Lutz Preparatory Weekly Reminders
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Lutz Preparatory School K-8 Weekly Reminders:  October 8, 2018
  • Monday, October 8:
    • Scholastic Book Fair All Week
  • Tuesday, October 9:
    • Scholastic Book Fair All Week
    • Grandparents Breakfast (Last Name A-K)
  • Wednesday, October 10:
    • Scholastic Book Fair All Week
    • Grandparents Breakfast (Last Name L-Z)
  • Thursday, October 11:
    • Scholastic Book Fair All Week
    • Fall Pictures (K-8 & Some Pre-Prep) Uniform Required
  • Friday, October 12:
    • Scholastic Book Fair All Week
    • Fall Pictures (Pre-Prep) Uniform Required
    • 8th Grade Field Trip
    • Middle School Fall Dance
    • End of 1st Quarter Grading Period

Future Items!
  • Monday, October 15th: 
    • Boys Basketball Tryouts - Sign Up Required by Sunday, October 14th at Midnight!
  • Keep Clipping Box Tops!
  • Keep working on your PTA Reflections submissions!
  • Sign Up for Blazing Bolts Run Club 2nd Quarter!

Hurricane Michael Information
The Hillsborough County School District Security and Emergency Management Department are monitoring the track of Hurricane Michael very closely.  At this time no shelters are being opened in Hillsborough County and the school district is not anticipating closures at this time.  As Floridians, we know that weather can be unpredictable so please continue to monitor local news media. 

Information from Lutz Preparatory Administration will come via Parent Link emails, automated calls, and texts.  In addition you may also monitor the pop up box on our website,, for up to date information on closures related specifically to Lutz Preparatory K-8 and Lutz Pre-Prep.

The Hillsborough County School District will also be keeping all families up to date on district wide information.  Important:  If you receive news either directly from the school district or from the local news media that Hillsborough County Schools will close this closure would also include Lutz Preparatory School K-8 and Lutz Pre-Prep.  

PTA Updates
Grandparent Breakfast
Important Reminder:  Due to increase school safety procedures and the large number of attendees at our wonderful grandparents breakfast the event and the attendees will be restricted to the gymnasium.  Entry and exit to the breakfast will be entering the gate on the south side of main building and proceeding to the back gym door entrance only.  Attendees will not be able to access the main lobby, hallways, student classrooms, or any other area of the school.  Grandparents will bid farewell to their grandchildren in the gymnasium at the end of the event so the student may proceed to class by 8:00 AM for morning announcements and the start of the normal school day.

Unless you have notified us via your RSVP that your guest needs additional assistance or a handicap parking space reserved for them, all breakfast attendees must park in the FIELD ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE MAIN BUILDING and follow the sidewalks to the gate located on the south side of the main building (near the south car loop crosswalk) and proceed to the BACK ENTRANCE of the gymnasium.  There will be staff outside guiding our guests to the correct gym entrance.  Guests attending the event WILL NOT be using the front lobby entrance or exit, as it will be used solely for students entering our campus for the school day.

Students attending the event must also enter through this gate (please make all attempts to hand off students to their grandparents prior to entering the gate).  If a meet up has not occurred prior to this time then the small field inside the gate will be a meeting area for students and grandparents so that there is not a backlog near the gymnasium doors.  

Grandparents Breakfast Volunteers -  A Few Volunteers Still Needed
We are looking for volunteers to help make Grandparents Breakfast a HUGE success.  We need help with set up, serving and clean up.  You must be HCPS volunteer approved for 2018/2019 school year.  Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius.  We especially need help with parking!

Scholastic Book Fair
Our Scholastic Book Fair will be in the gymnasium Friday, October 5th through Friday, October 12th.  Each classroom has a set time they will walk through and purchase books (please contact your teacher for details if you would like to attend during your student's scheduled time).  In addition, students may walk through the book fair before school from 7:30-7:55 AM.

The book fair will be open for parent walk through Monday through Thursday 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM and Friday 8:30 AM until approximately 10:30 AM.  In addition, the book fair will be open during the Grandparents Breakfast so that attendees at the event may browse through and purchase books.

Visit the Book Fair Home Page for information and purchase books online.  

Digital payment option for students is eWallet.  Parents can create a eWallet for their children to purchase books thru your credit card (with a preauthorized limit).  Send your student to shop the fair without handling any cash.

