October 12th, 2018
China, Cyber, Defense, Digital, Eastern Europe, EU, Europe, Finance, France, Germany, Global, Macedonia, Russia, Scotland, UK, US

Global/FinanceWe need a new, more co-operative international order, G20 Eminent Persons Group in Global Financial Governance, Financial Times
France/USBalancing Act: The Limits of Pragmatism in the Franco-American Relationship and the Way Forward, Célia Belin, Brookings Institution
Germany/Eastern Europe - Toward a “New Ostpolitik“? Ulrich Speck, Berlin Policy Journal
USHidden Tribes: A Study of America’s Polarized Landscape, Stephen Hawkins, Daniel Yudkin, Míriam Juan-Torres and Tim Dixon, More in Common
Europe/Digital - Cooperation in Europe’s Digital Economy: How do Countries Position Themselves? Fredrik Erixon and Philipp Lamprecht, European Centre for International Political Economy
Russia/Cyber - Key Takeaways from The Kremlin’s Recent Interference Offensive, David Salvo and Bradley Hanlon, The German Marshall Fund of the United States
UK/EU/DefenseThe perils of inflexibility: European security after Brexit, Paola Sartori, European Council on Foreign Relations
Russia/US/Europe Hybrid Analytica: Pro-Kremlin Expert Propaganda in Moscow, Europe and the U.S.: A Case Study on Think Tanks and Universities, Kateryna Smagliy, Institute of Modern Russia
Scotland - Why it’s game on for a second independence referendum, Kenny MacAskill, The Scotsman
Global/China - Five Eyes intelligence alliance builds coalition to counter China, Noah Barkin, Reuters
Macedonia - The Problem With “North Macedonia”, Ioannis Kotoulas, Foreign Affairs
Germany - Angela Merkel Could Save Europe. Why Won’t She? Julianne Smith, The New York Times

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Dr. Daniel S. Hamilton, Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Professor, at Johns Hopkins University SAIS

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