Rejuvenate Daily Treatment Cream EYE.
You can also treat lines and wrinkles in other facial areas, using another no-needle solution: Rejuvenate Smoothing Intensive Treatment LINES. Thanks to modern scientific advances such as the patented InterFuse™ technology and the wonders of nature, this topical cream can aide in smoothing and redefining your facial wrinkles. Age-revealing nasolabial lines that run from your nose area to the edges of your mouth, wrinkles on your forehead and between your eyebrows, known as expression lines, can be targeted using this age-defying cream.

The hyaluronic acid in this treatment is delivered efficiently and deeply into the affected dermal areas to add volume and reduce inflammation, smoothing the appearance of lines and wrinkles. The hyaluronic acids used in this formula add much-needed moisture to skin, aiding in the plumping of skin for a more youthful look. Firmer skin is accomplished with the addition of amino acids, messenger peptides, and Vitamin C. 
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Continue Reading to Cut Out Candida Overgrowth
No, we’re not talking Voltaire here. 

Chances are you’ve heard the term Yeast Infection, but you’ve likely never heard of the term Candidiasis, which has to do with the overgrowth of a certain yeast (called Candida Albicans).

While 75% of American women contract vaginal yeast infection at some point in their lives, women are far from the only ones susceptible to this unwanted condition.

Candida that occurs at normal levels is harmless, existing side by side with trillions of other kinds of bacteria located in the oral cavity, the vaginal cavity, the rectum, as well as the digestive tracts. 

When a Candida overgrowth occurs, significant health problems can come as a result, and not jut in women. Men, women, and children can all be affected by Candida overgrowth. Sore throats can come as a result. Babies can even develop oral thrush. 

A more serious health condition called Leaky Gut can come as a consequence of candidiasis.  Candida overgrowth causes intestinal walls to become considerably more permeable, allowing the release of partially-digested proteins (not to mention other toxins) into the body.

Invasive candidiasis, one of the more severe versions of Candida overgrowth, can start to impact vital parts of the body -- the brain, the heart, and the blood. This can lead to hospitalization and, in rare cases, even death.

Don’t fret, though, because, once you become aware of Candida overgrowth symptoms, you can schedule an appointment with Rejuve to take the necessary steps for effective treatment.

Candida Overgrowth Symptoms Include:

Joint Pain
Bloating, constipation, and diarrhea
Poor concentration, poor memory and recollection, (also called dim bulb or brain fog)
Severe lack of focus
Mood swings, increased irritability, anxiety, even depression
Vaginal infection
Urinary tract infection
Seasonal allergies in severe forms
Excessive cravings for sugar / refined carbohydrates
Eczema, psoriasis, rashes, skin hives, fungal infections (athlete’s foot)

If you feel like you have concerns about Candida overgrowth, please do not hesitate to contact us today. We’ll schedule a consultation and determine a protocol that works for you to address all of your symptoms.

As Summer winds down and Fall comes into play, make sure you’re looking good and feeling good. Contact Rejuve today and let’s get started on that new you you’ve been meaning to get to. 
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Schedule an appointment today (408) 740-5320
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