FHPPS Newsletter Week 32,  17th September 2018
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Hi Moms and Dads

Hope you all had a good weekend. This is the last newsletter for the 3rd term. We break up this Friday which is also Grandparent’s Day. Holiday care will run from 25th September until 8th October and we return to school for the 4th Term on Tuesday 9th October 2018.
Please note that Monday 24th September is a Public Holiday!
We invite all our Grandparents to join us at school this Friday 9.30 for 10am.
The children will do a sing song for the Grandparents at 10am and this will be followed by tea and cake.
Our children are excited to have their Grandparents at school and have made a special something for them when they finish their singing. (Please let your child’s teacher know how many grandparents will be at school so that they can make sure the children have a gift for them)
Please note that if Grandparents are not available to come, please send someone else who is special to your child so that they will have someone at school for them.
The raffle will be drawn on Friday. See details of the raffle below.
Please support our raffle and buy your R20 ticket. There really are some super prizes to be won:
Mica Hardware Valyland- Power Bank
AP Jones: 5 pairs of assorted socks
Hortons Bakery: Fabulous Hamper
Heidi: Set of frames
Seal island cruises: 2x4 tickets for a trip to Seal Island Hot Bay (thanks to Heidi for organising it)
Jakes restaurant; 2x R250 vouchers. (Thanks to Heidi for organising it)
Pick n Pay voucher.
These donations in our current economic climate are very much appreciated. Thank you so much for your support!
A good read!!
Over the past few weeks I’ve found myself in different contexts listening to people discussing some of the joys and tribulations of WhatsApp groups in schools. It would appear that different schools and communities have different approaches and solutions to the situation and also that many people put themselves at significant risk without realising it. Some school-based WhatsApp groups involve pupils only, others involve parents only, some include parents and teachers and others contain pupils and teachers. Some groups cater for a particular sports team or activity, while others have a homework or subject specific focus. While I don’t profess to be an expert on these matters, I invite you to pause for a few minutes and consider some of the benefits and risks of the various types of groups.
Pupil only groups: have the advantage of facilitating easy and convenient exchanges of information and entertainment. Some of the risks include children being exposed to inappropriate content or comments from peers, hurtful exchanges, bullying or other situations which may leave them uncomfortable. Parents do, I believe, have a responsibility to oversee such groups and social media activity and ensure that their child is well-informed of the risks and that their child’s online behaviour is appropriate at all times.
Parent only groups: such as “ABC School’s Grade 4B Parents” may seem innocuous at first glance, and may facilitate quick and easy communication between parents. They may provide a forum for parents to air concerns and frustrations, gather information from each other, inform each other of lost property and so on.
Such Groups become risky when any one parent posts information that may be untrue or provides content or opinions that may be unacceptable. When parent X posts something that is politically controversial, crude, offensive, sexist, racist, anti-Semitic or similarly offensive and unacceptable, it is important to realise that (a) the school community is negatively impacted (reputation, damage to relationships within the community, etc) and (b) any member of the group who does not actively distance themselves from the inappropriate comment or content is implicated in the unacceptable behaviour. Parents in such groups who post comments about the perceived incompetence or ineffectiveness of a teacher or dismay at the way a situation was handled at the school run the risk of being accused of defamation or reputational damage by the teacher or staff member concerned. Such groups are, after all public spaces.
Parents also often forget that their children are inquisitive and may, from time to time pick up the parent’s phone and scroll through messages. Any message posted on such groups (or any other social media channel) is thus vulnerable to being seen by a child, or screenshot and forwarded to many other people.
Homework groups/subject groups/class groups: There’s no denying that it is convenient for parents and pupils to be able to enquire in a group about the homework set, cost of next week’s outing to the museum, deadline for the geography project and so on. Many an early morning crisis has probably been prevented by these channels. An important question to ask, however, is whether such groups are really in the best long term interests of the pupils.
Children may formulate thoughts such as “if dad will post a question on the group for me to find out the homework, or to get a photo of the task instructions which I left at school, is there really a need for me to improve my diary keeping skills or organisational skills and take full responsibility for my learning? By not facing the consequences of my poor organizational skills or lack of attention to my diary, am I learning from the experiences and growing? Sure, I’ll meet the deadline, stay out of trouble and possibly do well, but are my chances of getting things right organisationally in the future enhanced at all?”
Groups which involve teachers: once a teacher or member of staff becomes part of a group, the nature of the group changes and the stakes rise. Now the professional and the school run the risk of being implicated in any inappropriate postings. Professionals have an ethical responsibility to act on any concerning or unacceptable comments, information or content. Parents (and pupils) sometimes transfer teacher mobile phone numbers to their contacts any may then contact the teacher outside of professionally acceptable hours, intruding on private time (or sleep on occasion). The boundaries between parent and teacher or teacher and pupil can become blurred and this can have far reaching consequences.
Managing such groups: It’s clear from the reflections above that the benefits and value of the WhatsApp groups come with real risks and that caution needs to be exercised when forming, joining or engaging in any of these groups. Some helpful strategies that I’ve heard of include :
1. Creating broadcast only groups (one individual makes all postings and there is no room for comment or two way communication);
2. Putting very clear guidelines in place when establishing a group and inviting people to join the group;
3. Drafting and implementing a school-wide social media policy which spells out the school community’s position and requires compliance with such principles and behaviour.
Social media channels are clearly here to stay and can add great value. Let us as parents and school communities reflect on how best we embrace them safely and proactively minimise the risks which appear inherent to them.
This Saturday 22nd September,  we will have our workshop from 2pm-4pm. Babysitting will be provided if you need to bring your children along and we will have a chance to chat over some tea/coffee and a treat after the workshop.
We are happy to have Helen Imrie, a Speech and Language Therapist, who works with some of our children at our school on a Thursday morning.
Helen will be chatting about ‘Reading Stories to your child’
-Fun ideas on reading stories, how to extend your child through story time and the importance of language development in the early years.
Please put your name on the list outside your child’s classroom if you will be able to attend so that we can have an idea of numbers. You are most welcome to invite a friend.
Let’s share our ideas and challenges and find some solutions and be the best we can be as parents for our children.
****We need scrap paper for the children to draw on, please if you have any at home or at your office, please bring it in to school.
Please check lost property every day. The box is outside the Angelfish Classroom.


