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God's Timing is ALWAYS Perfect

This is just to update you, our prayer warriors, and let you know that (once again) our prayers have been answered. My honey has a date set for his surgery (heart ablation), and it is fitting in nicely with the timing that we needed. For you who are praying, here's the scenario:
November 1, we will drive to Colorado Springs for pre-op appointments (these will last all day). We'll be staying the night in a guest house reserved for patients, situated across the street from the hospital. However, it seems that we will merely be sleeping there, as the appointments with various departments last all day... Daughter, Stephanie is taking time off of her nursing job (the E.R. in Delta will no doubt do fine without her) to come and be with us. It will be lovely to have her, and she will be more than capable of asking questions I don't think of, and explaining medical terminology to us.

November 2 is surgery day. We don't know how long Bay will be in the hospital; there is a slight chance they will release him to the guest house to just sleep, and recover over night; or, they may keep him over night (depending on how it all goes).

November 3, doc will check Bay out, and release him to drive home to Pagosa.

November 4, I leave for the retreat in Cypress for missionary women, followed by a day-retreat for women at King of Kings Community Church in Jerusalem. I'll be away from home for two weeks. I'm already stocking up on freezer meals for the patient, and he is supposed to be quiet and recovering during that time anyway.

We do appreciate all your prayers. Continue to do so:
+ for all the appointments that need to happen on Nov 1 to not have any hiccups - these are all critical for surgery to happen

+ for the doctor to navigate the path for the ablation (he's never done this surgery on someone so tall, and needed to purchase extensions for his equipment - smile)

+ for Bay's recovery to be restful and rapid, and that he will be able to be quiet and follow whatever orders the doctor has for him

+ for all things travel for me, including the ability to stay focused during the long retreat days, while far away from Bay. 

We are resting in the truth of this verse from Psalms 55:22-

Cast your burden on the Lord, and He will sustain you. He will never permit His righteous to be shaken.

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