School Picture Day - Standard LP Uniform Required
Individual Student Picture Day for K-8 students is Thursday, October 11, 2018 and for Pre-Prep students is Friday, October 12, 2018 .  Reminder these pictures are for our yearbook so students are required to wear the standard LP uniform. All students in attendance on picture day will have their picture taken. 
  • Photos may be paid by cash, check (payable to Interstate Studios) OR
  • Ordered online directly through Interstate, click HEREOrder Code 32828VF
    • Please note, this code will work for both Thursday pictures for K-8 and Friday pictures for Pre-Prep, even though the online order date for picture day will state Thursday.  
Dance Tickets on Sale Through Friday, October 12, 2018
Middle School Dance (6th-8th Grade Only), Friday, October 12th 6:00-8:30 PM
Students may purchase their tickets for $7 outside the gymnasium before school each day.  The night of the dance they will be $8 at the door.
Volunteer Corner
Lots of opportunities available, both during and after school hours.
Grandparents Breakfast Volunteers -  A Few Volunteers Still Needed
We are looking for volunteers to help make Grandparents Breakfast a HUGE success.  We need help with set up, serving and clean up.  You must be HCPS volunteer approved for 2018/2019 school year.  Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius.

Scholastic Book Fair Volunteers - A Few Volunteers Still Needed
We are looking for Adult Volunteers to help with Set Up, Shopping days with Teachers & Classrooms, Cashier, Baggers, Hands-On Guidance with the Students, and Tear Down/Clean Up.  You must be HCPS volunteer approved for 2018/2019 school year.  Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius.

Blazing Bolts Run Club Volunteers - New Sign Up
We are looking for 4 volunteers at each running club to help with set up, facilitating, and break down.  You must be HCPS volunteer approved for 2018/2019 school year.  Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius.
Trunk or Treat Volunteers Needed Various Assignments- October 27th - Lots of Help Still Needed!
Student Council is in need of some parent volunteers for different assignments to help during the event.  You must be HCPS volunteer approved for 2018/2019 school year.  Click HERE for the Sign Up Genius for details. 
2018-19 School Year HCPS Required Volunteer Application
Field Trips Are Coming Soon!! - Have You Submitted Your Application Yet?
Please note: Per Florida State law, school volunteers must be background checked each year. Our year starts July 1 and runs through June 30. All volunteers and community partners must complete or reactivate the online HCPS Volunteer Application each school year.  Anyone who submits a volunteer application beginning July 1 will remain active in our system through June 30 or end of the fiscal year. A new application is available on July 1, the start of a new school year. 

Applicants can REACTIVE/UPDATE your prior volunteer application or apply for the first time.  All volunteers must be approved through this HCPS processes prior to volunteering on our campus or on field trips at Lutz Preparatory School.  Click HERE to apply or update your past application.  

Coach's Corner
Boys Basketball Tryouts (JV and Varsity) 5th -8th Grade Athletes

  • When: Monday, October 15th, after school until 5:30 PM
  • Where: LP Gym
  • Who:
    • Boys JV - 5-6th grade
    • Boys Varsity - 6-8th grade
  • Items Needed: Athletic clothing, shoes, and water
The following three (3) steps are required by Friday, October 12th in order to attend tryouts:
  1. Current Sports Physical on file at the school office 
  2. Sports Liability and Information online form (one submission per school year covers ALL sports)
  3. Boys Basketball Tryout online signup

Girls Basketball Tryouts (JV and Varsity) 5th -8th Grade Athletes

  1. Current Sports Physical on file at the school office 
  2. Sports Liability and Information online form (one submission per school year covers ALL sports)
  3. More details and online tryout signup will be published when coaches are determined, tryout day to be determined soon.

 Help Needed: Girls Varsity Basketball Coach, if interested contact for details.

New Sessions for After School Vendors
  • Idea Lab
    • October 23rd - December 20th
    • Tuesdays Middle School Grades
    • Thursdays Elementary Grades
    • Click HERE for a flyer
    • click HERE to register online
  • Color Wheelz:
    • Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 PM.
    • Starting October 5, 2018.
    • Click HERE to sign up for a spot

Important Reminder Information From the Clinic
Our policy as published in the Student/Parent Handbook and previous reminder in the September 14, 2018 NEWSFLASH:

It’s that time of year again! We are asking you for your continued cooperation in assisting us to control the spread of illness and communicable diseases. Our goal is to make our school a healthy, safe place for both students and staff.

While our school’s cleaning company is diligent in providing cleaning services on campus daily, here are a few friendly reminders:


  1. If your child has a fever, he/she cannot return to school until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicine (ie:Tylenol/Advil)
  2. Vomiting or diarrhea within past 24 hours
  3. Sore/red throat
  4. Persistent coughing or sneezing
  5. Red watery eyes
  6. Rash
  7. Earache, drainage from ear
  8. Excessive mucus from nose (runny nose), particularly greenish-yellow mucus

Habit of the Month

Begin With the End in Mind

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