

Two weeks hanging out with our friends was fantastic! So grateful they decided to spend their time off with us in Thailand. Our final few days in Pattaya were nuts and we had a blast watching the Muay Thai fights from ringside seats. Here is the FACEBOOK LIVE feed of our time if you want to check it.

Thankfully, my buddy didn’t need an emotional support squirrel to travel with him home and his 24-hour travel day was successful. Did you see this crazy lady in Orlando trying to take her squirrel on a plane? What? Get the hell outta here with that!

As we settle into Kuala Lumpur and battle all of the rain, I am focused on getting the word out on World Barber Shop Adventures. Consistency is critical. Kinda like this 107-year old barber out of New York that is still cutting hair. Now that is passion! Watch for a new WBSA episode to be released this weekend (Tokyo, Japan). If you have not subscribed to the channel yet, do so HERE.

In this week’s podcast episode, we discuss our Thailand Adult Trip (Bars, Night Markets, and an Island).

With our sixth trip back to Thailand, we had a chance to explore with our friends that were visiting from the US. It was a fun-filled ten days showing them all that we love about Bangkok, exploring the island of Koh Samet together, and taking in the craziness of Pattaya. 

In this episode, we discuss Muay Thai fighting, street food, the adult life options, and why Pattaya is built for the male western traveler. Beaches, beer, and scooters. Buckle up.

It’s actually a bit sunny now, so I am heading out to explore. 

Enjoy the weekend!


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