First Baptist Church of White Plains
Wednesday, October 10, 8:00pm
Pastor Tim will be hosting a weekly Bible study at the parsonage on Wednesday evenings at 8pm. Please join us for a study on what the Gospels say about discipleship and our journey with Jesus. We hope you can make it!
Sunday, October 14, 9:30am
Please join us in the Wilson House for our Sunday morning Bible study! Pastor Tim will be exploring the scriptures for that Sunday’s worship service in more depth for discussion and prayer.
Sunday, October 14, 10:30am
What We Need: Mercy and Grace​

For the months of October and November, we will be looking at the “Letter to the Hebrews”. In some ways, reading Hebrews is like reading a sermon, not a letter found elsewhere in the New Testament. It is a beautifully written text, but is often neglected by churchgoers and preachers alike, because it has a dense, intricate theology, and imagery of sacrificial ritual language that presents a world quite different from our own. More...
Saturday, October 27, 1:00-4:00pm
Join us at First Baptist Church at 1:00pm for our annual “Trunk or Treat!” Dress up your kids in their favorite Halloween costumes and enjoy the party. Cars will be decorated in the circular driveway, and our volunteers will be handing out candy treats as guests walk from car to car. Get ready for a “spooky” fun time!
Last chance to get produce from Margaret’s Garden! On Saturday afternoon October 20th we are planning to till our garden plots and put them to bed for the winter. Before doing that all the remaining produce will be picked and available for purchase this Sunday.
On Saturday I served as the event coordinator for a wedding. It was a beautiful day and all of the church Sanctuary windows were open. As I was cleaning up, I brought all of the candles and their candleholders over to the grand piano so I could put them away. All of a sudden I could hear honey bees buzzing above my head. I glanced up and there circling my head and moving into eye level were two honey bees, hovering as though they wanted me to see them.

I read that honey bees are quite smart and have acute senses. I could not help but wonder if they sensed my smell and came into the church on their way back to the hive to say hello or check out what I was doing. It was a wonderful sight to see them in the church as though they knew where they belonged. God bless our Blessed Bees! They make me smile.

The Blessed Bees Keeper, Lucia Gold
Be sure to check out what we've been cooking up on Facebook! We regularly post encouraging quotes, inspiring images, and video clips from Pastor Tim. For every video or post you share on your wall, we'll be giving an additional $0.25 to Center of Hope Haiti on top of our normal contributions!
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