For your child’s safety, please note that we have a gate security system that involves a fingerprint entrance device. Please use the bell, a button on the left hand side, in the little box at the gate if you have not registered your fingerprint yet. Cards will be issued to those whose fingerprints do not register properly. 


Please note that September School Fees are now overdue. Please pay timeously!!! 
Please be sure that you have returned your signed fees commitment form to Jane in the office. We keep this on file and it is a commitment to pay your school fees.

Please note we are an Independent school and rely heavily on School Fees to pay teacher's salaries and the upkeep of the school. We only receive a small subsidy from the WCED for our Grade R children. 


Monday – Dynamic Kidz 2pm (Development through Sport, Kinetics & Occupational Therapy
Type: Cricket, Soccer, Rugby, Hockey, Basketball, Netball, Kinetics & Occupational Therapy
Coach: Grant Rosenkowitz
Cell: 084 777 1212
Tuesday       – Ballet(1.45pm-2.45pm)
                            -Possible Fitkids
Wednesday  – Playball (12.30pm-1.30pm) - 
                            - Rugby-12.35pm - 1.05pm
Thursday      – Soccerstars 12.30pm-1.30pm
                            -Tumbling Stars (12.30pm-4pm) -
                           - Steps Ahead (2pm-3.30pm in Shark Classroom)
Friday             – Tumbling Stars (12.30pm-4pm)
Extra mural:                
Please note that all extra murals are for your account and you need to liaise directly with the coaches. There are wooden boxes in the passage just as you go into the morning care room. You are most welcome to place any correspondence into the relevant boxes.


Please remember to pack in spare clothes as the days are still cold and wet. Please pack in extra socks and shoes too in case they get wet in the puddles!!!!

Don't Forget!

Thank you to those who provided vegetables and soup ingredients, and particularly, to Alison for your box of vegetables and fruit each week. It really is most appreciated and needed. Thanks Melodie for your delicious soup you prepare every 2nd week!!
Next term we will be doing sandwiches and fruit juice and fruit. More info will be put in the first newsletter of next term.

book the date

We invite all our wonderful Grandparents to come and visit us at school!!!
If Grandparents are not avaliable, please send a special adult friend for your child.

Friday 21st September
Fish Hoek Pre-Primary
9.30 for 10am
Singsong with the children followed by tea and cake
Please could the moms provide a plate of eats for us to share out at tea time.


My cell no is 0835053451 if needed. (Ingrid)
(Jo) 0764128157
(Merle) 0847652020
If you are running late in the afternoons and it's getting close to 6pm, please phone me to let me know.
We are looking forward to looking after your precious children.
Ingrid and her team.
As the days and evening get a little chillier!!!! Please remember…..

