Lutz Preparatory Weekly NEWSFLASH
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 NEWSFLASH, V7 Issue 12, September 28, 2018

Bolts of Blue Campaign Update

The final countdown is here!  We are beyond excited at how close we are to our $125,000 goal.  We are sincerely thankful to our Lutz Preparatory community for your amazingly generous donations to our campaign so far.

We are thrilled to report that as of today we have raised $96,813.70!  None of this would be possible without your support.  THANK YOU!

Back by Popular Demand is our Human Administrative Car Wash!
For every cash dollar bill that your child donates they will receive a raffle ticket for the Human Administrative Car Wash.  The donation for this special raffle must be CASH ONLY.  Please send in the EXACT dollar amount needed for the number of tickets you wish to purchase in an envelope labeled with your child's name and notate for the Human Car Wash. Change will not be provided.  The maximum number of tickets a student can receive for this special raffle is 20 tickets per student.
Tickets will be on sale October 1st through October 5th.
If you have already submitted a “Sharpen the Saw” level donation your children will automatically have these 20 tickets entered into the raffle.  

Three lucky student from each grade level (EC3, VPK, and K-8) will be pulled to be the students to throw water filled sponges at Mrs. Guertin, Mrs. Smallwood, and Mr. Bethune during a special assembly on Friday, October 19th.

Student Lock-In (4th-8th) and Parents Night Out (Pre-Prep & K-3rd)
We have received many questions regarding the Student Lock-In and Parents Night Out.  Please see the following flyers and Q&A details for your specific grade level.  

Have additional questions?  Email

Friends and Family Sample Letter for Donations
We have had a few parents ask for a sample letter to help their child(ren) spread the word to friends and family regarding the campaign.  Click HERE for a sample letter.

Many of our parents' employers will match dollar-for-dollar donations to non-profit organizations like Lutz Prep.  Check with your HR department to see if they offer this benefit.  We also encourage our families to reach out to local businesses in your community for sponsorships in addition to potential employer matching benefits. 

Family or Business Sponsorship Options
Please click on the different options below to view/print the sponsorship forms.

Upcoming Week at a Glance
  • Sunday, September 30:
    • Deadline to Place October Lunch Orders at Midnight
  • Monday, October 1:
    • Deadline to Sign Up Your Car for Trick or Trunk
    • Leader In Me Parent Training Session #2 Evening (Full)
  • Wednesday, October 3:
    • Leader In Me Parent Training Session #2 Morning (Full)
  • Thursday, October 4:
    • 1st Grade Field Trip
    • Bolts of Blue Spirit Day (Super Hero)
  • Friday, October 5:
    • Bolts of Blue Campaign Ends
    • Grandparents Breakfast RSVP Deadline
    • Scholastic Book Fair Preview Day

Habit of the Month

Be Proactive

Begin With the End in Mind

October Lunch Menu Deadline
Deadline to place lunch orders for October 1-31 menu is Sunday, September 30th at midnight.

Lunches are ordered online each month using the Orgs Online Software Services order form located at  This is the service that is hosting the Taste of Tampa Bay’s lunch ordering system.  The school code for Lutz Preparatory is:  433LPAFL.
Parent Notification Letter for Out of Field Teachers
All educators in Florida are monitored to ensure they meet certification and training requirements as mandated by law.  Per Florida Statute 1012.42, when a teacher is assigned teaching duties out of the field in which the teacher is certified, the parents of all students in the class shall be notified in writing.  Please click HERE for a letter from Mrs. Guertin.
Important Dates

10/8-12:  Scholastic Book Fair

10/9:  Grandparents Breakfast (Last Name A-K)

10/10:  Grandparents Breakfast (Last Name L-Z)

10/11:  Fall Pictures (K-8 & Some Pre-Prep)

10/12:  Fall Pictures (Pre-Prep)

10/12:  End of 1st Quarter

10/12:  Middle School Fall Dance

10/15:  Boys' Basketball Tryouts 5th-8th Grades

10/17:  Early Release Day, Dismissal Begins at Noon

10/17:  BoB Sponsorship:  Synergize Level and Above Only Non-Uniform Day

10/18:  Kindergarten Field Trip

10/18:  Lightning Leader Ceremony

10/19:  3rd Grade Field Trip 

10/19:  Human Administration Car Wash

10/22:  PTA Reflections, Deadline for Student Submissions

10/22:  Box Top Campaign Ends

10/25:  Board of Director Meeting

10/26:  2nd Grade Field Trip

10/27:  LP Family Event:  Trunk or Treat

10/29:  Elementary Report Cards Sent Home in Backpacks

10/30:  5th Grade Field Trip

10/30:  High School Information Night

10/31:  Character Book Parade:  Pre-Prep -2nd Grade

11/2:  Bolts of Blue:  Parent Night Out & Lock-In
Academic Calendar
Report Absences to:

Edsby Questions?

Florida House of Representatives Member Visits Lutz Preparatory School
Representative Donalds took the time out of his busy schedule to visit our school on Wednesday, September 26.  Special thanks to our student leaders who assisted our faculty with the tour, 7th grader Tristan M., and 6th grader Melia C.  

