Dear Firefly Community Member,

Today we present two great new features:

1.Entity OnSavingRow

In many cases in an application you have business logic that has to do with a specific entity, for example, you may have a column in the Entity called LastChangeDate and LastChangeTime.
These are the exact problems that OnSavingRow in the Entity class can solve.

Read the full article:

2. Debugging Event Hooks and BreakPoints

Breakpoints are great, and you can use them in specific controllers when you know exactly what you're looking for, but sometimes you're not sure in which controller the code executes and you would like to put a breakpoint to cast a wider net. For that case we've created a set of static events that you can register and add breakpoints in, to monitor general purpose stuff.

Read the full article:
Best Regards,
The Firefly Team


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