
Underwater Photo Gear

What's happening with the Endeavour?

In August 1778, the Endeavour, then known as Lord Sandwich II, was sunk with 12 other ships off Rhode Island, in the US. Untill recently no-one was sure exactly where.

Archaeologists and other experts are working to identify the wreck, though this may not happen definitively until 2020 - though you wouldn't know that from the clickbait headlines floating around the internet right now!

Dave Moran, managing director of Sea Tech, visited the site a few months ago while he was in the US and has had involvement for a couple of years now via the New Zealand Underwater Heritage Group, who have tried to spark New Zealand Government involvement. This has thus far been unsuccessful two governments in a row.

While next year marks the 250th anniversary of contact - i.e., when Captain Cook's Endeavour first reached our shores, the committee planning events around this seem disinterested in involving the wreck of the Endeavour in any way.

So, this is obviously a continuing story with a lot still developing, but since it seems to have hit the headlines the last couple of days, with Dave being interviewed for both Radio New Zealand National and 1 News, we thought we'd give you a wee update. You'll be able to read all of Dave's Opinions (with a capital O) in the upcoming Oct/Nov issue of Dive Pacific, but in the meantime, please enjoy this 1 News interview with Dave in all his glory.

Adjustable beam video lights!

We've just received new stock from our suppliers of two new lights - the Bigblue VTL3500P, and 3500 lumen light with an adjustable beam; and the VTL6300P with, yep, you guessed it, an adjustable beam of 6300 lumen.

Adjustable beams are super handy - enables you to two-n-one it! Both have a red light as well as an SOS, four levels of brightness for the wide beam and one for narrow beam. Narrow beam is 10 degrees while the wide beam is 120.

Oh, and if adjustable beams are your thing, check out the CF1100P, a wee 1100 lumen light, here.


Fantasea FML Dome Port A6

Last month we told you about the Fantasea housing for the Sony a6300 and a6500. Well we just got the dome port in for this too and it's a beautiful thing. Let us reiterate how much we love the bayonet fitting they're using for their ports. It's a nice easy way to add a port. Check it out if you're thinking about going mirrorless - the Sony a6500/a6300 are great cameras (especially recommended for UW photography) with a lot of buzz and the Fantasea housing is very nice indeed!

Shades of Colour Underwater Photo Comp.

Want to show off your snaps to a crowd of others who know exactly how tricky that shot was? Get into our underwater photography competition, Shades of Colour! We love seeing your images - keeps us inspired! You can win Sea Tech vouchers and get published in Dive Pacific magazine!

You can find info about entering here. Just make sure to send us large files - we need 300dpi for printing in the magazine! Old galleries of photos are here - check 'em out, there're some stunners.

Issue 165 Aug/Sept winners.

Clockwise from Top Left: Advanced Winner: Simone Matucci, ‘Tornado of Blue Maomao’; Advanced Runner Up: Dave Weeks, ‘Potato Cod’; Novice Winner: Danny Lee, ‘Awestruck’; Novice Runner Up: Dan Westerkamp, ‘Dancing with Light'.
Above images heavily cropped - see originals and other entries here.
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