Byron Donalds is from Naples, Florida.  He was first elected in 2016 to the Florida House.  He is the Vice-Chair of the PreK-12 Aprops. Subcommittee, member of the Education Committee, PreK-12 Quality Subcommittee, and Prek-12 Education Budget Conference Committee.  He and his wife own a charter school and his wife previously served on the Constitutional Revision Commission.  Before all this he was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY and attended FAMU and FSU.  When not in public office he is a financial advisor.  This year he was the sponsor of the Hope Scholarship.
Bolts of Blue Spirit Day - Thursday, October 4th 
All K-8 and Pre-Prep students are invited to show their LP School Spirit with a fun dress up day!  If a student chooses not to participate in this Bolts of Blue Spirit Day they must wear the standard uniform - no exceptions. This is the last of our Bolts of Blue Spirit Days as the campaign ends on Friday, October 5th.  We hope you have enjoyed these fun school spirit days.  

PTA Updates
Grandparent Breakfast
Click HERE to RSVP by Friday, October 5th, 2018.

Box Top Campaign
Our Annual Box Tops drive is underway!  Please start clipping and collecting Box Tops and stay tuned for exciting contest details in the coming weeks!

You can find Box Tops on thousands of your favorite products, visit for a complete list of products -- then just clip, count, and send them in!  Over the past few years these little cardboard pieces have earned over $11,000 for our school!

Please follow these simple steps to help make our collection drive run smoothly:   
  1. Neatly cut and sort your Box Tops and place into baggies or click HERE to print  a fun collection sheet and adhere the Box Tops.
  2. Place your child's name and homeroom teacher's name on the baggie or collection sheet so that he/she receives credit.
  3. Baggies can be dropped off in the collection mailbox in the front lobby or with your homeroom teacher.
Don’t forget to download the Box Tops app to earn even more Box Tops digitally!

If you have any questions, please contact Natacha Sanderson or Nicole Trailer at

PTA Reflections Program 2018-2019
The National PTA Reflections program encourages students of all grades and abilities to explore and be involved in the arts. Students reflect on a common theme and create original works of art in the categories of film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts.
Lutz Prep PTA is excited to announce our participation in the National PTA Reflections program again this year. The 2018-2019 theme is: Heroes Around Me. For more information watch this video.
Entries are due to the Lutz Preparatory front desk by Monday, October 22, 2018. For instructions and the required student entry form that must be submitted with your artwork, please click HERE Please note that 3D Art is NOT being accepted this year. If you have any questions, please contact our Reflections Chair, Melissa Messer.
Volunteer Corner
Lots of opportunities available, both during and after school hours.

Cross Country Meet Volunteers - October 3rd
We are looking for several volunteers to help make our cross country meets successful on 9/21 & 9/26!  You must be HCPS volunteer approved for 2018/2019 school year.  Click HERE to view the Sign Up Genius.  

Grandparents Breakfast Volunteers - Multiple Dates in October
We are looking for volunteers to help make Grandparents Breakfast a HUGE success.  We need help with set up, serving and clean up.  You must be HCPS volunteer approved for 2018/2019 school year.  Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius.

Scholastic Book Fair Volunteers - Multiple Dates in October
We are looking for Adult Volunteers to help with Set Up, Shopping days with Teachers & Classrooms, Cashier, Baggers, Hands-On Guidance with the Students, and Tear Down/Clean Up.  You must be HCPS volunteer approved for 2018/2019 school year.  Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius.

Trunk or Treat Volunteers Needed for Trunk Decorators - October 27th
Decorate your trunk at our family event.  You must be HCPS volunteer approved for 2018/2019 school year.  Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius for details, deadline to sign up is October 1.

Trunk or Treat Volunteers Needed Various Assignments- October 27th
Student Council is in need of some parent volunteers for different assignments to help during the event.  You must be HCPS volunteer approved for 2018/2019 school year.  Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius for details.

2018-19 School Year HCPS Required Volunteer Application
Field Trips Are Coming Soon!! - Have You Submitted Your Application Yet?
Please note: Per Florida State law, school volunteers must be background checked each year. Our year starts July 1 and runs through June 30. All volunteers and community partners must complete or reactivate the online HCPS Volunteer Application each school year.  Anyone who submits a volunteer application beginning July 1 will remain active in our system through June 30 or end of the fiscal year. A new application is available on July 1, the start of a new school year. 

Applicants can REACTIVE/UPDATE your prior volunteer application or apply for the first time.  All volunteers must be approved through this HCPS processes prior to volunteering on our campus or on field trips at Lutz Preparatory School.  Click HERE to apply or update your past application.  

Athletics Update

Cross Country Team Charter League Championship Meet
Our LP Girls Team won the charter league championship hosted at Lutz Prep on Wednesday, September 26.  This is the 2nd year in a row for our LP Girls Team, and they qualified for the state competition!  Our Boys Cross Country Team finished in 3rd place.  Some of our athletes also qualified for state as individuals:  Haley P., Lara F., Lily S., Brynn W., and Calvin W.  Congratulations to all of the TCAL athletes on a great season!  GO BOLTS!