Wood for sale! 
Supplier of Namibian Kameldoring. Taste the difference!!!!!
R60 (18 kg bag)
Delivery can be arranged
Call Steve: 0833166594


Our Overarching Concept this term is RESPONSIBILITY!
This term we would like us all to be aware of and acknowledge our responsibility as parents, teachers, colleagues, friends and family etc. Our children too have responsibilities!!
Going for goals!
I may not be able to give my kids everything they want but I give them what they need:
Love, time, and attention.
You can't buy those things!

Class News



EQ Setting and achieving goals
GENERAL Fire and related experiments
LANGUAGE Phonics games
MATHS Adding on more/less/equal.
Third term reports will be handed out on Thursday 20 September 2018. If you have any queries please organise a time to meet with me.
The children are looking forward to the outings this week and to Grandparents Day. Can you please fill in the form in the class or what's app me to let know who will be attending. We do not want anyone to go home empty handed. A lot of children do not have grandparents in the area so please try and organise someone - an aunt, uncle, friend or you to attend for about 2 hours on the day. We are having a raffle with wonderful prizes that will be drawn at Grandparents day. Tickets are R20. I have a list in my class for you to take a ticket. I have pasted pics of the prizes on our class what's app.
Thank you to the parents who have offered to take children to the Primary School on Tuesday 18 September. We need to leave school by 8-30 am.
 This week we will continue to revise and recap all the maths concepts we have learned. It is so pleasing to see the children trying to make up sums and starting to challenge one another to solve their sums. An understanding of mathematics vocabulary is important and I use the words add, plus, subtract, take away or equal on a daily basis. The children are also starting to use the correct vocabulary. This will help them when they get to Grade 1 because it will not be new to them.
In quiet time we will play phonics games to improve their recognition of the letters of the alphabet and to revise rhyming words. The children love looking at books and enjoy trying to find letters in words. A few children are able to blend letters and read 3 letter words. On rainy days and when they are bored let your children finds letters and words in books and write them and draw pictures about them.
We wish you all a wonderful holiday and encourage you to continue to help them achieve or practise and extend their skills they have learned this term eg tying a shoe lace or skipping with a rope. Please also make your children aware of numbers and letters in the environment. When shopping let them work out the price of items and also let them read the labels on products.
Skipping with a rope
Days of the week. Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Months of the year
Dates to Diarise 
Mon 17 Sept Outing to Fire Station.  Closed shoes and class T shirts.
Tues 18 Outing to Fish Hoek Primary to watch a play. We need to be there by 9 am so I may need help with lifts to the school. We can walk home as it is not far and I have done it before. Closed shoes and class T shirts.
Fri 21 September Grandparents Day and School closes until Tues 9 October. If your child doesn't have a grandparent living in the area please try and organise and aunt or uncle or friend to attend for at least an hour on the day.
Have a great week and a relaxing holiday.
Dee and Rudo


EQ:  Setting and achieving goals
IQ:  Insects and Gardens
Focus:  Language development
Number Concepts:  Consolidate this terms work
Thank you to all my Starfish families for your continuous support throughout the term, especially on outings and collections for different school functions and fundraisers.  Thank you too for all your encouragement and support towards your children who have been working so hard on achieving their goals.  If they have not yet achieved their individual goal, continue to encourage them to persist and to be resilient when they are having difficulty. 
Please remember to let me know how many grannies/grandpa's/special people are coming next Friday 21 September for "Grandparents Day", and if they may go home with them.  Please also let me know if your child is not coming to Grandparents Day, so I can send everything home before the holidays.  Thank you!
Please remember our Raffles on the notice board outside our classroom.  R20 a ticket.
On Tuesday 18 September we were going to walk to the Wetlands to look at the Spring flowers and to search for insects.  Unfortunately due to the spate of child abductions in the Western Cape we have decided for safety reasons to cancel our walk.  I would still like to give them the opportunity to look for insects so have decided to take them across the road to the field opposite our school parking.  Our school has cameras that face that way and Andre will escort us.
Please remember our Parent workshop on Saturday 22 September from 2 to 4pm.  Helen Imrie,  the Speech Therapist who works at our school on a Thursday morning is our guest speaker.  Please put your name on the list outside our classroom if you are able to attend.  Babysitting is available.  I would highly recommend my parents to attend.
Dates to Diarise:
18 September - Insect hunt on field opposite school parking
21 September - Grandparents Day/Last Day of Term
22 September - Parent Workshop - Speech Therapist Helen Imrie 2 to 4pm - Babysitting available
Wishing you a wonderful two week break filled with lots of family time before the busy and exciting 4th term. 
Colleen and Faith


