Third-party assignment contract of DMS 2021 registrants

By following this contract you release the organization from any responsibility for the use of the data of the participants of the Data Management Summit.
The following form, duly compiled, allows the reception of the participants to the event with all their data.

GDPR Principles

Attendees have implicitly declared the transfer of their professional data to access the event.
Attendees have implicitly accepted that data may be sent to event sponsors.

Purpose limitation:
The recipient of the data undertakes to define the use of such data in accordance with current legislation

Data minimization; 
Only the strictly necessary data will be included in such cession and these are Name, Surname, Role, Company, Email, Table of Interests in the Summit, Interests in DM. Any other data in possession of the organization will not be transferred (IP, Latitudes, Longitudes, etc.).

All data has been checked by the organization.

Storage limitation; 
The organization will delete all data within 190 days after the transfer of the data to the sponsors.

Integrity and confidentiality:
Any misuse of the data delivered cannot be attributed to the Data Management Summit organization once it has been transferred.

Each sponsor undertakes to follow the legislation in force in the treatment of such data.

You will receive the data of the subscribers within 48 hours from the signature of the following contract. The data will be delivered in EXCEL format.

* indicates required

The use of this data is limited to the scope of the delivery of the summit attendee data. The professional data will remain in Synergo! archives until the expiration of the sponsorship contract.

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