Boys Basketball Tryouts (JV and Varsity) 5th -8th Grade Athletes

  • When: Monday, October 15th, after school until 5:30 PM
  • Where: LP Gym
  • Who:
    • Boys JV - 5-6th grade
    • Boys Varsity - 6-8th grade
  • Items Needed: Athletic clothing, shoes, and water
The following three (3) steps are required by Friday, October 12th in order to attend tryouts:
  1. Current Sports Physical on file at the school office 
  2. Sports Liability and Information online form (one submission per school year covers ALL sports)
  3. Boys Basketball Tryout online signup

Girls Basketball Tryouts (JV and Varsity) 5th -8th Grade Athletes
When: TBD
Items Required Asap: sports physical (hyperlink)
More details sent home when coaches are determined
Help Needed: Girls Varsity Basketball Coach
If interested contact for details.

Lutz Preparatory Trunk or Treat 
All Pre-Prep & Kindergarten- 8th Grade Families Are Invited

Trunk or Treat Volunteers Needed to Decorate Their Car Trunk
To make the event extra special for students of all ages we are asking for volunteers to decorate your trunk and pass out candy/prizes at the event.  You will get volunteer hours for your time decorating/setting up your car in addition to the time at the event.  Prizes awarded for most decorated trunk! - See Volunteer Corner for Sign Up Genius.

News from Middle School

Odyssey of the Mind - Middle School Club 
 The mission of Creative Competitions, Inc. is to provide creative problem-solving opportunities for everyone and to foster original and divergent thinking. Through the Odyssey of the Mind program, we promote creativity by challenging teams to solve divergent problems, that is, those with more than one solution. By working in teams, participants learn teamwork, the appreciation and understanding of others, and that a group is a more powerful thinking force than an individual. They develop a sense of self-respect and respect for others through preparatory activities such as brainstorming and role playing. 

  • Click HERE for more information and to sign up for the teams.
  • Once you have signed up, please visit the LP School Store to secure your spot on the team. 
Please see Mr. Bethune with any questions.

High School Information Night
8th grade just started...but high school is right around the corner.  

Safety Patrol - 5th Grade Volunteers
Coach Reyes is looking for a few additional Safety Patrol leaders for our morning arrival, students must be able to report to duty by 7:25 AM each morning.  If your 5th grader is interested in being a part of this dynamic team of students for the 18-19 school year please contact Coach Reyes.

Flash Sale LP Logo Items
We have opened up our online school store again for a flash sale of items currently in stock at the school of last year’s styles/products.  Order online and items will be delivered to your student's HR teacher (with the exception of the glass mason jars, those must be picked up in the main office).  Click HERE to visit the Spirit Wear section of our school store.

  • Discontinued middle & elementary school spirit shirts  $8  
  • Car magnets $5
  • Mason jars $8
  • Spangle bling shirts $20 child/$25 adult
Community Outreach Opportunity
From time to time there will be options for LP families to participate in voluntary community outreach opportunities.   Please visit our website under the Campus Life\Community Outreach Opportunities tab for details on a new opportunity scheduled in October.
School Picture Day - Standard LP Uniform Required
Individual Student Picture Day for Lutz Preparatory School K-8 students is Thursday, October 11, 2018.  Reminder these pictures are for our yearbook so students are required to wear the standard LP uniform. All students in attendance on picture day will have their picture taken. 
  • Photos may be paid by cash, check (payable to Interstate Studios) OR
  • Ordered online directly through Interstate, click HEREOrder Code 32828VF
2018-19 Transition Year for New Uniform Vendor

Question and Answers Regarding Uniforms
Click HERE to view the most common Questions and Answers we have received since we first communicated the new vendor to our families back in March of 2018

Lutz Preparatory School Store for Red's:
Red’s Team Sports:

  1. Parents can ship directly to their house for a shipping fee (5% website processing fee still applies)
  2. Parent can ship to the school for NO SHIPPING FEE (5% website processing fee still applies)
    1. Estimated arrival at school:
      1. Orders from Monday - Friday will be processed every Monday, it may take up to 7 days from the processing day to be delivered to school.  Order will be sealed in individual bag and placed in homeroom teacher's mailbox for delivery to student.
  • PE sets are available 
  • Some polos in stock
  • Feel free to call ahead to see if they have your size in stock.  
Information for Future:  During the summer before the 2019-20 school year (exact date to be announced) Red's will be fully stocked with all uniform options required by Lutz Preparatory School for parents to walk in, try on, and pick up items for immediate purchase.  With 2018-19 being a transition year they do not have the full range of Lutz Prep items available for walk in purchase at the store.
Color Wheelz New Session Starts Friday, October 5th
Click HERE to sign up for a spot.  
Copyright © 2018 Lutz Preparatory School K-8, All rights reserved.

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