NEW: Updated Agenda with Speakers for 40 under 40 Celebration and Native Edge Institute Oklahoma
Event kicks off on Monday, October 29 at the River Spirit Casino Resort in Tulsa
TULSA, OK – New details, including an updated agenda and keynote speakers, have been released for the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development's (National Center) upcoming Native American 40 under 40 10th Anniversary Celebration and Native Edge Institute (NEI) Oklahoma, which will kickoff on Monday, October 29th and conclude with the Awards Gala on the evening of Tuesday, October 30th. All events will take place at the River Spirit Casino Resort in Tulsa. The 10th Anniversary Celebration - Impacting Generations: Honoring a Decade of Exceptional Service and Leadership - will feature leadership, mentorship, advocacy, and business development programming designed by past 40 under 40 winners, but open to everyone. The Native Edge Institute is a one-day training session for those working in both federal and small business procurement, as well as technology, led by experts from GovContract Pros. This is the third Native Edge Institute and the first in Oklahoma. 

Those interested in attending can register for all or individual events, including the 40  under 40 Awards Gala on Tuesday night. Rooms are still available at the River Spirit Casino Resort, but discounted rates will expire on Friday, October 12. There is also still time to be a sponsor of the 40 under 40 event. Below are helpful links, including an updated agenda. 

General Registration Link
Registration Link for Discounted Hotel Rooms - Deadline for Discounts is Friday, October 12!
Sponsorship Form 
Press Release on 40 under 40 10th Anniversary Celebration
Press Release on Native Edge Institute (NEI) Oklahoma
Press Release Announcing 40 under 40 Winners
Link to Agenda


Monday, October 29th - Native Edge Institute Oklahoma

10:00 AM - Welcome and Opening Remarks 
Chris James, President and CEO of the National Center and Annetta Abbott, Executive Director of the American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Oklahoma 

10:15 - 11:00 AM Overview of Small Business Contracting and Set-aside Programs
The session will train nascent federal contractors regarding the benefits of participating in various small business contracting and set-aside programs. We will review eligibility criteria, affiliation concerns, program benefits, and discussions on how to maintain eligibility. Small Business Contracting Programs to be discussed include the 8(a) Business Development, HUBZone, Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business, Women Owned Small Business, and Economically Disadvantaged Women Owned Small Business Programs. 

11:15 AM - 12:30 PM Update on New Rules, Regulations and Programs
Do federal contracting rules and regulations seem overwhelming or confuse you? Well, let us tell you about the importance of rules and regulations, provide you with awareness of newly issued ones, and discuss how they can be leveraged to maximize your participation in small business contracting and set-aside programs. We will discuss the new All Small Mentor Protege Program, opportunities to Joint Venture under the mentor protege program, the new similarly situated rule and challenges to small business contracting like consolidation, bundling, and strategic sourcing.  

12:30 PM Luncheon

1:30 - 2:15 PM The Evolution of Technology
The evolution of technology is an incredible journey. Form the first launch in space, to block chain, we'll cover where we've been and where we are going. 

2:30 - 3:15 PM Digital Evil 
The world has changed, and evil has a new face. We'll cover the latest on the dark web, and exactly what you can do to protect your tribe's assets. 

3:30 - 5:00 PM Roundtable Discussion
Join us for small group discussions with our expert speakers from the above agenda for follow-up questions and in-depth discussions on the following topics: 
1.) American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Oklahoma
2.) The Basics of Federal Small Business Programs and Certifications
3.) Advanced Mentor-Protege, Joint Ventures, and All Small Protege Program
4.) Cyber Security

Tuesday, October 30 - 40 under 40 Anniversary Celebration
9:00 - 11:15 AM General Session
Speakers: Lillian Sparks Robinson, Chris James, James Anderson
Keynote: Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs at the U.S. Department of Interior Tara Sweeney (Invited)  

Pathways to Leadership
Making the decision to serve your community and step into the political arena is different for everyone and doesn't always happen on a straight line. Learn how this panel of leaders' paths led them to their current positions and hear about the strategies these experts used and the lessons they've learned. 
Panelists: Sarah Eagle Heart, Matt Silverstein, and Ponka-We Victors

11:15 AM - 12:15 PM Leading People, Leading Change
People are one of every organization's largest assets, hear from Tribal leaders and CEOs as they discuss how they managed their teams and develop a strong leadership presence. Learn how to lead in the moment, demonstrate awareness, and understand the strengths of your team. 
Moderator: Burton Warrington
Panelists: Cara Cowan Watts, Justin Bennett, Kristina Woolston, Derek Valdo, Sarah Eagle Heart

12:30 - 1:15 PM Networking Lunch

1:30 - 2:45 PM Advocacy Session
Outdated rules that no longer apply, laws that restrict development, and political hurdles are challenges every Tribal community faces. This panel of experts is comprised of former White House and Congressional staff who will speak on how to best advocate for American Indian and Alaska Native Communities, businesses, and tribes. This session will provide real life examples of how advocacy can lead to change.
Moderator: Chad Marchand
Panelists: Charlie Galbraith, Raina Thiele, Clara Pratte, Chris Deschene, Stacey Ecoffey

1:30 - 2:45 PM Develop a Mentorship Network Session 
Hear from tribal leadership executives from across Indian Country. How do you create a mentorship model which best meets your career plan or career plan of a staff member? What is the importance of mentorship? How does supporting your team help the tribe or business get to its next level?
Moderator: Jon Panamarioff
Panelists: April Tinhorn, Alyssa London, Prairie Bighorn, Rebecca Niagon  

3:00 - 4:15 PM Tribal Economic Development Session
Economic development professionals are always looking for ways to innovate and attract new businesses. Hear from experts on how to take a holistic approach to economic development. Learn how investment in economic development programs and strategies today leads to more benefits and more jobs for tribal citizens tomorrow.
Moderator: Alia Hauter
Panelists: Sean McCabe, Jason Lambert, John Lewis, Joe Nayguonabe

5:00 - 6:00 PM Reception

6:00 PM 40 under 40 Awards Gala - Impacting Generations: Honoring a Decade of Exceptional Service and Leadership

About the National Center: The National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development (NCAIED) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. With over 40 years of assisting American Indian Tribes and their enterprises with business and economic development – we have evolved into the largest national Indian specific business organization in the nation. Our motto is: “We Mean Business For Indian Country” as we are actively engaged in helping Tribal Nations and Native business people realize their business goals and are dedicated to putting the whole of Indian Country to work to better the lives of American Indian people- both now… and for generations to come.
Copyright © 2018 NCAIED, All rights reserved.

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