EQ:  Setting and achieving goals
IQ:  Insects and Gardens
Focus:  Language development
Number Concepts:  Consolidate this terms work
I would like to thank both my class reps Heidi Schnugh and Heather Bernhardt  for helping with organising outings lifts, and bringing messages across to all the other parents in the classroom. Lastly thank you to ALL my Angelfish parents for your support, encouraging words and smiles every single morning.
So sad knowing that term 3 will be done in 1 weeks’ time, sooner than we know, the fourth term will be here and its Christmas plays and ending off our year, how quick have "our" kids grown this year. And soon they will be off to grade R.
Wow where has the time gone.... 
Please remember to let me know how many grannies/grandpa's/special people are coming on Friday 21 September for "Grandparents Day", and if they may go home with them.  Please also let me know if your child is not coming to Grandparents Day, so I can send everything home before the holidays.  Thank you!
Please remember our Raffles on the notice board outside our classroom.  R20 a ticket.
On Tuesday 19 September we were going to walk to the Wetlands to look at the Spring flowers and to search for insects.  Unfortunately due to the spate of child abductions in the Western Cape we have decided for safety reasons to cancel our walk.  I would still like to give them the opportunity to look for insects so have decided to take them across the road to the field opposite our school parking.  Our school has cameras that face that way and Andre will escort us.
Please remember our Parent workshop on Saturday 22 September from 2 to 4pm.  Helen Imrie, the Speech Therapist who works at our school on a Thursday morning is our guest speaker.  Please put your name on the list outside our classroom if you are able to attend.  Babysitting is available.  I would highly recommend my parents to attend.
#classroom duties for Parents:
Please send some water for our classroom and fill in your name for the laundry list.
Dates to Diarise:
19 September - Insect hunt on field opposite school parking
21 September - Grandparents Day/Last Day of Term
22 September - Parent Workshop - Speech Therapist Helen Imrie 2 to 4pm - Babysitting available
Sending you lots of hugs to keep you going to the end of the term.
Aneeka and Monica


IQ theme: Insects
EQ theme: Setting and achieving a goal
Hope you all had a lovely weekend.
We will continue to discuss the theme insects.
Children may bring items for the theme table pertaining to the theme but no toys please.
Please check your child's pockets daily.
Please check our notice board daily.
On Friday 21st we will be having Grandparent’s day. Please fill out on our notice board how many grandparents will be attending. It will also be the last day of term.
Please support our raffle. Lovely prizes to be won. Raffle sheets are on our notice board.
Thank you for a good term. Thank you for your love and support.
Be alert. Be safe.
"Throw kindness around like confetti"
Have a super week.
Elraine and Saadiqah


Theme : People and places we visit.
EQ : I can say what I am going to do next.
Skill : Intellectual skills - colours and shapes.
Hello parents,
Welcome to our last week of the 3rd term!
A special thanks to all parents for supporting us all the way this term. Just a reminder, aftercare will still be open during the holidays except on the public holiday (24th Sept). 
This week we will be learning about 'fire' and people who help us. We are visiting the Fish Hoek Fire station on Tuesday, please organise for your child's car seat. For the parents who are helping lifts, please be at school by 9.45am.
Please remember on Friday we are going to have our grandparents day at school and the raffle will be drawn on that day so please take a raffle ticket for R20, we still have a few more tickets available. Please remember to fill in the attendance roster so we know the number of grandparents coming. On Saturday the 22nd of September there will be a parents workshop at school and babysitting will be available.
Have a blessed week and holiday!
Stella and Lorraine.


Theme: Spring and birds
Looking forward to seeing all our grandparents on Friday.
Hope you all have a happy week.
Tania, Mastoera, Patience

Emotional Literacy

“We need to understand that greatness exists in all of us. We just need to learn how to apply it.” – Unknown

Important Dates

Friday 21 September – Grandparent’s Day.

For more details view the website events page

This Week's Menu

Mon: Macaroni and cheese
Tues: Fish, stir-fry , rice and veg
Wed:  Mince with potatoes, carrots and cauliflower
Thurs: Tomato, mince pasta
Fri: Cheese rolls and chips

The Usual Bits

Please remember to pack in some spare clothes for your child each day, particularly the younger ones. The children often need to change for various reasons and it becomes a little tricky when there is nothing for them to wear!!!
We love sharing pictures from the school day. Teachers only put photos up on our closed Facebook page once a week. Any parent who does not want their child’s photos to appear on Facebook should let their teacher know.

And on that note...

“My Father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.” – Jim Valvano       
Regards, Paula

Birthday parties

Our school offers a superb venue for children’s parties, and is available for hire!!! Please come and chat to us in the office if you are interested or email Jane
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