Women in HPC September 2018 Newsletter

Welcome to the WHPC September 2018 newsletter. We can’t quite believe that September is here already! As the year marches on, we are of course getting ready for our biggest events of the year at the annual SC conference, and we are providing you with a sneak preview below. Make sure you register for the conference soon to take full advantage of the Early Bird discount that is available until 14 October 2018.

Also this month, we bring you a couple of interesting diversity news articles. As always, we love to share these with you, but we also like sharing what our readers are doing. If you have something you would like to share with the WHPC audience about your work or diversity in the workplace, or something you are doing at SC18, please get in touch!
Contact Us

Join WHPC at SC18!

Women in HPC will be holding several events at SC18. We’ll kick off the week with our 9th International Women in HPC workshop on Sunday, 11 November. Please remember to register for workshops in order to participate.  

Later in the week, we’ll have a Birds of a Feather Session on the importance of male allies in women’s HPC careers (date/time TBD). And of course, be sure to join us at the Women in HPC networking event on Tuesday, 13 November (full details coming soon).
Learn More

Participate in the Diversio #HackInclusion Initiative

Diversio, a consulting company developing cutting-edge technology to help organizations eliminate barriers to diversity and inclusion, is seeking bold ideas to create more inclusive workplaces. Winners will receive up to $10,000 in prizes as well as feedback from Diversio’s expert panel. Hurry! Submissions close Sept. 24th.

Participate Now!

Six Women in Computing Share Their Perspectives on Why Women are Underrepresented in Computing

In response to an essay by a male computer science professor at the University of Washington (UW) that erroneously argued that women don’t study computing due to biological differences, six UW-affiliated women in computing shared their perspectives in a Seattle Times article.

In the short essays that comprise the article, the women describe their experiences and explain what they believe is keeping women out of the tech industry.
Read the Article

Opportunities in HPC

Make sure you stay in touch with what WHPC is doing each month between newsletters.


If you are looking for your next opportunity, be sure to keep an eye on the WHPC Resources page, where we list new job opportunities in the HPC sector from around the world.


Open Positions:


If you are keen to recruit a diverse set of individuals to your team, we are currently offering free advertising on the WHPC website and sending relevant job postings to our members.

WHPC does not directly endorse any of these advertisements, nor do we receive any funding for advertising. Our aim is simply to put prospective employers in contact with prospective employees .We take no responsibility for the contents of the adverts or any inaccuracies.

Just the Facts

This is the Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) members newsletter. If you would like to join WHPC and receive this newsletter in your inbox each month and get first access to our events you can join online for free.

If you have any suggestions, comments, or items you would like to include in future newsletters please contact us at We are particularly interested in hearing from event organisers or programmes that are looking to recruit women and would like to have their information shared in the Opportunities section of our newsletter.

Previous WHPC newsletters are available on our website.
Copyright © 2018 Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC), All rights reserved.