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Bishop Creek Hydroelectric Project Relicensing 

In October, Southern California Edison (SCE) and technical experts from federal and state resource agencies and the Bishop Paiute tribe will gather again to refine proposed study plans as part of the Bishop Creek Relicensing process.
Summer Recap. August 14 &15, Technical Working Group Meetings, Round 2.
Groups met to discuss Cultural & Historic, Aquatic, Terrestrial & Botanical, and Recreation & Land Management Resources. Based on Project-area resource interests raised at the June meetings, SCE provided an initial round of annotated study plans for discussion.  Agency staff described their management objectives in more detail, and attendees shared ideas about how to reorganize and adjust the proposed studies to more clearly link study outcomes to those objectives.
This Week. October 9 & 10, Technical Working Group Meetings, Round 3. This week Working Group members will meet again to discuss revised study plans, this time with the goal of refining the scope of the existing studies and resolving whether any additional studies are needed to answer key questions. 
What's next? Based on agency input at the October meetings, SCE's Relicensing Team will revise the existing draft study plans and prepare any additional plans the group agrees are necessary. These, along with the revised Pre-Application Document (PAD) sections currently underway, will be distributed in November. A round of meetings in December will provide agencies with the opportunity to offer final refinements to the proposals before SCE prepares to submit the documents to FERC in March 2019. All Project documents are provided and periodically updated on the project website
Relicensing is an open and collaborative process that provides agencies, Native American Tribes, non-governmental organizations, and members of the public an opportunity to participate in development of new license conditions focused on the protection/enhancement of environmental, cultural, and recreation resources potentially affected by the Project.   

For continued email updates, visit the Bishop Creek Relicensing website. For any questions or concerns about the relicensing process or the upcoming meetings, email or call 800-257-1048. 
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