9 Guys on a Boat in Amsterdam
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Who are LifeBridgers?

We want you to know the people we feels so blessed to serve alongside of. We think LifeBridgers are pretty awesome and the best part is how unique each person's story is. So, we want to spend a little time each month telling you about them. Although we are an English-speaking church, English is not the first language of many LifeBridgers.

Meet Josh and Joyce. Josh and Joyce are siblings who were born and raised in Panama. They are part of the large Chinese-Panamanian population in Panama City. We first met Josh when we arrived in Panama as he was one of the few who was helping lead worship. Since then, Josh has become at part of our Leadership team and his sister, Joyce began attending LifeBridge as well a few months later. Josh serves as our Worship Leader and Joyce is a part of our Media team. We are so glad the share their talents with the LifeBridge community. They are creative and dedicated people who help make LifeBridge awesome.

Like many who attend LifeBridge they have experienced many cultures and are also rooted in their Panamanian culture. Josh and Joyce enjoy the multicultural aspect of LifeBridge and are passionate about serving and making LifeBridge a place where people can hear the Gospel, be challenged by God's word and find community. 
Strategizing for Church Multiplication
Nate spent the first week of September in Amsterdam with a group of International Baptist Convention (IBC) pastors strategizing over church multiplication in the IBC. The group hailed from each region of the IBC and the focus of their time together was to think about the future of church planting in the IBC. As the world becomes more global, the need for international, english-speaking churches becomes even more vital. The time served to be encouraging and rejuvenating for Nate and we continue to be excited about the potential not only for LifeBridge, but the IBC as well.

Below: Nate and other IBC Pastors aboard the boat where the strategy meetings were held.

Building Relationships through LifeGroups

This month three new LifeGroups started! We are excited to see growth in this area as not only is the the most groups we have eve run at one time, but each group has seen a great turn out and a lot depth. LifeBridgers are finding these groups to be helpful in building relationships and growing. Between the three groups we are seeing over 40 people involved. We are excited to see this growth as we know this will be a catalyst for many people's faith. 

Below: Jendi and some of the LifeGroup ladies. 
In each newsletter we will share a tid-bit about Panamanian life. Something unique, interesting or fun.

The Market. One of our favorite parts of life in Panama is the food, especially the fresh fruit and vegetables we buy fresh from the market. Every Friday I (Jendi) go to the market with my friend Ruth where we stock up on produce at a great price. 

Curious about life in Panama? What questions of you have for us? Let us know, we would love to share about topics that interest you about our country.

Praise & Prayer

We deeply appreciate your prayers for us and LifeBridge.

  • Praise for productive meetings and encouraging time together. Both the IBC strategy meeting and our Ministry Leadership Team meeting this month were a blessing and a productive time with our teams.
  • Pray for three LifeGroups now meeting. Pray that all would feel welcomes to these groups and that spiritual growth and community connections would be made.  
  • Pray for our new Sermon series 'ALL In' which begins this Sunday. Pray it would penetrate the hearts of many and that as a result lives would be changed.
  • Pray that Nate and Jendi would wisdom, patience and seek the Lord as we plan for the future. 
Thank you for you prayers and support!

Past Newsletters

September- What's Your First Language?
August- Baptised Halfway Around the World
July- It's Not All About Sunday

Stay Connected

In addition this monthly newsletters be sure to follow our blog and social media to follow our adventures.

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